Related topics
- About DC1 Customer/Supplier Rebates
- About DC1 Supplier Marketing Support (SMS)
- About printing invoices
- About same item bonus handling
- About unit handling in DC1
- About working with pricing on a sales order
- About working with sales order fees
- Setting up order source handling in DC1
When this panel is first displayed, it is empty. By entering different search concepts, a selection of invoice lines will be displayed in the listing. Selections can be made according to invoice number, salesman, debtor number, customer name, order number, customer number, item code. These parameters can also be combined with a range of due dates.
When making selections by invoice number, the type code can also be entered as a selection criteria. The type code determines whether it is an invoice (type 1), a credit note (type 2), a cash receipt (type 3), a cash credit (type 4) and internal replenishment order (type 5).
A number of invoice lines could be displayed per order, if the search concept of item code was entered. This is because an item can exist several times on one order.
If any DC1 SMS rebate transactions exist for the invoice you can access the SMS rebate transaction enquiry from the Program function selection window to view the associating claim, sales order and SMS agreement information for the invoice/invoice line.
Lines | Select this option to view the invoice lines belonging to the selected invoice/order. |
Inv copy | Select this option to create and print, fax or e-mail a copy of the selected invoice. |
Addresses | Select this option to view invoice addresses. |
Text | Select this option to view invoice header text. |
Related transactions | Select this option to view invoice related transactions. |
Settlements | Select this option to view settlements information. |
SMS rebates | Select this option to view the SMS rebate transaction that originates from the selected invoice/order. Note: This option is only available if the SMS application is activated. |
Header discounts | Select this option to view the header discounts in the Work with discounts panel. |
Surcharges | Select this option to view the surcharges information for the selected invoice. |
Prompt payment discounts | Select this option to view the prompt payment discounts for the selected invoices. Note: This option is only available if the Prompt payment parameter in the DIS control file is set to YES. |
Instalments | Select this option to view the instalment lines for the selected invoice. |
Print copy | Select this option to print a copy of the selected invoice. |
Function keys
Selection fields
- Invoice
- This column lists the invoice number.
- Doc type
- This column lists the document type for the listed invoices.
- Inv type
- This column lists the type of the invoice.
Type Description 1 Invoice 2 Credit note 3 Cash receipt 4 Cash credit 5 Internal replenishment order 6 Internal service order 7 Internal credit order
- Mrg
- This column lists the merged code.
Code Description 1 No merge (i.e. normal invoice) 2 Merged invoice 3 Totals for merged invoices
- Order
- This columns lists the invoiced order number.
- Inv date
- This column lists the invoice dates.
- Debtor
- This column lists the debtors for the corresponding invoice.
- Internal name
- This column lists the internal names of the invoice customer or main customer.
- Salesman
- This column lists the salesmen on the invoice.
- Text
- This column indicates if header text exists for the invoice.
- Instalments
- This column indicates if instalment lines exist for the invoice.
- This column indicates if the order is flagged as an MDC order.
- Invoice status
- This column will display the invoice status if the PND-INVS (Pending invoice statistics) function is activated in the Function control file. Indicates if the invoice transaction is Final (FIN) or Pending (PND). Pending invoices are periodical invoices where the order is in status 50, thus have not been printed.
- Year
- This column lists the year of the corresponding invoice in the invoice header.
- Due date
- This column lists the date on which payment of the corresponding invoice is due.
- Customer
- This column lists the number of the main customer for the corresponding invoice.
- Customer name
- This column lists the customer name for the corresponding customer.
- Invoice customer
- This column lists the number of the invoice customer for the corresponding invoice.
- Invoice customer name
- This column lists the invoice customer name for the corresponding invoice customer.
- Order reference
- This column lists the reference order number.
- Order date
- This column lists the date of the corresponding order.
- This column lists the terms of payment code of the corresponding invoice.
- Terms of payment
- This column lists the description of the corresponding TOP code.
- This column lists the terms of delivery code of the goods for normal and merged invoices.
- Terms of delivery
- Displays the description of the corresponding TOD code.
- This column lists the manner of transport code of the goods for normal and merged invoices.
- Manner of transport
- This column lists the description of the corresponding MOT code.
- Cost centre
- This column lists the cost centres of the corresponding order.
- Division
- This column lists the divisions of the corresponding invoice.
- Currency
- This column lists the currency in which the corresponding invoice is to be paid.
- Inv amount excl VAT
- This column lists the invoice total, excluding VAT.
- VAT amount
- This column lists the total VAT amounts.
- Inv amount incl VAT
- This column lists the invoice total, including VAT.
- Inv remaining amount incl VAT
- This column is only available to display when Financials is installed and activated for the company. It is only applicable for non-merged invoices, and lists the remaining unpaid amount, including VAT from A/R transactions against the invoice.
- Coin adjustment
- This column lists the amount by which the invoice has been rounded.
- Cash discount 1
- This column lists the first option of cash discounts.
- Due date cash disc 1
- This column lists the dates payments are due to qualify for the first option of cash discounts.
- Cash discount 2
- This column lists the second option of cash discounts.
- Due date cash disc 2
- This column lists the dates payments are due to qualify for the second option of cash discounts.
- Cash discount base
- This column lists the base cash discounts.
- Goods marking
- This column lists the goods markings from the invoice header.
- Customer order number
- This column lists the customer-defined purchase order number if one was defined in the Your order field on the Order header, Main info panel for the sales order.
- Related inv no
- This column lists the invoice numbers related to the corresponding invoice.
Invoice enquiry, Header (DMR12104)
This panel displays detailed information from the Invoice file. This detailed information consists of the invoice header information, the total amounts on the invoice, Debtor, Fee’s and VAT information.
Function keys
Lines | View the list of invoice lines for the selected invoice. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available either for IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Addresses | View the addresses for the current invoice. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Internal credit order
- Invoice date/value date
- Displays the date of the invoice. If the VALUDATE (Value date) function is activated in the Function control file and a value date was entered on the sales order, the value date is displayed to the right of the invoice date. All terms of payment conditions/incentives that may be set up for the customer are still applied, but the value date is used as the basis when calculating the invoice due date for this sales order.
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor and the debtor name for selected invoice.
- Terms of payment
- Displays the terms of payment of the invoice.
- Order number
- This field is only displayed for Merge type 1 and 2 (i.e. normal and merged invoices). Displays the order number from which this invoice was generated.
- Order date
- This field is only displayed for Merge type 1 and 2 (i.e. normal and merged invoices). Displays the date the order was created.
- Number of copies
- Displays the number of copies to be printed for this invoice.
- Due date
- Displays the date the invoice is due for payment.
- Country
- This field is only displayed for Merge type 1 and 2 (i.e. normal and merged invoices). Displays the country of the delivery address.
- Invoice status
- Only displayed if the PND-INVS (Pending invoice statistics) function is activated in the Function control file. Indicates if the invoice transaction is Final (FIN) or Pending (PND). Pending invoices are periodical invoices where the order is in status 50, thus have not been printed.
- Currency
- Displays the currency in which the invoice is to be paid.
- VAT registration no
- Displays the VAT registration number of the debtor address country.
- Order line total
- Displays the total amount of all order lines on the invoice.
- Exchange rate
- Displays the exchange rate.
- Order summary disc
- Displays the order summary discount amount.
- Administration fee
- Displays the administration fee on the invoice.
- Freight
- Displays the freight fee on the invoice.
- Invoice fee
- Displays the invoice fee on the invoice.
- Postage
- Displays the postage fee on the invoice.
- Insurance
- Displays the insurance fee on the invoice. The insurance fee has either been entered manually in the Maintain sales order program or during Pick list confirmation or it has been calculated automatically. The system will calculate the insurance fee automatically if the Calc insur field is set to YES and a percentage is defined in the Insurance % field. Both those fields are displayed in the Sales order header.
The insurance value is automatically calculated by the system using the following formula:
Insurance % * totals of the order lines / 100
- Order total
- Displays the total order amount, excluding VAT or tax. This field is displayed only for the invoice/order information for merged invoices.
- Total before VAT/Total before tax
- If sales tax handling is not activated in the system, displays the invoice total, excluding VAT. If sales tax handling is activated in the system, displays the invoice total excluding sales tax.
This field is only displayed for Merge type 1 and 3 (i.e. normal invoices and totals for merged invoices). Displays the invoice total, excluding VAT.
- Total VAT/Total Tax
- If sales tax handling is not activated in the system, and the order has VAT included, displays the total VAT amount. If sales tax handling is activated in the system, and the order includes sales tax, displays the total sales tax amount.
This field is only displayed for Merge type 1 and 3 (i.e. normal invoices and totals for merged invoices). Displays the total VAT amount, if the order is VAT included.
- Coin adjustment
- Displays the amount by which the invoice has been rounded, according to the Adjust inv amount field in the Currency table.
For example:
Amount = 117,23 SEK
Adjusted (i.e. rounded) to 117 SEKCoin adj = -0,23 (i.e. the customer gains this amount).
- Invoice total
- Displays the total invoice amount, including VAT or sales tax.
Invoice enquiry, Invoice addresses (DMR12105)
This panel displays the addresses related to the invoice.
Function keys
Shift info | Toggle between viewing invoice information and debtor information. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available either for IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Job text | This function key is only displayed if job text exists for the service order. View the job text, which will be printed on the invoice. |
Action text | This function key is only displayed if action text exists for the service order. View the action text, which will be printed on the invoice. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Internal credit order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor address
- Displays the name and debtor address of the Debtor.
- Delivery address
- Displays the name and the delivery address of the main customer.
- Invoice address
- Displays the name and invoice address of the invoice customer.
- Confirmation address
- Displays the customer’s confirmation address.
Invoice enquiry, Invoice lines (DMR12106)
This panel displays the invoice lines for this invoice.
Delivery address | Select this option to view line delivery address. |
Text | Select this option to view invoice line text. |
Currency clause | Select this option to view the currency clause information for the invoice line. |
SMS rebates | Select this option to view the SMS rebate transaction that originates from the selected invoice line. Note: This option is only available if the SMS application is activated. |
Discounts | Select this option to view the line discounts in the Work with discounts panel. |
Surcharges | Select this option to view the surcharges information for the invoice line. |
Function keys
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available either for IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Addresses | View the addresses for the current invoice. |
Header | View the header information for the current invoice. |
Selection fields
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Internal credit order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the code and the name of debtor for the selected invoice.
- Order number
- Displays the order number from which this invoice was generated.
- Order date
- Displays the date the order was created.
- Currency
- Displays the currency on the selected invoice.
- Invoice total
- Displays the total invoice amount, including VAT or sales tax.
- Line
- This column lists the line numbers of selected invoice.
- Item
- This column displays the item code and description(s) on this invoice. Note: If the panel is set up to view customer item codes, the column will be titled Cust item and display the customer item code and description(s) set up using the Item cross references function.
- Quantity
- This column displays the quantity of the item. If the unit is equal to the D/E-unit for the item, this quantity could display two units in the same quantity field. The partial units could be displayed with decimal positions for the Display/Entry unit or by a dual display/entry of both the Display/Entry unit and the Stock unit separated by a user-defined delimiter. See About display/entry unit handling for more information.
- Whs
- This column displays the warehouse from which the item was delivered.
- Dispatch date
- This column displays the dispatch date of the item.
- Price
- This column displays the sales price of the item.
- Price unit
- Only displayed if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. This column displays the unit in which the price is presented. See About price unit handling for more information.
- Catch weight
- This column is only available to display via the Edit columns feature if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight) function is activated in the Function control file. It denotes if catch weight quantities were registered for the item/unit on the sales order line. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.
- Line amount
- This column lists the total line amount including VAT for the invoice line.
- This column denotes if the invoice line is free of charge.
- Link type
- The link type denotes what kind of line is displayed (Parent, Component, FOC base or FOC item line). See Link types for more information.
- Text
- This column denotes if text exists for the invoice line.
- Discount
- This column indicates if any discount exists for the invoice line.
- Line address
- This column indicates if a specific delivery address is defined for the invoice line.
- SMS rebate
- This column indicates if any SMS rebate transactions are created for the invoice line.
- Customer rebate
- This column indicates if any customer rebate transactions originate from the invoice line.
- Currency clause
- This column indicates if any currency clause information exists for the invoice line.
- Order line
- This column lists the order line number for the corresponding invoice line.
- Item description
- This column lists the descriptions for the item for the invoice line.
- Customer item
- This column lists the customer item code for the corresponding item.
- Customer item description
- This column lists the customer item descriptions for the corresponding item.
- Price unit quantity
- This column displays the quantity according to the price unit for the invoice line.
- Line amount excl VAT
- This column lists the total line amount excluding VAT for the invoice line.
- VAT amount
- This column displays the VAT amount for the invoice line.
- Price code
- This column lists the item price code for the invoice line.
- Contract number
- This column displays the contract number for the invoice line.
- NCC number
- This column displays the Non-Conformity Certificate number for the invoice line.
- Shipment marking
- This column lists the Shipment markings for the invoice line.
- POD reference
- This column lists the proof of delivery references for the invoice line.
- Inventory contract number
- Only displayed if DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) is activated. This column lists the inventory contract to which the sales order line is connected. See About consuming goods from Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) for links to specific instructions per inventory contract type.
- Invoice quantity
- This column is only available to display via the Edit columns feature if the Bonus pricing policy parameter is set to YES in the DIS control file. If the same item bonus functionality is set up in the system and the setup stipulations are met for the item on the order line, the quantity that will be invoiced to the customer can be less than the ordered quantity for the item. This column displays the quantity invoiced for this order line. If nothing is displayed in this column, the order quantity is invoiced.
- Net price
- This column displays the net sales price for the line, excluding header discounts, and when all line discounts are withdrawn. The net line sales price is displayed in system currency.
- Cost price
- This column is only available to display if the user has authority to view the cost price. Displays the cost price.
Invoice enquiry, Invoice line (DMR12109)
This panel displays the invoice line information.
Function keys
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available either for IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Internal credit order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the code and the name of debtor for the selected invoice.
- Order number
- Displays the order number from which this invoice was generated.
- Order date
- Displays the date the order was created.
- Invoice line
- Displays the invoice line number.
- Link type
- The link type indicates what kind of line is displayed (Parent, Component, FOC base or FOC item line). See Link types for more information.
- Order line
- Displays the order line number for this invoice.
Note: If the panel is set up to view customer item codes, the field will be titled Cust item and display the customer item code set up using the Item cross references function.
- Disp date
- Displays the dispatch date of the item.
- Period
- Displays the accounting period in which this invoice line is to be accounted.
- Price
- Displays the sales price of the item.
- Disc amount
- If a discount amount, or multiple discount amounts, or a mixture of discount amounts and discount percentages were applied on the line, this field displays the accumulated discount amount in transaction currency. Multiple discounts are identified by the panel value *MULT in Disc ID field. Tip: Access the function for Discounts from the Function list to view the Line discount information.
- Disc %
- Displays the percentage of discount that was applied on invoice line.
- Quantity
- Displays the quantity of the item. If the unit is equal to the D/E-unit for the item, this quantity could display two units in the same quantity field. The partial units could be displayed with decimal positions for the Display/Entry unit or by a dual display/entry of both the Display/Entry unit and the Stock unit separated by a user-defined delimiter. See About display/entry unit handling for more information.
- Price unit
- Only displayed if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the unit in which the price is presented. See About price unit handling for more information.
- Prc unit qty
- Only displayed if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the price unit quantity (i.e. the sales quantity presented according to the price unit). See About price unit handling for more information.
- Catch weight
- Only displayed if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight handling) function is activated in the Function control file. If this field is set to YES, it denotes that catch weight quantities were registered for the item/unit on the sales order line. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.
- Warehouse
- Displays the warehouse from which the item was delivered.
- Discount ID
- Displays the discount id, holding the reason for the discount, that was assigned to the discount amount or discount percentage. If multiple line discounts exist, this is identified by the panel value *MULT in this field. Tip: Access the function for Discounts from the Function list to view the Line discount information.
- Ctrb ord sum
- If the order line contributes to order summary discounts this field will be set to YES. It controls if the line contributes to the summary of quantities and amounts in the basket qualification and the order summary discount calculation. At the same time it controls if the line benefits from any order line summary discounts (O-type) and header discounts (H-type). All lines that do not contribute to the order summary will NEVER benefit from it, in other words no order line summary discounts will be applied and no header discount will be apportioned over these lines.
- Indicates if this order line is free of charge.
- Only displayed if the MOT is not the same on order line level and order header level. Displays the manner of transport for the order line.
- Contract no
- If a customer contract, displays the contract number from which the sales price is retrieved.
- Only displayed if the TOD is not the same on order line level and order header level. Displays the terms of delivery for the order line.
- Shipment mrk
- Displays the text for shipment marking.
- Structure
- Indicates if this item is part of an order structure.
- Price code
- Displays the price code and description indicating how the price was derived.
- Serial no
- Indicates if this item is under serial number tracking.
- Inv contract
- Only displayed if DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) is activated. This field displays the inventory contract to which the sales order line is connected. See About consuming goods from Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) for links to specific instructions per inventory contract type.
- Am excl VAT
Displays the gross sales value, excluding VAT.
- VAT based
Indicates if this is a VAT based item. This is defined in the sales price information for each item in the Item file, but can be changed during order entry.
- VAT handl cd
Displays the VAT handling code for the sales price of the item.
- VAT amount
Displays the VAT amount for this order line.
- VAT included
Indicates if VAT is included in the sales price of the item. This is defined in the sales price information for each item in the Item file, but can be changed during order entry.
- Incl VAT% cd
Displays the VAT handling code for the VAT percentage, if any, which is included in the sales price.
- Am incl VAT
Displays the gross sales value, including VAT.
Amount including VAT = Amount excluding VAT + VAT amount
- Am excl tax
Displays the gross sales value, excluding sales tax.
- Sales tax
Indicates if this is a sales taxed item. This is defined for each item on the Item file maintenance, Basic data panel, but can be changed during order entry.
- Tax amount
Displays the sales tax amount for this order line.
- Am incl tax
Displays the gross sales value, including sales tax.
The Amount including sales tax is calculated as follows:
Amount excluding sales tax + sales tax amount
- Agreement
- Displays the agreement number.
Invoice enquiry, Service line (DMR12110)
If an invoice number was entered for a service order. This panel displays the service related line information for the invoice.
Function keys
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available for either IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Delivery address | This function key is only displayed if a delivery address is assigned to the sales order line. View the full delivery address for the line. |
Text | This function key is only displayed if text exists on the invoice. View document text. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the code and the name of debtor for the selected invoice.
- Order number
- Displays the order number from which this invoice was generated.
- Order date
- Displays the date the order was created.
- Invoice line
- Displays the invoice line number.
- Warehouse
- Displays the warehouse from which the item was delivered.
- Order line
- Displays the order line number for this invoice.
- Item
- Displays the item code.
- Job number
- Displays the service job number the order line belongs to.
- Debit code
- Displays the debit code if invoice line is included in internal invoice.
- Actual quantity
- Displays the actual quantity of the invoice line. If the unit is equal to the D/E-unit for the item, this quantity could display two units in the same quantity field. The partial units could be displayed with decimal positions for the Display/Entry unit or by a dual display/entry of both the Display/Entry unit and the Stock unit separated by a user-defined delimiter. See About display/entry unit handling for more information.
- Recommended quantity
- Displays the recommended quantity of the invoice line. If the unit is equal to the D/E-unit for the item, this quantity could display two units in the same quantity field. The partial units could be displayed with decimal positions for the Display/Entry unit or by a dual display/entry of both the Display/Entry unit and the Stock unit separated by a user-defined delimiter. See About display/entry unit handling for more information.
- Invoice rec quantity
- Indicates if the invoice line was invoiced using either actual or recommended quantity.
- Engineer
- Displays the engineer assigned to the service order.
Invoice enquiry, More selections 1 (DMR12111)
This panel is accessed when More selections is pressed on the Invoice enquiry, Invoices panel. You can enter selection criteria in order to carry out an advanced selection over what invoice records to display. Click Next to access more selections.
Function keys
A record is only included if it fulfils all selection criteria. You can use the following parameters for selection:
- Invoice number
- Document type
- Invoice type
- Order number
- Invoice date
- Salesman
- Debtor
- Internal name
- Text
Set to YES for invoices with header text; set to NO for invoices with no header text or leave the field blank for searching in all invoices. - Instalments
Set to YES for invoices with instalments; set to NO for invoices without instalments or leave the field blank for searching in all invoices. - Customer
- Order reference
- Terms of payment
- Terms of delivery
- Manner of transport
Invoice enquiry, More selections 2 (DMR12112)
More selections are displayed on this panel. You can enter selection criteria in order to carry out an advanced selection over what invoice records to display.
Function keys
A record is only included if it fulfils all selection criteria. You can use the following parameters for selection:
- Cost centre
- Division
- Item
- Warehouse
- Inventory contract. Only displayed if DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) is activated.
Invoice enquiry, VAT info header (DMR12113)
If sales tax handling is activated for the company, the sub-heading of this panel will be Tax information.
This panel displays VAT information (if sales tax handling is not activated for the company) or tax information (if sales tax handling is activated for the company).
Function keys
Lines | View the list of invoice lines for the selected invoice. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available either for IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Addresses | View the addresses for the current invoice. |
Header | Access the invoice header. |
Text | This function key is only displayed if text is defined for the invoice. View the text. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the code and the name of debtor for the selected invoice.
- Order number
- Displays the order number from which this invoice was generated.
- Order date
- Displays the date the order was created.
- Currency
- Displays the invoice currency.
- Total VAT amount/Total tax amount
- If sales tax handling is not activated in the system, and the order has VAT included, this column displays the total VAT amount. If sales tax handling is activated in the system, and the order includes sales tax, this column displays the total sales tax amount.
- VAT handling code/Sales tax code
This column lists either the VAT handling code or the Sales tax code depending on whether this panel displays VAT or sales tax information.
- VAT %/Tax %
- This column lists either the VAT percentage or the tax percentage depending on whether this panel displays VAT or sales tax information.
- Base amount
- This column lists the amount on which the VAT or sales tax is calculated.
- VAT amount/Tax amount
- This column lists either the VAT amount or the tax amount depending on whether this panel displays VAT or sales tax information.
Invoice enquiry, Service job (DMR12116)
If an invoice number was entered for a service order, this panel displays the service related information for the invoice.
Function keys
Service line info | This function key is only available for service invoice. View the service line info for a service invoice line. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available either for IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Delivery address | This function key is only displayed if a delivery address is assigned to the sales order line. View the full delivery address for the line. |
Text | This function key is only displayed if text exists on the invoice. View document text. |
- Internal SVC invoice
- Displays the invoice number of one of the internal service order.
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor and the debtor name for selected invoice.
- Order number
- Displays the service order number from which this invoice was generated.
- Order date
- Displays the date the order was created.
- Job number
- Displays the job number.
- Object
- Displays the identification of the object, i.e. the item number and serial number.
- Location
- Displays location number of the object.
- Warranty type
- Displays the warranty type of the object.
- Agreement
- Displays the agreement number.
- Agreement type
- Displays the agreement type.
- Requested SVC time
- The requested service time consists of two fields; date and time. Displays the date and time, if any.
- SVC time
- The service time consists of two fields; date and time. Displays the date and time, if any.
- Debit code
- Displays the debit code if any.
- Recommended kit
- Displays the recommended kit if any.
- Estimated job value
- Displays the estimated value of the job in system currency.
Invoice enquiry, Installments (DMR12117)
This panel is only displayed if instalment terms have been defined for the terms of payment of this invoice. This panel displays the number of instalment documents created for the invoice. The information is automatically calculated.
Function keys
Lines | View the list of invoice lines for the selected invoice. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available either for IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Addresses | View the addresses for the current invoice. |
Header | View the header information for the current invoice. |
Text | This function key is only displayed if text is defined for the invoice. View the text. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Internal credit order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor and the debtor name for selected invoice.
- Invoice customer
- Displays the number of the customer who has received the invoice, if different from the main customer.
- Customer
- Displays the number of the main customer.
- Name
- Displays the name of address for the invoice customer.
- Del addr
- Displays the first line of the delivery address of the main customer.
- Currency
- Displays the currency in which the invoice is to be paid.
- Invoice total
- Displays the total invoice amount, including VAT or sales tax.
- Line
- Displays the line number of the instalment.
- Due date
- Displays the due date for this instalment. This field is automatically calculated from the invoice date, according to the instalment terms in the Terms of payment table.
- Amount
- Displays the amount to be paid for this instalment. This field is automatically calculated from the Invoice total, according to the instalment terms in the Terms of payment table.
- Doc type
- Displays the document type of the instalment, retrieved from the Terms of payment table for the terms of payment of this invoice.
- Instalment description
- Displays the description of the document type, retrieved from the Document type table.
Invoice enquiry, Total surcharges (DMR12120)
From this panel, all surcharges that have been calculated for the invoice are displayed.
Function keys
Lines | View the list of invoice lines for the selected invoice. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available either for IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Addresses | View the addresses for the current invoice. |
Header | View the header information for the current invoice. |
Text | This function key is only displayed if text is defined for the invoice. View the text. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Internal credit order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor followed by the debtor name for selected invoice.
- Currency
- Displays the currency in which the invoice is to be paid.
- Invoice total
- Displays the total invoice amount, including VAT or sales tax.
- Code
- Displays the surcharge code.
- Invoiced amount
- Displays the amount of the surcharge which is invoiced.
Invoice enquiry, Prompt payment discounts (DMR12123)
This panel lists all the prompt payment discounts for the selected invoice.
Function keys
Lines | View the list of invoice lines for the selected invoice. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available for either IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Addresses | View the addresses for the current invoice. |
Header | View the header information for the current invoice. |
Text | This function key is only displayed if text is defined for the invoice. View the text. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Internal credit order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor and the debtor name for selected invoice.
- Order number
- Displays the service order number from which this invoice was generated.
- Order date
- Displays the date the order was created.
- Currency
- Displays the currency in which the invoice is to be paid.
- Total disc amount
- Displays the total prompt payment discount amount for the selected invoiced order.
- VAT handling code/Sales tax code
This column lists either the VAT handling code or the Sales tax code depending on whether this panel displays VAT or sales tax information.
- Discount amount
- This column lists the prompt payment discount amount.
- VAT amount/Tax amount
- This column lists either the VAT amount or the tax amount depending on whether this panel displays VAT or sales tax information.
Invoice enquiry, Currency clause information (DMR12126)
This panel is only displayed if the CURRCLAU (Currency clause handling) function is activated in the Function control file and when you select the Currency clause function from the Program function selection window on the Invoice enquiry, Invoice line information panel.
Function keys
Service line info | This function key is only available for service invoice. View the service line info for a service invoice line. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available for either IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Delivery address | This function key is only displayed if a delivery address is assigned to the sales order line. View the full delivery address for the line. |
Text | This function key is only displayed if text exists on the invoice. View document text. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor and the debtor name for selected invoice.
- Order number
- Displays the service order number from which this invoice was generated.
- Order date
- Displays the date the order was created.
- Invoice line
- Displays the invoice line number.
- Order line
- Displays the order line number.
- Currency clause code
- Purchase currency
- Displays the purchase currency defined for the clause in the Currency clause code table. This is the currency in which the item was purchased, i.e. the purchase currency defined for the main supplier of this item.
- Sales order currency
- Displays the sales order currency used on this invoice.
- Agreed rate
- Agreed fluctuation %
- This field is only used to specify a point or limit, up to which the sales price is not impacted. This means that if the exchange rate change is below this fluctuation % the system will not calculate a new sales price for the item.
- Actual rate
- Displays the rate between purchase currency and sales currency at time of invoicing.
- Actual fluctuation %
- Displays how much actual rate has changed compared to agreed rate at the time of invoicing. If this change is more than Agreed fluctuation, sales price will be recalculated.
- Exposure %
- Displays the exposure percentage retrieved from the Currency clause code table. The percentage is used to indicate how much of the exchange rate gain/loss that the customer should bear. If 100 is displayed, the customer will bear the entire difference.
- Original price
- Displays the original sales price of the item in the sales order currency.
- Adjusted price
- Displays the adjusted price according to the currency clause used.
For example:
Agreed rate: 0.077
Actual rate: 0.050
Actual fluctuation %: -35.06
Calculated as:
(0.05 – 0.077) / 0.077 * 100
Original sales price: 25.00
Adjusted price: 16.23
Calculated as:
(25 * -0.3506) + 25.00
Invoice enquiry, Line delivery address (DMR12127)
This panel displays the full delivery address assigned to the sales order line.
Function keys
Service line info | This function key is only available for service invoice. View the service line info for a service invoice line. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available for either IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Text | This function key is only displayed if text exists on the invoice. View document text. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Internal credit order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor and the debtor name for selected invoice.
- Invoice customer
- Displays the number of the customer who has received the invoice, if different from the main customer.
- Customer
- Displays the number of the main customer.
- Name
- Displays the name of the address for the invoice customer.
- Del addr
- Displays the first line of the delivery address of the main customer.
- Order number
- Displays the order number from which this invoice was generated.
- Order date
- Displays the date the order was created.
- Invoice line
- Displays the invoice line number.
- Order line
- Displays the order line number.
- Item
- Displays the item code and description(s) on this invoice.
- Delivery address
- Displays the full delivery address.
Invoice enquiry, Line surcharges (DMR12128)
This panel displays the full delivery address assigned to the sales order line.
Function keys
Service line info | This function key is only available for service invoice. View the service line info for a service invoice line. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available for either IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Delivery address | This function key is only displayed if a delivery address is assigned to the sales order line. View the full delivery address for the line. |
Text | This function key is only displayed if text exists on the invoice. View document text. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Internal credit order
- Invoice date
- Displays the date of the invoice.
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor and the debtor name for selected invoice.
- Invoice customer
- Displays the number of the customer who has received the invoice, if different from the main customer.
- Customer
- Displays the number of the main customer.
- Name
- Displays the name of the address for the invoice customer.
- Del addr
- Displays the first line of the delivery address of the main customer.
- Order number
- Displays the order number from which this invoice was generated.
- Order date
- Displays the date the order was created.
- Invoice line
- Displays the invoice line number.
- Order line
- Displays the order line number.
- Item
- Displays the item code and description(s) on this invoice.
- Code
- Displays the surcharge code.
- Description
- Displays the surcharge description.
- Package type
- Displays the package type if the surcharge is based on package type.
- Unit
- Displays the unit if the surcharge is based on item/unit.
- Invoiced amount
- Displays the amount of the surcharge which is invoiced.
Invoice enquiry, Header (DMR12132)
This panel displays additional detailed information from the Invoice file.
Function keys
Lines | View the list of invoice lines for the selected invoice. |
Invoice copy | Access a window from which you can print, fax, or e-mail an invoice copy. Note: This will not be available either for IRO invoices or for pending invoices. |
Addresses | View the addresses for the current invoice. |
- Document number
- This field name differs, depending on the type of invoice selected. Displays the number of one of the following:
- Invoice
- Credit note
- Cash receipt
- Cash credit
- Internal replenishment order
- Internal service order
- Internal credit order
- Invoice date/value date
- Displays the date of the invoice. If the VALUDATE (Value date) function is activated in the Function control file and a value date was entered on the sales order, the value date is displayed to the right of the invoice date. All terms of payment conditions/incentives that may be set up for the customer are still applied, but the value date is used as the basis when calculating the invoice due date for this sales order.
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor and the debtor name for selected invoice.
- Terms of delivery
- This field is only displayed for Merge type 1 and 2 (i.e. normal and merged invoices). Displays the terms of delivery of the goods.
- Manner of transport
- This field is only displayed for Merge type 1 and 2 (i.e. normal and merged invoices). Displays the manner of transport of the goods.
- Salesman
- Displays the salesman responsible for the order.
- Goods mark
- Displays the goods marking from the invoice header.
- Order reference
- This field is only displayed for Merge type 1 and 2 (i.e. normal and merged invoices). Displays your reference code.
- Bank reference
- Displays the contact person of the bank reference.
- Customer order no
- Displays the customer-defined purchase order number if one was defined in the Your order field on the Order header, Main info panel for the sales order.
- Delivery address cat
- Displays an address category from the Address category table. If a sales restriction exists with this address category as a sell to key, the sale to this delivery address will be restricted. The handling of the order is dictated by the degree of severity placed on the sales restriction. See Work with restricted sales for more information.
- Order source
- This field is only displayed if the ORDSRACT (Order source active) function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the order source code denoting from where the sales order was created.