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Work with DI documents (ECND10601)

The values in this table are used in both the DC1 Data Interchange (DI) and DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance (CDM) applications. In this table you define the valid DI documents used in DC1 to be transferred to/from external systems. Some documents are preloaded at the time of installation.

Preloaded Documents used in DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance

The following documents are preloaded when the DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance (CDM) application is activated in Work with companies (Work with companies, All applications panel).

Document Description
ACCOUNT Allows you to transfer accounting-related data
BPARTNER Allows you to transfer data from the Business partner file
ITEM Allows you to transfer data from the Item file
SUPPAGR This document is only valid for the Receive side of CDM and allows your receiving Business partners to receive Supplier Agreements sent from DC1 Virtual Enterprise
TABLE Allows you to transfer data from all supported tables, (i.e. those preloaded with External interface set to YES in the Database definitions file)

Preloaded Documents used in the Data Interchange routine

Document Description
ASWINO Interest invoice
ASWREM Reminders
CREEXT Extended credit advice
DELFOR Delivery schedule
DESADV Dispatch advice
IFTMIN Freight/Transport instruction
INVOIC Invoices
ORDCHG Order changes
ORDRSP Order responses
PAYEXT Extended payment order
PRICAT Price/sales catalogues
QUOTES Quotations
REQOTE Requests for quote
STATAC Statement of account

In the Business partner file the DI documents are activated, indicating the documents that can be exchanged with your company and the applicable Business Partner.

This table contains two sub-tables; Document subtypes and DI method links.

  • Document subtypes: These are preloaded and contain the applicable files that can be sent or received. DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance related documents are connected to subtype 1 (= ALL supported files). DC1 Data Interchange related documents could be connected to several different subtypes, and could have two or three document subtypes. For example, the document INVOIC has three subtypes; commercial invoice, credit note and consolidated invoice.
  • Method links: Every document subtype is connected to a method, indicating how the data is distributed. The methods are defined in the DI method table.


Note: This option is only allowed when the File handling field is set to NO.

Note: Deletion is only allowed if DI document records do not exist.

DI document subtypes Select this option to access the DI document subtypes. From the DI document subtypes you can drill down further to view any DI method links.

Selection fields

Work with DI documents (ECND10604)

This panel is accessed in new, changed and display mode.

File handling
This field is preloaded with a YES setting for documents related to DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance and DC1 Data Interchange indicating that you will see and be able to work with the associated preloaded files. For all other documents, the NO setting is defaulted.

Work with DI documents, Copy (ECND10605)

On this panel you can copy an existing DI document to create a new.

Displays the document you selected to copy.
New document
Enter the new document name.

Work with DI documents, Deletion (ECND10610)

From this panel you can delete the selected DI document. Click OK to confirm the deletion.