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Select BP by attribute, More selections (GDMD2911)

This panel displays extended selection values for the selected template. Extended selection values provide the ability to specify the standard DC1 selection code (1=Individual selection, 2=Range, 3=Exclude individual selection, 4=Exclude range) for each template field.

After making your selection you will return to the previous panel. If you selected one value only using selection code 1, that value will be loaded into the applicable template field on the previous panel. If you selected more than one value for selection code 1 or use any other selection code the *** More *** text will be loaded into the applicable template field. You will also see the *More sel* text updated on the Select business partners panel.

Displays the selected template and description.

Enter the panel value for And (default) if records are to be searched using the AND logic for values entered, where all values entered must exist for each business partner. Enter the panel value for Or if records are to be searched using the OR logic, where only the selection for one of the template fields is met for each business partner.

Per field you have the following selection alternatives:

The selection parameters are listed below in the help document for the applicable panel.