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Item file maintenance, Units (DMR00801)

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To be able to add a unit for the item, it must exist in the Unit table. You add the units that are to be valid for the item and then assign the applicable unit to the required system unit types on the Item file maintenance, System units panel.

If the item is currently grouped within an Item classification definition grouping structure and a new unit is to be added you will receive a warning message. It is recommended that the addition of the new unit is done via the Work with item classification definition program to ensure that all grouped items will also be synchronized with the new unit. If the unit is added here despite this warning the following will occur: whenever the unit in question is added at applicable item classification definition level, item classification will override unit information for those items already holding the applicable unit.


EAN numbers Select this option to work with EAN numbers for this item/unit combination.
Surcharge This option is only displayed if the Surcharge handling functionality is activated in the system (i.e. the Surcharge handling flag is set to YES in the DIS control file). Select this option to attach a surcharge code to this item/unit combination.

Selection fields

This column lists the units applicable for the item.

This column denotes if the unit can be used on a sales order for this item.
This column denotes if the unit can be used on a purchase order for this item.
This column denotes if the unit can be used on a MDC sales/purchase order for this item.
Conversion factor
This column lists the conversion factor for the unit in relation to the stock unit.
Allowed on BOM
This column denotes if the unit can be used in a manufacturing bill of material for this item.
Number of decimals
This column displays the number of decimals for the unit.
Dft price unit
This column displays the default price unit for the item if one has been defined.
Default sales quantity
This column displays the default sales quantity for the item if one has been defined. This will be used (retrieved) as the quantity for a new sales order/quotation line in the event that a quantity is not entered for the item and sales unit when the line is to be created. This quantity will also be used in the customer service enquiry when no quantity is entered. Note: The Order type used on the Sales order/quotation must be set up on the Level keys level in Work with defaults and replacements.
Labelling code
This column displays the labelling code denoting which information should be printed on labels and whether the information should be bar coded as well as being in human readable format.
Package type
This column displays the package type denoting the type of packaging required by this item/unit combination. This information allows the Shipment preparation process to control the weight and volume of goods that are delivered. The information is also used by the Pick list confirmation routines.
Package type qty
This column lists the number of items that can be stored in the package type.
Gross weight
This column displays the gross weight of the item.
Net weight
This column displays the net weight of the item.
Gross volume
This column displays the gross volume of the item.
Net volume
This column displays the net volume of the item.
This column displays the length of the item.
This column displays the height of the item.
This column displays the width of the item.
Catch weight sales
This column is only applicable if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight) function is activated in the Function control file. It denotes if the item/unit is valid for catch weight handling. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.
CW variance % from
This column is only applicable if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight) function is activated in the Function control file. A variance limit range (from/to variance percentage) may be defined for the sales/purchase unit that is correlated with the price unit. This column lists any “from” limit range. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.
CW variance % to
This column is only applicable if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight) function is activated in the Function control file. A variance limit range (from/to variance percentage) may be defined for the sales/purchase unit that is correlated with the price unit. This column lists any “to” limit range. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.
CW basis for freight fee
This column is only applicable if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight) and FREICALC (Freight fee calculation) functions are activated in the Function control file. It denotes if the accumulated catch weight quantity entered for a sales order line should be used as the basis when the freight fee is retrieved. If YES, the accumulated catch weight quantity will become the gross weight quantity for the sales order line. If NO, the freight fee will be based on the weight retrieved from this item/unit file. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.
Print SCM label
This column is only applicable if you are running the Australian application and denotes if the SCM/SSCC label is to be printed for the closed carton.
Auto gen pack info
This column is only applicable if you are running the Australian application and denotes if the packaging information for transporting goods to the customer should be automatically generated.
Dimensions update
This column is only displayed if DC1 Warehouse Management is installed and activated, and is only applicable for the unit that is defined as the stock unit for the item. Indicates if the WHM Item size file dimensions, (i.e. the dimensions under the Size &amp: Storage section on the Item file maintenance, Warehouse Management second panel), should be automatically updated. If this column is set to YES, the information will be retrieved from the Measurements fields for length, height and width for the item/stock unit. Update is done every time length, height and/or width is changed, and/or the stock unit is changed, and provided that the warehouse is activated.

Item file maintenance, Units (DMR00804)

Related topics

This Item unit file allows the item to be sold/purchased in different unit of measures than the defined storage unit of measure. Depending on the template you have chosen, some fields may already be completed. Some may also be protected, i.e. the cursor will bypass them when you work your way through the fields.

This panel can be accessed through different programs and be displayed in different modes:

Default mode

Attribute mode

Enquiry mode

Forward maintenance program

Function keys

This field is used only for new entries. Enter a code from the Unit table, indicating the unit that you wish to establish for this item. Several units can be defined for one item, enabling you to sell/purchase the item in a different unit of measure than the one in which it is stored in stock.
Allowed on sales
Mandatory entry. Indicate if this unit of measure is valid on sales orders for this item.
Allowed on MDC
Mandatory entry. This field is only displayed if DC1 Multi-Distribution Centre (MDC) is installed. Indicate if this unit is valid on both MDC purchase orders and MDC sales orders. Note: If a unit is defined for MDC, the same unit must exist for this item in both the demanding company and the supplying company. This field must also be set to YES for both companies.
Allowed on pur
Mandatory entry. Indicate if this unit is valid on purchase orders for this item.
Allowed on BOM
Mandatory entry. Indicate if it is allowed to use the item unit in manufacturing bill of material. Note: This field is only displayed when the DC1 Manufacturing application is installed and active.
Number of decimals
Enter the number of decimals which must be defined when using this unit on orders. The range of decimals can be 0 to 3. If nothing is entered, 0 will automatically be defaulted. If the item is under serial number tracking, the number of decimals for the stock unit must be 0.
Conversion factor
Mandatory entry. Enter the conversion factor which will determine the relation between this unit and the stock unit.


  1. The stock unit for this item is PCS (pieces). The unit you are adding/changing here is BOXES. If 1 box contains 10 pieces, the conversion factor should be 10.
  2. The stock unit for the item is BOXES. The unit you are adding/changing here is PCS (pieces). If 1 box contains 10 pieces, the conversion factor should be 0,1.

Note: The conversion factor must be 1 if the unit you are adding or changing on this panel is the stock unit for this item.

Default price unit
Price unit handling is typically used when you want to price your items in a different unit than the sales/purchase unit. There is the possibility to set up different default Sales/Purchase price units per item for the different unit values. The default values will only be used when prices are created and when prices are manually entered for order lines but no price unit is manually entered. Optional entry. Enter the default price unit for this item. See About price unit handling for more information.
Default sales qty
Optional entry. Enter the default sales quantity that will be used (retrieved) as the quantity for a new sales order/quotation line in the event that a quantity is not entered for the item and sales unit when the line is to be created. This quantity will also be used in the Customer service enquiry when no quantity is entered. Note: The Order type used on the Sales order/quotation must be set up on the Level keys level in Work with defaults and replacements.
Print SCM label
Mandatory entry. Indicate if the SCM/SSCC label is to be printed for the closed carton. See About the Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) for more information.
Auto gen pack info
Mandatory entry. Indicate if the packaging information for transporting goods to the customer should be automatically generated.
EAN number
Labelling code
Enter a code from the Labelling code table. The labelling code defines which information should be printed on labels and whether the information should be bar coded as well as being in human readable format. The labelling code defined here is used when you want to label goods whilst in stock. The labels are printed by the Print stock control labels program. If the field is left blank, a default labelling code, defined in the DIS control file in the Labelling code field, is used when printing labels for stock handling.
Package type
Enter a code from the Package type table indicating the type of packaging required by this item/unit combination. This information allows the Shipment preparation process to control the weight and volume of goods that are delivered. The information in this field is also used by the Pick list confirmation routines.
Package type qty
This field is used in conjunction with the Package type parameter (above). Enter the number of items that can be stored in the package type.
Dimensions update
This field is only displayed if DC1 Warehouse Management is installed and activated, and is only applicable for the unit that is defined as the stock unit for the item. Indicate if the WHM Item size file dimensions, (i.e. the dimensions under the Size &amp: Storage section on the Item file maintenance, Warehouse Management second panel), should be automatically updated. If this field is set to YES, the information will be retrieved from the Measurements fields for length, height and width on this panel for the item/stock unit. Update is done every time length, height and/or width is changed, and/or the stock unit is changed, and provided that the warehouse is activated.

Catch weight

This field is only displayed if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight) function is activated in the Function control file and is an optional entry. Catch weight handling is an extension of price unit handling. This field is only applicable if the following is true:

  • A price unit is defined
  • The item is not fictitious
  • The item is not serial number controlled

Set this field to YES if the entry of catch weight quantity/quantities is allowed for the item/unit on sales order lines. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.

Note: Catch weight is not supported for items included in a structure with sales price calculation code 1 or 3. A warning will be displayed to inform the user that the Catch weight flag on the sales order line will be set to NO for such items in a structure even though catch weight has been specified on the item/unit.

Variance % from
This field is only displayed if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight) function is activated in the Function control file and is an optional entry. A variance limit range (from/to variance percentage) may be defined for the sales unit that is correlated with the price unit. This information is not logged in the system, but the user will be flagged with a warning if the entered catch weight quantity is within the variance range limit. If the entered catch weight quantity exceeds the variance range limit, the user will be prompted with a window where the entry of the exceeding quantity will have to be authorized. Enter the “from” limit range. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.
Variance % to
This field is only displayed if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight) function is activated in the Function control file and is an optional entry. A variance limit range (from/to variance percentage) may be defined for the sales unit that is correlated with the price unit. This information is not logged in the system, but the user will be flagged with a warning if the entered catch weight quantity is within the variance range limit. If the entered catch weight quantity exceeds the variance range limit, the user will be prompted with a window where the entry of the exceeding quantity will have to be authorized. Enter the “to” limit range. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.
Basis for frght fee
This field is only displayed if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight) and FREICALC (Freight fee calculation) functions are activated in the Function control file and is an optional entry. Set this field to YES if the accumulated catch weight quantity entered for a sales order line should be used as the basis when the freight fee is retrieved. Freight fee is automatically retrieved if the FREICALC (Freight fee calculation) function is activated in the Function control file. If this field is set to YES, the accumulated catch weight quantity will become the gross weight quantity for the sales order line. If this field is set to NO, the freight fee will be based on the weight retrieved from this item/unit file. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information.


Enter the gross weight of the item. Note: The weight should be defined in the unit displayed to the right of the Weight heading which is retrieved from Units Weight field in the DIS control file.
Enter the net weight of the item. Note: The weight should be defined in the unit displayed to the right of the Weight heading which is retrieved from the Units Weight field in the DIS control file.


Enter the gross volume of the item. Note: The volume should be defined in the unit displayed to the right of the Volume heading which is retrieved from the Units Volume field in the DIS control file.
Enter the net volume of the item. Note: The volume should be defined in the unit displayed to the right of the Volume heading which is retrieved from the Units Volume field in the DIS control file.


Enter the length of the item. The length should be defined in the unit displayed to the right of the Measurements heading which is retrieved from the Units Measures field in the DIS control file.
Enter the height of the item. The height should be defined in the unit displayed to the right of the Measurements heading which is retrieved from the Units Measures field in the DIS control file.
Enter the width of the item. The width should be defined in the unit displayed to the right of the Measurements heading which is retrieved from the Units Measures field in the DIS control file.

Item file maintenance, System units (DMR00805)

Related topics

On this panel you assign a unit to the applicable system unit type. If the system unit type is a required type (i.e. defined in Work with system unit types), it is mandatory that you assign a unit here. Any non-required system unit types, however, can still be assigned a unit for the item.

Function keys

Repeat unit Repeat (copy) the unit entered for the preceding field for all subsequent fields.

System unit type
Lists the preloaded system unit types available in DC1.
Lists the description of the system unit type.
Indicates if the system unit type is required. DC1 comes preloaded with two required system units (i.e. Stock unit and Stock count unit). If any other system unit type has been set up as required in the Work with system unit types, it will be marked as required here. You can still, however, assign a unit to any non-required system unit types for the item.
Enter the applicable unit for the system unit type. If the CLA-COPR (Classification costing/pricing) function is activated in the Function control file and the item is currently grouped within an Item classification definition grouping structure, this field will be protected for the following system units:

  • DFTSLS (Default sales unit)
  • DFTPUR (Default purchase unit)

Item file maintenance, Units, Copy (DMR00811)

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Displays the units you selected to copy.

New unit
Enter the new units that you are creating.

Item file maintenance, Units, Deletion (DMR00808)

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