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Configurator item enquiry (CFG227B)

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This panel displays the details for the configurator item that is connected to a parameter.

Function keys

Text View text that is connected to the configurator item.

If the text is active for document *CFGTEXT, it is used to create text lines for the configured item to be printed on external documents.

If the text is active for document *SHOPFLOOR, it is used to create text on the manufacturing order (BOM) to be printed on shop floor documents.

The configurator item text can also be configured, if you refer to substitution variables (an attribute code with a “%” as a prefix).

Alternative bill of routing Only used if DC1 Manufacturing is activated.

View the alternative bill of routing that is connected to the configurator item.

Validation View the validation constraints that are used to validate the configuration.
Alternative selections View the alternative selection constraints that are used to identify and select the item when generating a bill of material.

When generating the bill of material, and main warehouse is used as material allocation warehouse, the entered warehouse in this table may be used to override the main warehouse for reservations.
Bill of material
The configurator bill of material that is connected to the configurator item. This is entered if the item will be used as a parent item for configuration on lower levels.
Bill of routing
This field is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated. The bill of routing that is connected to the configurator item. This is entered if the item will be used as a parent item for configuration on lower levels. If blank, the routing code of the bill of material will be used.
Type of constraints
The code indicates if the constraints that are defined for the configurator item are invalid or valid.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Invalid combinations are defined
2 Valid combinations are defined
Type of dialogue
The code indicates the method to be used at the product configurations.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Prompted entry (attribute entry)
This method displays all available attribute selections.
2 Part selection (component item selection)
This method lists all possible component items for each variable component (configurator parameter) in the configurator bill of material.
Display gen BOM/BOR
Indicates if the generated bill of material and bill of routing should be displayed after answer on the prompted entry panel.
Alt BOR option
This field is displayed only if Manufacturing is installed and activated. Indicates whether the alternative bill of routing should replace the selected bill of routing (=1); or one alternate BOR is to be added to the selected bill of routing (=2); or multiple alternate BOR’s are to be added to the selected bill of routing (=3). Note: This field appears blank if bill of material and bill of routing fields do not hold any information.
Product costing
This field is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated. The code indicates if and how product costing should be performed when the configuration has been accepted.

It is important to do a product costing for complex configurable items, such as items in which the optional components have different prices. For these items, the price of the parent item will differ depending on the selected attributes. Product costing is, however, not that important for items in which the components have the same price. In this case, the price of the configurable item will be the same regardless of the selected attributes.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
0 No product costing.
1 Product costing without display.
2 Product costing with display.

Note: Product costing is not performed in the following cases:

  • At configuration of order structure items
  • When an item is used as a configured component in an order structure with Sales price calc = 3
  • At configuration of an item in a project or project quotation
This field is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated. The code indicates how the sales order line price should be handled.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
0 No pricing from configuration. The order is priced according to normal pricing routine within the sales order.
1 Additional price. The configured item’s sales price list along with the price calculated using price formula defined in the configuration BOM/BOR will be the base sales price.
2 Sales price based on product costing set-up for base price.
Create standard item
This field is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated. Indicates if a new standard item should be created automatically from the configuration. If YES, standard items will be created in the following cases:

  • At order entry when you configure a new variant of a configurable item
  • When you copy a configuration variant to a new order from an order or a quotation

Note: Creation of standard items is not performed on MDC orders.

Check for std item
This field is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated. Indicates if the system should search for an existing configured standard item that matches the attribute values of the entered configuration at order entry or when copying an order configuration or quotation configuration to a new order. It is automatically set to YES the first time that a new standard item is created.

  • If you set this field to NO, and if Create standard item is set to YES, a new standard item will be created even if a matching configured standard item already exists.
  • If you set this field to YES, and a standard item exists that matches the attribute values of the entered configuration, the system will add the existing standard item to the order instead of the configured item.
Item code mask
This field is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated. The variables indicate how the item code should be generated when you create a standard item from a configuration. The item code mask can be defined using configurator attributes (preceeded by %), predefined variables (preceeded by &) and fixed constants (text).

The following predefined variables can be used:

Variable Description
&91 Order number/quotation number
&92 Line number
&93 Serial number created from number series defined in the CFG control file.

Example: If you use the attributes A1 and A2 for the configurable item TABLE, you could define the item code mask as TABLE%A1%A2.

Note: If fixed constants (text) are defined after the attribute code, at least one blank must be inserted after the attribute code (i.e. %A1%A2 TABLE).

Note: When a standard item is created during sales order copy, the variable &91 refers to the order/quotation that has been copied.

Note: If item segmentation is activated in the DIS control file and a segmentation type is used for the configurable item in the Item file, the item code mask must be defined according to the rules defined by the segmentation type.

M-order type
This field is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated. The code from the Manufacturing order type table defines the order type that is used when a manufacturing order is created after a sales order configuration for this item. Note: The order type defined in this field overrides the one that has been defined in the MFG control file or in the manufacturing information for the user profile.
This field is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated and if Variant handling is set to YES in the MFG control file. The variant of the item that is used as a component in the generated bill of material. An item can have several variants, where parts of the bill of material and/or bill of routing differ from the base structure. The base structure always has variant 000. Note: The variant defined in this field overrides the one that has been defined in the Configurator bill of material.
Price list
This field is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated. The price list to be used when calculating an additional price according to the price formula defined in the Configurator bill of material table when this item is selected. This price list overrides the price list for the order/quotation. Calculated price is automatically added to sales price for the configured product. Note: Price calculation using price formula is not used when configuring an order structure item or when an item is used as a configured component in an order structure with Sales price calc = 3.
Edit description
The code for a component item that is used to edit the description of the configured product. This code will be added to the item description of the parent item at order entry. Substitution variables may also be used to edit the description of a configured product. This is done by referring to an attribute code, with a “%” as a prefix, in the item description for the parent item.
Pr unit conv formula
This field is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated. The formula code, from the Work with configurator formulas file, to calculate the price unit conversion factor to be used for the sales price unit.