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Work with VAT box descriptions (FSR60101)

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In this program you create descriptions for combinations of VAT prefix and VAT box numbers which are used in the VAT box rules table.


Selection fields

This column lists the VAT prefixes, i.e. the country ISO codes, for the countries for which you have defined VAT boxes.
This column lists the VAT box identification codes.
This column lists the descriptions of the VAT boxes.
Detail report
Indicates if detail lines, such as total for VAT handling code and accounting period, should be printed in the VAT declaration report for the related VAT prefix and box number.

Work with VAT box descriptions (FSR60104)

Related topics

The prefix and VAT box number combination is used in the VAT box rules table.

Function keys

VAT prefix
Enter the VAT prefix for this combination.
VAT box number
Enter the VAT box for this combination.
Enter a description of the VAT prefix/box combination.
Detail report
Indicate if detail lines, such as total for VAT handling code and accounting period, should be printed in the VAT declaration report for the related VAT prefix and box number.

Work with VAT box descriptions, Copy (FSR60105)

Related topics

Displays the VAT prefix(es) you selected to copy.
Displays the VAT box number(s) you selected to copy.

New prefix
Enter a code to identify the new VAT prefix you are creating.
New box
Enter a VAT box number for the new VAT prefix you are creating.

Work with VAT box descriptions, Deletion (FSR60108)

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