Related topics
This panel displays A/R payment proposal information in detail. On this panel you activate or inactivate a payment, maintain and settle documents.
Inactivate | Select this option to delete an existing payment. |
Documents | Select this option to work with documents for the proposal. |
Activate | Select this option to activate a payment. |
Settle documents | Select this option to select documents to be settled. |
Move payment | Select this option to move a payment from one debtor to another debtor. |
Function keys
Display inactive/active/all | Toggle between showing only inactive or active payments, or all payments. The selected mode is indicated to the left, next to the panel sub-heading. |
Selection fields
- S
- Displays the status of the A/R payment.
- Debtor
- This column lists the debtors of the payment proposal.
- Sequence
- This column lists the sequence numbers of the payments.
- Pay date
- This column lists the payment dates.
- System amount
- This column lists the amounts in system currency.
- Syst rem settl
- This column lists the remaining settlements in system currency.
Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments (DKFD73104)
Related topics
On this panel you enter or maintain a payment for the selected proposal.
Function keys
Recalculate payment | Recalculate the payment. |
- Proposal
- Displays the selected payment proposal.
- Debtor
- Enter the number of the debtor whose account should be debited for the payment.
- Sequence
- Enter the sequence number for the payment.
- Primary currency
- The primary currency is retrieved from the debtor.
- Primary curr amount
- Enter the amount in primary currency.
- System amount
- Enter the amount in system currency.
- Payment date
- Enter the payment date.
- Payment reference
- Enter free format text for payment reference.
Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments, Copy (DKFD73105)
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor number of the payment that you selected to copy.
- Sequence
- Displays the sequence number of the selected payment.
- New Debtor
- Enter the new debtor number.
- New Sequence
- Enter the new sequence number.
Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments, Inactivation (DKFD73108)
This panel displays the debtor and payment that you selected to inactivate. Click OK to confirm the inactivation.
Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments, Activation (DKFD73111)
On this panel you confirm the activation of the payment.
- Debtor
- Displays the debtor of the payment that should be activated.
- Sequence
- Displays the sequence number of the payment that should be activated.
Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments, Move payments (DKFD73114)
On this panel you enter the debtor to whom you want to move the selected payment.
- Debtor
- Displays the current debtor of the payment that should be moved.
- Sequence
- Displays the sequence number of the payment that should be moved.
- New Debtor
- Enter the new debtor to whom the payment should be moved.