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Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments (DKFD73101)


Related topics

This panel displays A/R payment proposal information in detail. On this panel you activate or inactivate a payment, maintain and settle documents.


Inactivate Select this option to delete an existing payment.
Documents Select this option to work with documents for the proposal.
Activate Select this option to activate a payment.
Settle documents Select this option to select documents to be settled.
Move payment Select this option to move a payment from one debtor to another debtor.

Function keys

Display inactive/active/all Toggle between showing only inactive or active payments, or all payments. The selected mode is indicated to the left, next to the panel sub-heading.

Selection fields

Displays the status of the A/R payment.
This column lists the debtors of the payment proposal.
This column lists the sequence numbers of the payments.
Pay date
This column lists the payment dates.
System amount
This column lists the amounts in system currency.
Syst rem settl
This column lists the remaining settlements in system currency.

Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments (DKFD73104)

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Related topics

On this panel you enter or maintain a payment for the selected proposal.

Function keys

Recalculate payment Recalculate the payment.
Displays the selected payment proposal.

Enter the number of the debtor whose account should be debited for the payment.
Enter the sequence number for the payment.
Primary currency
The primary currency is retrieved from the debtor.
Primary curr amount
Enter the amount in primary currency.
System amount
Enter the amount in system currency.
Payment date
Enter the payment date.
Payment reference
Enter free format text for payment reference.

Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments, Copy (DKFD73105)

Related topics

Displays the debtor number of the payment that you selected to copy.
Displays the sequence number of the selected payment.

New Debtor
Enter the new debtor number.
New Sequence
Enter the new sequence number.

Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments, Inactivation (DKFD73108)

Related topics

This panel displays the debtor and payment that you selected to inactivate. Click OK to confirm the inactivation.

Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments, Activation (DKFD73111)

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On this panel you confirm the activation of the payment.

Displays the debtor of the payment that should be activated.
Displays the sequence number of the payment that should be activated.

Work with import of A/R payments, Proposal – Payments, Move payments (DKFD73114)

Related topics

On this panel you enter the debtor to whom you want to move the selected payment.

Displays the current debtor of the payment that should be moved.
Displays the sequence number of the payment that should be moved.
New Debtor
Enter the new debtor to whom the payment should be moved.