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  7. ABP charge enquiry (DIR25901)

ABP charge enquiry (DIR25901)

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This enquiry displays determined charges from the ABP charge file which are to be the basis for the ABP invoice generation.


Selection fields

Business partner
This column lists the business partners that are/will be charged.
This column lists the date when the charge transaction was created.
This column lists the sales order number from where the charge transaction was created.
This column lists the sales order line number from where the charge transaction was created.
This column lists the activity code used for tracking the charge transaction.
Base code
This column lists the base code used for tracking the charge transaction.
This column denotes if an ABP order for the activity is generated.
Criterion code
This column lists the criterion code used for tracking the charge transaction.
Criterion value
This column lists the criterion value used for tracking the charge transaction.
This column lists the amount charged.
Generated ABP order
This column lists the ABP order number that was created when the ABP invoice routine was executed.
ABP invoice
This column lists the ABP invoice number that was created when the ABP invoice routine was executed.

ABP charge enquiry (DIR25904)

Related topics

This panel displays the details from the ABP charge file.

Business partner
Displays the business partner that is/will be charged.
Base date
Displays the date when the charge transaction was created.
Relative order no
Displays the sales order number from where the charge transaction was created.
Relative order line
Displays the sales order line number from where the charge transaction was created.
Activity code
Displays the activity code used for tracking the charge transaction..
Base code
Displays the base code used for tracking the charge transaction.
Base quantity
Displays the base quantity for the charge transaction.
Base price
Displays the base price from the set-up in Work with ABP conditions, as well as the currency.
Criterion code
Displays the criterion code used for tracking the charge transaction.
Criterion value
Displays the criterion value used for tracking the charge transaction.
Displays the amount and currency for the charge transaction.
Total amount system
Displays the total amount and currency for the charge transaction.
ABC class
Displays the ABP class defined on the business partner. This is the top level for the charge condition.
Generated ABP order
Displays the ABP order number that was created when the ABP invoice routine was executed.
ABP fictitious item
Displays the defined item from the chargeable activity. This item will be used as the order line item on the generated order.
ABP order generated
This field is set to YES if an ABP order for the activity has been generated.
ABP invoice
Displays the ABP invoice number that was created when the ABP invoice routine was executed.
ABP order crt date
Displays the creation date of the generated ABP order.
Charge creation date
Displays the date the charge order was created.
ABP order crt user
Indicates what user generated the ABP order.
Charge creation user
Indicates who created the charging order.