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Service program standards

Strict standards are in place for the service programs that bind the procedures and modules.

Note: If an DC1 unit wants to add their own files, they should create their own service programs on the same level as those listed below but with their country code first. E.g., If adding a new file to the DI interface the following Service program would be created: XXASW060, where XX = Country code.

The following service programs currently exist:

Service Program Description
ASDS010 asw_dis_setup
ASDS100 asw_dis_item
ASDS120 asw_dis_so
ASDS130 asw_dis_po
ASDS140 asw_dis_sms
ASDS150 asw_dis_inv
ASFS005 asw_fin_general
ASFS100 asw_fin_gl
ASFS110 asw_fin_ar
ASFS111 asw_fin_ar_settlmnt
ASFS120 asw_fin_ap
ASGS001 asw_gen_job
ASGS005 asw_gen_general
ASGS100 asw_gen_bp
ASGS500 asw_gen_cdm
ASSS010 asw_svc_setup
ASWAISRV ibs_asw_ai_xml
ASWS010 asw_whm_setup
ASWXMLSRV ibs_asw_xml