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Item file enquiry, Basic data (DMR17201)

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This panel displays basic data for the item you have chosen, which has been entered in the corresponding panel in the Item file. Changes to the data can be made in the Work with items program.

Function keys

Restriction group View the item restriction groups to which the item is attached.
Surcharge This function key is only displayed if the Surcharge handling parameter is activated in the DIS control file. View the surcharge codes that are attached to this item.
Route restrictions View the route restriction group(s) to which the item is attached.
Display segment fields This function key is only displayed if the Item segmentation function is activated in DIS control file. Display the item segments for the item.

Internal name
Displays an abbreviation of the item name for internal use. Internal names are used, for instance, to simplify alphabetical sorting.
Segmentation type
This field is only displayed if the Item segmentation function is activated in DIS control file. Displays a code from the Item segmentation type table. The segmentation type is used to define the rules and control the segmentation of the item.
Matrix base
This field is only displayed if the ITEMMTRX (Item matrix) function is activated in the Function control file and is automatically set to YES for the item that is the matrix base item (i.e. the item from which the matrix items are created).
Corporate snd/rcv
This field, valid only for DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance, contains two parts which are automatically updated by the system when the following occurs:

  • If you are in the Sending company and you have activated the send of this ITEM data, the Snd flag will automatically be set to YES.
  • If you are in the Receiving company the Rcv flag will automatically be set to YES the first time you receive the record data, regardless of whether or not the record already exists. If all future reception of this ITEM data is suspended, this field will be set to NO.
Displays the signature of the person or department etc. who is responsible for the item. Note: The responsible person can also be defined at warehouse level to override the person displayed in this field.
Creation date
Displays when this item was entered into the system for the first time.

Note: The planner can also be defined at warehouse level to override the planner displayed in this field.

Fictitious item
Indicates if this is a fictitious item, i.e. the item code can be used for a number of items.
Fictitious item type
Displays a code from the Fictitious item type table, if the Fictitious item field is set to YES. The fictitious item type controls, e.g., the cost price handling for fictitious items. In addition, if DC1 Service is installed and activated, the item type is used as classification of items on the Work in progress report.
Account group
Displays a code from the Account group table. The account group is used in several programs within DC1 to group items together and as a selection parameter. It’s main purpose, however, is to handle the accounting of bookkeeping transactions which should be transferred to DC1 Financials. It can also be used for statistical purposes and for finding the correct sales prices.
Item group
Displays a code from the Item group table. The item group is used in several programs within DC1 to group items together and as a selection parameter. It can also be used for statistical purposes, for handling the accounting of bookkeeping transactions which should be transferred to DC1 Financials and for finding the correct sales prices.
Structure type
Displays a code from the Structure type table, indicating that this item is a parent item in an order structure. The order structure is defined via the Work with order structures menu item. Note: If the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated, and you plan on using this item on inventory contracts, items defined as order structure parents are not supported for inventory contracts; this field must be blank.
Item discount group
Displays a code from the Item discount group table. The item discount group is used in several programs within DC1 to group items together and as a selection parameter. It can also be used for statistical purposes and for finding the correct sales prices.
Item price group
Displays a code from the Item price group table. The item price group is used as a selection parameter when recalculating sales and purchase prices. It can also be used for statistical purposes.
Item family
Displays a code from the Item family table. The item family is used in several programs within DC1 to group items together and as a selection parameter. It can also be used for statistical purposes, for handling the accounting of bookkeeping transactions which should be transferred to DC1 Financials and for finding the correct sales prices.
Commodity code
Displays a commodity code which provides a standard classification for all items within the European Community.
Item sector
Displays a code from the Item sector table. The item sector is used in several programs within DC1 to group items together and as a selection parameter. It can also be used for statistical purposes, for handling the accounting of bookkeeping transactions which should be transferred to DC1 Financials and for finding the correct sales prices.
Country of origin
This field is only displayed if the EU reporting function is activated. Displays the code for the country of origin, indicating in which country this item was manufactured.
Item commiss group
Displays a code from the Item commission group table. The commission group can be used when defining commissions for salesmen in the Salesman commission table.
Shipment group
Displays a code from the Shipment group table. The shipment group is used to classify items to prevent different items from being shipped together, e.g., Food would more than likely not be shipped together with Petrol. All sales orders containing items with the same shipment group can be selected during preparation of pick list and/or transport note and specified as such on the pick list printout/transport note sent to the customer.
Service item
This field is only displayed if DC1 Service is installed and activated. Indicates if this is a service item. A service item is for example labour, travel time etc.
Goods type
Displays a code from the Goods type table. All items with the same goods type can be grouped together and specified as such on shipping document sent to the customer.
Service item group
This field is only displayed if DC1 Service is installed and activated. Displays a code from the Service item group table.
This field is only displayed if the DC1 Dangerous Goods Handling application is installed and activated. Displays the MSDS code that has been attributed to this item.

Item file enquiry, Basic data (DMR17202)

Related topics

This panel displays additional basic information for items, which was entered on the corresponding panel in the Item file. Changes to the data can be made in the Work with items program.

Conformity group
Displays a code from the Item conformity group table. The conformity group is used in the quality control routine when goods are received, to control that the item conforms with the specific criteria defined for the conformity group.
Supplier quot group
Displays a code from the Supplier quotation group table. Supplier quotation groups are used as a selection criteria when creating requests for quote to suppliers.
Min supp quality rte
This field contains a value if quality rating control is used for this item. Displays the lowest quality rate a supplier must attain to be approved to deliver this item. The quality rate is a percentage manually entered for each supplier to control that this item is only purchased from a supplier that attains a certain quality rate.

If the Use appr suppl only field on this panel is set to YES, only suppliers with a quality rate equal to or higher than the value displayed here, are approved to supply the item. The quality rate per supplier is displayed on the Supplier information (DMR17404) panel in the Curr quality rate field.

If the field is blank, no control of quality rating is performed when purchase orders are entered for this item.

Narcotics category
This field is applicable for Narcotic movement handling in DC1 Pharma if DC1 Pharma is activated, as well as the ARCOS functionality for Pharma US installations.

  • For Narcotic movement handling, narcotic movement information can be collected for narcotic related items and sent to the applicable authorities. If inventory movements (in and out of stock) are to be collected for this item, this field displays the narcotics category code from Work with narcotics categories.
  • For the ARCOS functionality, this field displays the narcotics category code from Work with narcotics categories for the item if the item is classified as a narcotic controlled substance.
Use appr suppl only
Indicates if this item is only allowed to be purchased from an approved supplier. If set to YES, you are only allowed to purchase this item from those suppliers defined as being approved, on the Supplier information panel in this file. In addition, if quality rate control is used for this item, the supplier must attain a quality rate equal to or higher than the quality rate displayed in the Min supp quality rte field on this panel.
Incompl stock units
Only displayed if the INCOSTUN (Incomplete stock units) function is activated in the Function control file. Indicates if sale or purchase of this item will be allowed for a quantity or unit that when converted to stock unit does not end up with complete stock unit. If set to YES, you are allowed to sell or purchase quantities of this item using different units while being stocked and while being traded even when the unit used for trade is not being completely converted to the unit being stocked. Classic examples are when something is purchased in inches/yards but stocked and sold in meters. In the paper industry paper can be stocked in sheets but purchased and/or sold in tonnes. This can not be done without accepting incomplete stock units. For more information regarding the different system unit types available in the system see About unit handling in DC1.

Note: This functionality should not be used on items where correct stock in hand is an absolute necessity as the conversion process involves rounding of the stock units which may lead to incorrect figures after some transactions.

Item version
Displays the version of the item, if defined. Item versions can be useful if the supplier/manufacturer provides the item in different versions and you want to identify a particular version on an order. The item version displayed will be copied to purchase and manufacturing orders.
Handling status
Displays a code from the Handling status table, indicating if specific restrictions apply for the item, e.g., the item is not allowed to be entered on a sales order.
Drawing number
Displays the drawing number. The drawing number is only for informational purposes.
Invoice split option
Displays the panel value denoting what items you want printed on invoices for your customers. The customer must be flagged for split invoicing in the Customer file to run this functionality.

Valid panel value codes are:

1 Print with same split code: All items for the customer on the order with this invoice split option code will be printed on the same invoice.
2 Print with same split category: This requires that your items for the customer on the order are attached to an Invoice split category. The end result is that all items for the customer on the order with this invoice split option code and the same invoice split category will be printed on individual invoices based on the category.
3 Print on a separate invoice: This does not require that your items are attached to an invoice split category. The end result is that all items for the customer on the order with this invoice split option code will be printed on individual invoices, i.e. one invoice per item.
Invoice split categ
If the item was assigned invoice split option 2 (Print with same split category), this field displays the applicable invoice split category from the Work with invoice split categories file.
Category 1
Displays a code from the Item category 1 table, which can be used for statistics.
Category 2
Displays a code from the Item category 2 table, which can be used for statistics.
Category 3
Displays a code from the Item category 3 table, which can be used for statistics.
Category 4
Displays a code from the Item category 4 table, which can be used for statistics.
Category 5
Displays a code from the Item category 5 table, which can be used for statistics.
Category 6
Displays a code from the Item category 6 table, which can be used for statistics.
Sales tax
Indicates if sales tax handling should be used for the item.
Sales tax category
Displays a code from the Sales tax category table indicating the tax category in which the item should be included.
Sales tax class
Displays a code from the Sales tax classification table indicating the tax classification in which the item should be included.
User defined numeric 1 – 2
If the field names for these user defined numeric fields have been defined in the DIS control file, they will be displayed here. You can use these fields for whatever purpose you want, but anything you enter is for your information only.
User defined alpha 1 – 2
If the field names for these user defined alpha fields have been defined in the DIS control file, they will be displayed here. You can use these fields for whatever purpose you want, but anything you enter is for your information only.

Item file enquiry, Item segments (DMR17203)

Related topics

This panel is only displayed if the Item segmentation function is activated in the DIS control file. The segmentation function is used to categorize (split) the item code into different logical, meaningful segments. When searching for items, for example in the order entry routines, the different values in the segments can be used.

The panel displays the values in the item segments based upon the segmentation type entered on the previous panel.

Displays the identity of the item.
Segmentation type
Displays the segmentation type of the item.
Segment 1-6
Displays the description of the segments declared for this segmentation type and the value of the segments for this item.
Primary segment
Displays the number of the primary segment and the value of that segment for this item.

Item file enquiry, Basic data (DMR17204)

Related topics

This panel is only displayed if the CONTAINR (Container handling) function is activated in the Function control file. This panel displays the container assignment information for the item. The first four fields classify the type of item that is to be packed in a container. If this item should be part of container handling, at least one of the flags denoting what type of item it is should be set to YES. It does not matter what type of items they are, i.e. they can differ as well as be all four types. The system will always choose the default container during creation of the pick list.

Normal item
Indicates if this item is classified as a normal item.
Fragile item
Indicates if this item is classified as a fragile item.
Inflammable item
Indicates if this item is classified as an inflammable item.
Cold storage item
Indicates if this item is classified as a cold storage item.
Packaging group
If this item should be packed in a packaging container, displays a code from the Work with packaging container groups file denoting the packaging group to which the item belongs.
Packaging material
If this item should be packed with material in a packaging container, displays a code from the Work with container packing material file denoting the material in which it should be packed.