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Work with event codes, History/Error (EDSD01301)

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On this panel you define and maintain history and error event codes for use in DC1 Alert Management.


Function keys

History codes/Error codes Toggle between viewing and working with either history codes or error codes. The panel sub-heading indicates the active mode.

Selection fields

This column lists the names of the configured history or error codes.
YES indicates that the event code is currently active and that this event will be logged. NO indicates that entries are not recorded in the History/error log for this event.
This column lists the descriptions of the history or error codes.

Work with event codes, Error/History (EDSD01304)

Related topics

On this panel you may activate and view the properties of each of the error or history event codes. The type of event code is determined by the selected view mode on the previous panel; History codes or Error codes.

Enter an event code that you want to work with from Work with event codes.
Indicate if you want to have this code activated or not, and click OK. If set to NO, then no entries will be made in the History/error log for this event. This is only used for those events that may create a log which is far to large. It is recommended that YES be used in most instances, however.
This field will display the description of the event code that you are activating/deactivating, once the Code and Active fields have been completed. The value in this field is retrieved by the system and cannot be changed.