Related topics
In this panel you define the year and period of the data printed in the report.
- Report
- Displays the name and description of the report to print.
- Version
- Displays the name and description of the version to use, if you are printing a report of type 1.
- Actual year/period
- Displays the actual year and period in the system.
- Last closed period
- Displays the last closed period.
- Year/Period
- Enter the year and the period from which the relative report years and periods shall be calculated. The format to be used is YY/PP.
- Budget offset
- If you have referred to a budget or a set of budgets when defining the columns, you can change to another budget or set of budgets. The number you enter is added to the previously entered budget number to give a new budget number. If budget number 1 is used in the columns, and you want to use budget number 3 instead, you enter 2 here (1+2=3).
- Connected report
- This field allows you to connect a type 2 report to a type 1 report or vice versa.
- Connected version
- This field allows you to connect a type 1 report to a type 2 report.
Work with reports, Print selection (RWRD15002)
In this panel you make the final selections for the printout of the report.
- Report
- Displays the name and description of the report to print.
- Version
- Displays the name and description of the version to use, if you are printing a report of type 1.
- Print option
- Enter 1 to print the report on paper. Enter 2 to create an on-line report, which then can be displayed via the Display on-line reports menu item. Enter 3 to both print the report and create an on-line report.
- Print specification
- Set this field to YES if you want to print the report specifications.
- Create work file
- Set this field to YES if you want to keep the result of the report in a work file, which can e.g., be transferred to a PC for further handling in a spreadsheet program.
- Library/File name
- Enter the name of the library where to store the work file in the first field, and the file name in the second field. If such a file already exists in the library a message will appear informing you about this. You must then click OK once again to replace the existing file.
Work with reports, Print selection (RWRD15003)
This function allows you to save the on-line report you are currently working with.
- Save report
- Set this field to YES if you want to save the report in a file.