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Work with stock sync transactions (DSR71201)

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Note: The DC1 WMS Interface application must be activated and this functionality only applies if the warehouse is activated for WMS. The warehouse cannot be activated for both WMS and WHM.

This program is used to synchronize DC1 stock on hand quantities with the WMS system stock on hand quantities. Normally the stock sync is performed once a month to keep the two inventory balances in sync. An external file is created when the stock sync transactions are received from the WMS system file. The file contains the quantities together with a calculated difference and information from the file is displayed in the Work with inventory routine.

The stock sync transaction quantities are listed per item number plus serial number, which form the unique ID for the item code. For example, if there are 15 of an item in the WMS system, but in DC1 there are only 13, then the unique ID indicates which items are missing. The WMS system always contains the correct quantity.

Note: Quantities on this panel are always in stock unit.

You can process the transactions in this file one by one, or all of them simultaneously. When an entry in this file is processed, an external function for inventory transactions is called for validation and update of inventory transactions. Once processed, the file will be emptied. But there could be situations when some transactions were not processed (erroneous transactions). If such is the case, a window will prompt where you can decide to correct the erroneous transactions either immediately or at a later time or remove them from this file.

For example:
If there were 100 erroneous transactions, but you only corrected 75 of them then you can choose to remove the 25 remaining and thus not processed, or keep them in the file and correct them at a later time and start a new process. If you decide to remove them and not correct them, then during the next synchronization they might have been corrected automatically.


Process Select this option to process transactions with quantity differences one by one. Note: This is only possible for “normal” stock on hand differences.

Function keys

All/Quantity only Toggle between displaying all transactions and only those transactions with stock on hand differences. The sub-heading of the panel changes accordingly.
Print list Access the Print control program to print a list of the transactions.
Process all Select this option to process all transactions with quantity differences. The synchronization starts immediately.

Selection fields

This column lists the items and item descriptions.
Quantity DC1e
This column lists the DC1 stock on hand quantities.
Quantity WMS
This column lists the WMS system stock on hand quantities.
This column lists the item stock units.
This column denotes if the item is under batch control.
This column displays the quantity difference in stock unit between DC1 and the WMS system for the item.
This column lists the item numbers.
Item description
This column lists the item descriptions.
This column lists the warehouse codes.
Batch number
This column lists the batch numbers for batch controlled items.
Use by date
This column displays the last date this item is valid until it expires.
Serial number
This column lists the serial numbers for serial number tracked items.
Batch qty DC1e
This column lists the DC1 batch quantities for batch controlled items.
Creation time
This column displays the time when the synchronization was created.
Creation date
This column displays the date when the synchronization was created.
Transit stock DC1e
This column displays the DC1 transit stock balance.
Transit stock WMS
This column displays the WMS system transit stock balance.
Quantity on pick WMS
This column displays the WMS system quantity printed on pick list(s).
Quantity not on pick WMS
This column displays the WMS system quantity that is not printed on pick list(s).
Picked qty WMS
This column displays the WMS picked quantity.
Qty on pick DC1e
This column displays the DC1 quantity on a pick list.
Unusable qty DC1e
This column displays the DC1 unusable quantity. Note: This is not traceable for transit stock on hand and serial number controlled items.
Unusable qty WMS
This column displays the WMS system unusable quantity. Note: This is not traceable for transit stock on hand and serial number controlled items.
Unsellable qty DC1e
This column displays the DC1 unsellable quantity. Note: This is not traceable for transit stock on hand and serial number controlled items.
Unsellable qty WMS
This column displays the WMS system unsellable quantity. Note: This is not traceable for transit stock on hand and serial number controlled items.
Unavailable qty DC1e
This column displays the DC1 unavailable quantity. Note: This is not traceable for transit stock on hand and serial number controlled items.
Unavailable qty WMS
This column displays the WMS system unavailable quantity. Note: This is not traceable for transit stock on hand and serial number controlled items.
NCC usable qty DC1e
This column displays the DC1 usable NCC quantity.
NCC usable qty WMS
This column displays the WMS system usable NCC quantity.
NCC unusable qty DC1e
This column displays the DC1 unusable NCC quantity.
NCC unusable qty WMS
This column displays the WMS system unusable NCC quantity.
Stock sync number
This column lists the stock synchronization numbers.

Work with stock sync transactions (DSR71204)

Related topics

This panel displays the transaction details.

Function keys

Process Start the synchronization process. Processed transactions will be deleted.

Displays the item code.
Displays the description of the item.
Displays the warehouse code and description.
Quantity DC1e
Displays the DC1 quantity.
Qty on picklist DC1e
Displays the DC1 quantity printed on pick list(s).
Quantity WMS
Displays the stock on hand for the item, in stock unit, in the WMS system. If this is a batch controlled item, the batch quantity is displayed.
Quantity on picklist WMS
Displays the WMS system quantity printed on pick list(s).
Quantity difference
Displays the quantity difference in stock unit between DC1 and the WMS system for the item.
Picked quantity WMS
Displays the WMS picked quantity.
Displays the stock unit for the item.
Displays the batch number, if the item is under batch control.
Serial number
Only displayed if the item is under serial number tracking. Displays the serial number.
Use by date
Displays the last date this item is valid until it expires.
Creation date
Displays the creation date of the synchronization.
Creation time
Displays the creation time of the synchronization.

Work with stock sync transactions, Process (DSR71205)

Related topics

On this panel you validate and update the transactions. Click OK to start the synchronization process. Processed transactions are deleted afterwards. If not all transactions were processed, then a window prompts displaying which ones were left.

This column lists the item codes of the transactions that should be processed.
Batch/Serial number
If the items are batch controlled, this column lists the batch codes of the transactions that should be processed. If the items are serial number controlled, this column lists the serial numbers.

Remove remaining transactions (DSR71211)

Related topics

This window prompts if not all transactions were processed during the stock synchronization. You can choose to remove them (so that the file is emptied) or keep them and correct the errors at a later time.

For example, if there were 100 erroneous transactions, but you only corrected 75 of them then you can choose to remove the 25 remaining (set to YES) and thus not processed, or keep them in the file and correct them at a later time (set to NO) and start a new process. If you decide to remove them and not correct them at a later time, then during the next synchronization, they might have been corrected automatically. Normally, the stock synch is performed once a month to keep the two inventory balances in synch.

Remove transactions
Set to YES if you want to remove those transactions that were not processed during the synchronization. Set to NO to keep them in the file and correct the errors later, and then start a new synchronization process.