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Business partner file maintenance, DI documents (GDMD0141)

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This panel displays all DI documents applicable for the methods activated on the DI Methods panel in this file. Available DI documents in the system are defined in the Work with DI documents table. From this panel you activate the documents which should be possible to exchange with the applicable business partner as well as define the file name information.

For DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance purposes: If you are planning on sending more than one document it is recommended that you define all the sending/receiving file name information on this document level (instead of on DI Method level). This is to be able to assign unique names for the data being sent and therefore ensure that no data is overridden.

Function keys

Display all/active Toggle between viewing Activated documents and All documents.

Selection fields

Business partner file maintenance, DI documents (GDMD0144)

Related topics

On this panel you enter specific sending/receiving related information for the DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance or DC1 Data Interchange related document you selected. The same data could also have been entered on a higher level (i.e. DI Methods), but since it is most probable that one would send/receive data for more than one DI Document it is recommended that you define the information, per activated DI document, on this panel. All information that is entered on this panel takes precedence.

Function keys

Transform Transform the document into another format.
Remove IN files Reorganise the files in the IN-archive (inbound files) in the IFS directory.
Remove OUT files Reorganise the files in the OUT-archive (outbound files) in the IFS directory.

Send document
For DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance related documents: This field is only displayed in the Sending company and is mandatory. Indicate if the data for this document is allowed to be sent by the Business partner.

For DC1 Data Interchange related documents: This field is only displayed if this type of document can be sent. Indicate if this document/document subtype should be possible to send with the selected method/method subtype to the customer/supplier. For DI documents ORDRSP and DESADV, you can activate the ACCEMAIL method together with one other method. For all other DI documents, you can only send this document/document subtype to the customer/supplier using one method/method subtype.

For example:

Document is INVOIC, subtype 1 (Commercial invoice). Method used is EDI/400 for which two method subtypes exist – EDIFACT and ANSI/X12. This field can only be set to YES for either method subtype EDIFACT or ANSI/X12.

Send only for DI ord
This field is only valid for DC1 Data Interchange related documents and is only displayed if this type of document can be sent. Indicate if this document should be sent to the customer/supplier only for orders created through a Data Interchange method. If you set this field to NO, the document will be sent for both DI and manually created orders.
Hold document
This field is only valid for DC1 Data Interchange related documents and is only displayed if this type of document can be sent. Indicate if the document temporary should be put on hold. This means that documents with this type will not be sent. To be able to send documents again, this field has to be changed to NO.
Send components
This field is only valid for DC1 Data Interchange related documents and is only displayed if this type of document can be sent. Indicate if the components should be included in the outbound document for the customer/supplier when the order contains items that are part of an order structure. Note: Valid document types for this field is ORDRSP. The method name must not be ACCEFAX or ACCEMAIL.
Paper copy
This field is only valid for DC1 Data Interchange related documents and is only displayed if this type of document can be sent. Indicate if a printout should be possible to obtain when processing this document/document subtype.
Receive document
For DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance related documents: This field is only displayed in the Receiving company and is mandatory. Indicate if the data for this document is allowed to be received by the Business partner.

For DC1 Data Interchange related documents: This field is only displayed if this type of document can be received. Set this field to YES or NO indicating if this document/document subtype should be possible to receive, using the method/method subtype, from the Business partner.

Send address
Enter the address to which the DI document should be sent.

The following rule applies for DI documents with method *INTERNAL: The value you enter in this field in the Sending company should match the value you enter into the Receive address field in the Receiving company.

If DI documents ORDRSP, DESADV, and INVOIC (type Normal, Consolidated or Credit) are activated under DI method ACCEMAIL for the business partner, then the e-mail address entered in this field is defaulted to the order, confirmation, delivery, and invoice address panels in the Work with sales/purchase order routines, if external documents are to be printed according to the order type.

Send address 2
This field is applicable for DI document ORDRSP, and is used when that DI document is activated under DI method ACCEMAIL for the business partner. If you want a second recipient to receive the order confirmation, enter the second email address to which the order confirmation should be sent. This e-mail address is defaulted to the Sales order header, confirmation address panels in the Work with sales/purchase order routines, if external documents are to be printed according to the order type.
Send routine id
The information stated here must match that which is entered in the Work with DI transfer routines program. The system preloads CDMSND. If you are planning on sending information at different times of the day (e.g., ITEM data once per hour and ACCOUNT data once per day), it is recommended that you define unique send routine id’s. When the DI transfer routine is activated, and the applicable run interval has been reached for the send routine id, the system will look in the Sending company for something to be sent.
Receive address
For DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance related documents in the Receiving company: Enter the address from where the documents are received, (i.e. the value in this field should match the value in the Send address field in the Sending company).

For DC1 Data Interchange related documents: Enter the address from where the DI documents are received.

Receive routine id
The information stated her must match that which is entered in the Work with DI transfer routines program. The system preloads CDMRCV. If you are planning on receiving information at different times of the day (e.g., ITEM data once per hour and ACCOUNT data once per day), it is recommended that you define unique receive routine id’s. When the DI transfer routine is activated, and the applicable run interval has been reached for the receive routine id, the system will look in the Receiving company for something to receive.
User id
For DC1 Data Interchange related documents: Enter the user id that should be used, if required, when a DI method needs to log on to an external connection.
For DC1 Data Interchange related documents: Enter the password, if required, to be used when logging on to an external connection.
File/mail names out
This field is valid for both DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance and DC1 Data Interchange related documents. For DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance related documents, this field is only displayed in the Sending company and is a recommended entry. Enter the name of the file that will be transferred to the receiver. The more variables you use, the more unique the name.

The following variables are available for use and should be separated with slashes (/):

Variable Description
I Document name
Q Sequence number that the system will assign from the E-connection sequence number file (SROESN)
Y Year (four digits)
M Month
D Day
h hour
m minutes
s seconds
F FTP sequence number (unique number from the E-connection sequence number file (SROESN)) Note: This is currently recommended only for the DC1 Data Interchange routine.

Note: If this field is left blank, the system will allocate a default name, in the format: ASWDFT/Q, where the /Q will be replaced with the unique e-connection sequence number. As this default name will not allow the receiver to identify what data information is being sent, it is recommended that you complete this field.

You must make this a unique name for the following reasons:

  1. To prevent files from being overridden. If data is sent several times a day and the file name is not unique, the data will be overridden every time a new file is sent with the same name.
  2. For the receiving company to be able to identify from whom the data is being sent and what type of data is being sent.

Example of defining the File/mail names outbound string in the DC1 Sending company:

File/mail names out Result in Receiver’s archive directory
where I = Internal doc name (e.g., ITEM)
ITEM(sequence number)2002
where I = TABLE
DC1ABTABLE(sequence number)2002.txt
DC1HQTAB/Q.xml DC1HQTAB(sequence number).xml
File/mail names in
This field is valid for both DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance and DC1 Data Interchange related documents. For DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance related documents, this field is only displayed in the Receiving company and is a mandatory entry.

Enter the name of the file that will be picked up by the receiver. There are several ways to enter the inbound string, but it must match the string specified in the File/mail names out field on this panel in the Sending company for the applicable document.

Example of defining the File/Mail names inbound string in the DC1 Receiving company:

Outbound String in Sending company Inbound Entry in Receiving company
where I = Internal doc name (e.g., ITEM)
where I = TABLE
From e-mail address
This field is only valid for DC1 Data Interchange related documents. Enter the e-mail address from which the DI document is being sent.

Business partner file maintenance, DI documents (GDMD0145)

Related topics

This panel is valid only for the DI documents ORDERS (sales and purchase orders), ORDRSP (sales and purchase order responses) and REQOTE (request for quotation). On this panel you enter specific data for the DI document you selected.

Function keys

Order type
This field can only be completed if the Receive document field is set to YES. Enter a valid code from the Sales order type table, indicating the sales order type to be used when retrieving orders and requests for quotations from the DI database, sent by the customer.
Minimum order amount
This field is only applicable for sales orders received. Enter a minimum order amount, in system currency, for an order. If an order does not meet this minimum requirement, you will receive an error message during document processing. This field is optional.
Order handler
This field is only applicable for sales orders and requests for quotations received, i.e. it can only be completed if the Receive document field is set to YES. Enter a valid code from the Signature table, indicating the handler to be defined on sales orders, when orders and requests for quotations are retrieved from the DI database, sent by the customer.
% of annual forecast
This field is only applicable for sales/purchase order responses received, i.e. it can only be completed if the Receive document field is set to YES. The information is used to check if the total quantity for each item on an order, does not exceed a percentage of the annual forecasted demand for the item.

For example:

Annual forecasted demand: 100 PCS
Order quantity: 25 PCS
Percentage defined in this field: 10 %
10 % of the annual forecast is 10 PCS. The quantity on the order line is 25 PCS, which means that the percentage is exceeded.

If DC1 Inventory Control is not installed, then the annual forecasted value is established on the Inventory information panel in the Item file.
If DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated the annual forecasted value is displayed on the Inventory management panel in the Item file.

Orders where the percentage is exceeded will result in an error message during document processing and the sales order will not be retrieved.

Allowed price var %
This field is only applicable for sales/purchase order responses received, i.e. it can only be completed if the Receive document field is set to YES. If you enter a percentage value in this field, the system checks if the sales price retrieved according the price rules in DC1, differs more than this percentage, compared with the sales price that the customer defined in the DI document. If it does, an error message will appear during document processing and the sales order will not be retrieved.
Max dsp date allowed
This field is optional. This field is only applicable for sales/purchase order responses received, i.e. it can only be completed if the Receive document field is set to YES. Enter a number of working days in the future, indicating the maximum limit for a dispatch date.

For example:

  • Sales order is retrieved April 1st (today’s date)
  • 10 is entered in this field
  • Sales orders with a dispatch date after April 11th will not be allowed.
    Note: Non-working days are taken into consideration.
  • If the dispatch date is not allowed, an error message will appear during document processing and the sales order will not be retrieved.
Min dsp date allowed
This field is optional. This field is only applicable for sales orders received. Enter a number of working days in the future, indicating the minimum limit for a dispatch date.

For example:

  • Sales order is retrieved April 1st (today’s date)
  • 3 is entered in this field
  • Sales orders with a dispatch date before April 4th will not be allowed.
    Note: Non-working days are taken into consideration.
  • If dispatch date is not allowed, an error message will appear during document processing and the sales order will not be retrieved.

Business partner file maintenance, DI documents (GDMD0146)

Related topics

This panel is only valid for the DI document DELFOR (delivery schedules sent by customers).

No of history gener
This field is used to control how many historical delivery schedules should be kept in the system. When one delivery schedule already exists for a customer in the Delivery schedule file, that delivery schedule will be considered historical when a new delivery schedule is received from the customer. Indicate the number of historical delivery schedules you want to keep. Note: This information can also be defined in DIS control file. If nothing is defined here, the information in DIS control file will be used.
Incl in forecast
This field is only used if DC1 Manufacturing or DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Indicate if any forecast defined in delivery schedules should be added to the forecast for this customer/item/warehouse.

If DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated, the following applies:

  • When the forecast is calculated in DC1 Inventory Control, the forecast defined in the last received delivery schedule will be updated in the Customer forecast field within the Forecast file. The customer forecast and the base forecast (the forecast calculated using the applicable forecast control code) will be summarised to a total forecast which is displayed in the Forecast field in the Forecast file.

If DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated (without DC1 Inventory Control), the following applies:

  • When running the Create requirement forecast job in DC1 Manufacturing, you can select if you want to retrieve the forecast from the last received delivery schedule. This is done by setting the Retrieve cust. forecast field to YES on the panel prompted when submitting the job. The customer forecast will then be included in the Requirement forecast.
Warn. limit %, total
This field is used to activate a warning flag if the following applies:
A delivery schedule was received from a customer and updated in the Delivery schedule file. The customer sends a new delivery schedule which is received and updated in the Delivery schedule file. If the total quantity on the new delivery schedule, differs from the quantity on the old delivery schedule with more than the percentage defined in this field, the warning flag will be activated.

The system checks the quantities during the following period on the delivery schedules: From Schedule start date and a number of days ahead. The number of days are defined in the Warning horizon field below.

When receiving a delivery schedule and the quantity differs more than allowed, the Warning, total chg % field on the delivery schedule will be set to YES.

If you do not want the system to perform this control, leave the field blank.

Note: The warning percentage can also be defined in DIS control file. If nothing is defined here, the information in DIS control file will be used.

Forecast factor
Only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing or DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated and is used in conjunction with the Incl in forecast field on this panel. Enter the factor which will be multiplied with the forecast defined (by the customer) in the delivery schedule. The forecast factor is used to adjust the customer forecast. The calculation will be performed when running the Start inventory calculations program (if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated) and in the Create requirement forecast program (if DC1 Manufacturing is installed).

For example:

Forecast defined in delivery schedule: 1000
Forecast factor: 1,1
Forecast which will be used: 1100

Warn. limit %, line
This field is used to activate a warning flag if the following applies:
A delivery schedule was received from a customer and updated in the Delivery schedule file. The customer sends a new delivery schedule which is received and updated in the Delivery schedule file. If the quantity for any item included on the new delivery schedule, differs from the quantity for the corresponding item on the old delivery schedule with more than the percentage defined in this field, the warning flag will be activated.

The system checks the quantities for each day during the following period on the delivery schedules: From Schedule start date and a number of days ahead. The number of days is defined in the Warning horizon field below.

When receiving a delivery schedule and the quantity differs more than allowed, the Warning, chg % line field on the delivery schedule will be set to YES.

If you do not want the system to perform this control, leave the field blank.

Note: The warning percentage can also be defined in DIS control file. If nothing is defined here, the information in DIS control file will be used.

Warning horizon
This field is used in combination with the Warn. limit %, total and Warn. limit %, line fields. Refer to those fields for a detailed explanation. Enter the number of days, from the Schedule start date, that should be checked for quantity differences. Note: The warning horizon can also be defined in DIS control file. If nothing is defined here, the information in DIS control file will be used.
Warning item missing
Indicate if a check should be done to make sure that no items are missing on a new delivery schedule, compared with a previously received delivery schedule. When receiving a delivery schedule and items are missing, the Warning, item missing field on the delivery schedule will be set to YES.
Firmed horizon
The firmed horizon end date defines that all orders with a dispatch date up to this date should be considered as confirmed, and will thus be created. In other words, they are allowed to be dispatched without any other confirmation from the customer.

The system will calculate the date as follows:

Schedule start date + Firmed horizon (days)

Note: If this field is left blank, the effect will be that no orders will be created.

Business partner file maintenance, DI documents (GDMD0147)

Related topics

On this panel you enter specific data for the DI document (DESADV = Dispatch advice) that has been activated for suppliers.

Function keys

Indicates the mode in which you are working.

Send document
This field is only displayed if this type of document can be sent. Indicate if this document/document subtype should be possible to send with the selected method/method subtype to the customer/supplier. You can only send this document/document subtype to the customer/supplier using one method/method subtype.

For example:

Document is INVOIC, subtype 1 (Commercial invoice). Method used is EDI/400 for which two method subtypes exist – EDIFACT and ANSI/X12. YES can only be defined in this field for either method subtype EDIFACT or ANSI/X12.

Hold document
This field is only displayed if this type of document can be sent. Indicate if the document should temporarily be put on hold. This means that documents with this type will not be sent. To be able to send documents again, set this field to NO.
Receive document
This field is only displayed if this type of document can be received. Indicate if this document/document subtype should be possible to receive, using the method/method subtype, from the customer/supplier.
Paper copy
This field is only displayed if this type of document can be sent. Indicate if a printout should be possible to obtain when processing this document/document subtype.
Send address
This field is only displayed if this type of document can be sent. Enter the address to which the DI document should be sent. The interchange address can also be defined on the DI methods panel, if you do not want to define the address for all documents. If an address is defined in this field, the address defined for the DI method will not be used.
Receive address
Enter the address from where the DI documents are received. The address can also be defined on the DI methods panel, if you do not want to define the address for all documents. If an address is defined in this field, the address defined for the DI method will not be used.
User id
The user id that should be used, if required, when a DI method needs to log on to an external connection.
The password, if required, to be used when logging on to an external connection.
File/mail names out
File/mail name for outbound DI documents.
File/mail names in
File/mail name for inbound DI documents.
Sales order type
This field can only be completed if the Receive document field is set to YES. Enter a valid code from the Sales order type table, indicating the sales order type to be used when retrieving orders from the DI database, sent by the customer.
Minimum order amount
This field is only applicable for sales orders received. Enter a minimum order amount, in system currency, for an order. If an order does not meet this minimum requirement, you will receive an error message during document processing. This field is optional.
Order handler
This field is only applicable for sales orders received, i.e. it can only be completed if the Receive document field is set to YES. Enter a valid code from the Signature table, indicating the handler to be defined on sales orders, when orders are retrieved from the DI database, sent by the customer.
% of annual forecast
This field is only applicable for sales orders received. The information is used to check if the total quantity for each item on an order, does not exceed a percentage of the annual forecasted demand for the item.

For example:

Annual forecasted demand: 100 PCS
Order quantity: 25 PCS
Percentage defined in this field: 10 %
10 % of the annual forecast is 10 PCS. The quantity on the order line is 25 PCS, which means that the percentage is exceeded.

If DC1 Inventory Control is not installed and activated the annual forecasted value is established on the Inventory information panel in the Item file.
If DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated the annual forecasted value is displayed on the Inventory management panel in the Item file.

Orders where the percentage is exceeded will result in an error message during document processing and the sales order will not be retrieved.

Price var %
This field is only applicable for sales orders received. If you enter a percentage value in this field, the system checks if the sales price retrieved according to the price rules in DC1, differs more than this percentage, compared with the sales price that the customer defined in the DI document. If it does, an error message will appear during document processing and the sales order will not be retrieved.
Max dsp date
This field is optional. This field is only applicable for sales orders received. Enter a number of working days in the future, indicating the maximum limit for a dispatch date.

For example:

  • Sales order is retrieved April 1st (today’s date)
  • 10 is entered in this field
  • Sales orders with a dispatch date after April 11th will not be allowed. Note: Non-working days are taken into consideration.
  • If the dispatch date is not allowed, an error message will appear during document processing and the sales order will not be retrieved.
Min dsp date
This field is optional. This field is only applicable for sales orders received. Enter a number of working days in the future, indicating the minimum limit for a dispatch date.

For example:

  • Sales order is retrieved April 1st (today’s date)
  • 3 is entered in this field
  • Sales orders with a dispatch date before April 4th will not be allowed. Note: Non-working days are taken into consideration.
  • If dispatch date is not allowed, an error message will appear during document processing and the sales order will not be retrieved.
Hist gen no
This field is used to control how many historical delivery schedules should be kept in the system. When one delivery schedule already exists for a customer in the Delivery schedule file, that delivery schedule will be considered as historical when a new delivery schedule is received from the customer. Indicate the number of historical delivery schedules you want to keep. Note: This information can also be defined in DIS control file. If nothing is defined here, the information in DIS control file will be used.
Incl in forec
This field is only used if DC1 Manufacturing or DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Indicate if any forecast defined in delivery schedules should be added to the forecast for this customer/item/warehouse.

If DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated, the following applies:

  • When the forecast is calculated in DC1 Inventory Control, the forecast defined in the last received delivery schedule will be updated in the Customer forecast field in the Forecast file. The customer forecast and the base forecast (the forecast calculated using the applicable forecast control code) will be summarised to a total forecast which is displayed in the Forecast field in the Forecast file.

If DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated (without DC1 Inventory Control), the following applies:

  • When running the Create requirement forecast job in DC1 Manufacturing, you can select if you want to retrieve the forecast from the last received delivery schedule. This is done by entering YES in the Retrieve cust forecast field on the panel prompted when submitting the job. The customer forecast will then be included in the Requirement forecast.
Forec factor
Only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing or DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated and is used in conjunction with the Incl in forecast field on this panel. Enter the factor which will be multiplied with the forecast (by the customer) in the delivery schedule. The forecast factor is used to adjust the customer forecast. The calculation will be performed when running the Start inventory calculations program (if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated) and in the Create requirement forecast program (if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated).

For example:

Forecast defined in delivery schedule: 1000
Forecast factor: 1,1
Forecast which will be used: 1100

Wrn limt % tot
This field is used to activate a warning flag if the following applies:
A delivery schedule was received from a customer and updated in the Delivery schedule file. The customer sends a new delivery schedule which is received and updated in the Delivery schedule file. If the total quantity on the new delivery schedule, differs from the quantity on the old delivery schedule with more than the percentage defined in this field, the warning flag will be activated.

The system checks the quantities during the following period on the delivery schedules: From Schedule start date and a number of days ahead. The number of days are defined in the Warning horizon field below.

When receiving a delivery schedule and the quantity differs more than allowed, the Warning, total chg % field on the delivery schedule will be set to YES.

If you do not want the system to perform this control, leave the field blank.

Note: The warning percentage can also be defined in DIS control file. If nothing is defined here, the information in DIS control file will be used.

Wrm lmt% ln
This field is used to activate a warning flag if the following applies:
A delivery schedule was received from a customer and updated in the Delivery schedule file. The customer sends a new delivery schedule which is received and updated in the Delivery schedule file. If the quantity for any item included on the new delivery schedule, differs from the quantity for the corresponding item on the old delivery schedule with more than the percentage defined in this field, the warning flag will be activated.

The system checks the quantities for each day during the following period on the delivery schedules: From Schedule start date and a number of days ahead. The number of days is defined in the Warning horizon field below.

When receiving a delivery schedule and the quantity differs more than allowed, the Warning, chg % line field on the delivery schedule will be set to YES.

If you do not want the system to perform this control, leave the field blank.

Note: The warning percentage can also be defined in DIS control file. If nothing is defined here, the information in DIS control file will be used.

Wrn itm miss
Indicate if a check should be done to make sure that no items are missing on a new delivery schedule, compared with a previously received delivery schedule. When receiving a delivery schedule and items are missing, the Warning, item missing field on the delivery schedule will be set to YES.
Wrn horizon
This field is used in combination with the Warn. limit %, total and Warn. limit %, line fields. Refer to those fields for a detailed explanation. Enter the number of days, from the Schedule start date, that should be checked for quantity differences. Note: The warning horizon can also be defined in DIS control file. If nothing is defined here, the information in DIS control file will be used.
Firm horizon
Enter the number of days to be used when calculating the Firmed horizon end date on the delivery schedule. The firmed horizon end date defines that all orders with a dispatch date up to this date should be considered as confirmed, in other words, they are allowed to be dispatched without any other confirmation from the customer.

The date is calculated automatically when the schedule is received via Work with delivery schedules in DI, if this field is completed. The system will calculate the date as follows:

Schedule start date + Firmed horizon (days)
Crt PO from DESADV
Indicate if you wish to have the Purchase order created directly from the Dispatch advice. Note: This field is mandatory, if Receive document is set as YES. However, you may not enter any values in this field, if Receive document is set to NO.
PO type
This field may only have a value entered into it, if Crt PO from DESADV is set to YES. In that case, a valid order type should be entered. Note: Orders of types IRO, BtB or MDC or those for immediate reception may not be entered as a value here. The order type must also be defined without printing on the purchase order document.
Auto-crt ship
Indicate if you want the shipment to be created automatically. Note: This field may only be updated if the Crt PO from DESADV field is set to YES.
Await cost
Indicate if the system should wait for a cost check before processing this DI Document’s automatic shipment creation. Note: This field may only be updated if the Auto-crt shipment field is set to YES.
Auto-rec Btb-direct
Indicate if you want to have the system automatically create a BtB direct. Note: This field may only be updated if the Receive document field is set to NO.

Business partner file maintenance, DI documents (GDMD0149)

Related topics

On this panel you enter the second level specific data for the activated DI document that has been selected.

Displays the DI document’s number, with a description alongside it.
Displays the DI document’s class type, i.e. DESADV (Dispatch advice).
Document subtype
Displays the DI document’s subtype classification.
Method subtype
Displays the DI document’s subtype, in terms of its method of transmittal.
Displays the description of the DI Documents class type, i.e. DESADV (Dispatch advice).

Crt PO from DESADV
Indicate if you want to have the Purchase order created directly from the Dispatch advice. Note: Mandatory entry if Receive document is set as YES. However, you may not enter any values in this field, if Receive document is set to NO.
Order type
This field may only have a value entered into it, if Crt PO from DESADV is set to YES. In that case, a valid order type should be entered. Note: Orders of types IRO, BtB or MDC or those for immediate reception may not be entered as a value here. The order type must also be defined without printing on the purchase order document.
Order handler
Enter a valid USER ID from the Signature table, to indicate whom the handler for this DI Document is. Note: This field may only be updated if the Crt PO from DESADV field is set to YES.
Auto-crt shipment
Indicate if you want the shipment to be created automatically.
Await cost check
Indicate if the system should wait for a cost check before processing this DI Document’s automatic shipment creation. Note: This field may only be updated if the Auto-crt shipment field is set to YES.
Auto-rec Btb-direct
Indicate if you want the system to automatically create a BtB direct. Note: This field may only be updated if the Receive document field is set to NO.