Related topics
This panel displays the accounts in the Account file (Chart of accounts) that have been set up in your system. When you first enter this program, the accounts of the main account part are displayed in the Ap column. You can change to another account part by entering its number in the Ap selection field. The listed account part number will be reflected in the name of the topmost field on the detail panel.
Note: The authority control is only active at the menu item level.
Delete | Select this option to delete/inactivate a record. |
Summary id | Select this option to work with/display all summary id parts that are linked to the selected account part. Note: This option is only available for account parts that are connected to a summary identity part through the G/L control file. If the selected account part is only connected to one summary identity part the program will automatically leave out the selection panel and go directly to the Work with account/summary id panel. |
Authority | Only available if the group, e.g. *MNUITEM, is activated in Work with authority groups. This option will take you to the Secured objects panel in Work with authority groups where the object can be maintained. To secure a user, thereby prohibiting them from having access to add new accounts, set the default authority (Default value field) on the DIMx group to 2. Users who shall have authority to add new accounts should be added to the “All object” section within the Authority group table (accessed via the User option). For the users that have not been added to the all objects section to have authority will only be able to maintain the accounts if the Default value field is set to 1 or if they have specific authority to the account. |
Selection fields
- Account number
- This column lists the accounts in the Account file, depending on the account part entered in the Ap selection field.
- Description
- This column lists the account descriptions.
- Ap
- Indicates the currently selected account part of which the accounts are displayed. When you first enter this program, the accounts of the main account part are displayed. You can change to another account part by entering its number in the Ap selection field.
- A
- Indicates if the account is active. Active accounts are listed by default. Enter NO in the A selection field to only view inactive accounts, i.e. those that are stopped for use in transaction entry. Leave the field blank to view all accounts.
- E
- Indicates if the account is an entry account, i.e. an account to which postings can be made. Entry accounts are listed by default. Enter NO in the E selection field to only view non-entry accounts. Leave the field blank to view all accounts.
- B/T
- Indicates the account type (Balance/Trade). If you select a main account part, then you can enter the code for BALANCE or TRADE in the B/T selection field to further narrow down your selection.
- 2-8
- Displays the account combination setup.
Work with chart of accounts (FMR01004)
On this panel you maintain main accounts in the Account file. You can add new accounts and change information for existing ones. The code which indicates if entries can be made on the account cannot be changed for existing accounts. For an account to which postings have been made, you cannot change the code indicating balance/trade account, the combination code and code.
The G/L has a multi-dimensional account file which enables you to keep track of transactions on several levels, e.g. for several companies, divisions or projects in one account structure.
The number of account parts, their lengths and names, are defined in the G/L control file. The maximum length of an account part also determines the number of characters the name can consist of. In the G/L control file you also decide which account part is to be used for external accounting, i.e. which account part will be the main one. You can also define one account part for cost centre accounting, which is used in the A/R and A/P as well as in DC1 Asset Management.
The valid combination of account parts is controlled by a setup you create for each main account. In a field for each of the other account parts you enter the code for MANDATORY, NOT ALLOWED or OPTIONAL, deciding whether or not an account must/can be entered for that account part. To define which accounts in the mandatory or optional account parts are valid, if not all, access Work with combination checks.
Function keys
Summary id | Only displayed for the account parts that are linked to a summary identity part through the G/L control file and when you change or display an existing account, i.e. it is not displayed when you add a new account. Work with/display all summary identity parts that are linked to the selected account part. |
Authority | Only available if the group, e.g. *MNUITEM, is activated in Work with authority groups. This function will take you to the Secured objects panel in Work with authority groups where the object can be maintained. |
- Entry
- Indicate if this is an account to which postings can be made. A heading account is a non-entry account, to which the balances for all accounts with the same starting character(s) can be summarised on a report.
- Description
- Balance/trade type
- Enter the code for BALANCE or TRADE to indicate the account type. The codes are defined in Work with languages.
- Combination code
- For each of the other account parts, enter the code for MANDATORY, NOT ALLOWED or OPTIONAL, indicating if an entry must/must not/may be made on an account in the account part when an entry is made on the main account. The codes are defined in Work with languages. These fields will be protected once there is a balance on the account.
Note: If you have System Administrator authority, then you are allowed to change the account combination code for an account even if there is a balance on the account. In this case, you should not change the combination code here, but through the Account combination conversion menu item.
Note: When you change the rules for these account parts, from NOT ALLOWED to OPTIONAL, this will also have an impact on several rules that are based on the account combination, such as Calculation/Redistribution and Pricing. This means that if you change the rules for an account in the Account file you must also change the rules in the routine that this affects.
- VAT catalogue
- Only shown if you enter VAT on G/L level. Enter the VAT catalogue from Work with VAT catalogues where you have defined which VAT handling codes can be used for the VAT accounting on different account classes. The VAT handling codes are defined in Work with VAT handling codes.
This function is useful if you want to use different sets of VAT codes, for example for domestic or customer purposes. By entering a catalogue, you will get access to the relevant VAT codes. The VAT codes are then defaulted in the manual transaction entry routine.
- Currency
- If only one transaction currency may be used for entries on this account, state the currency code. Currency accounts may be bank accounts in foreign currency.
- Quantity code
- If the quantities entered on this account always have the same unit of measure, you can enter a quantity code here, indicating the unit, for example, HOUR, LB or SQM, for hours, pounds and square meters.
- Summarise account
- Indicate if you want individual postings with the same account number, period, journal number, voucher number, voucher type and originating company to be summarised and transferred as one posting. The entry text for the posting will be Sum transaction. Set to NO if each individual posting is to be posted as is.
Note: Transactions will only be summarised if Summarise trans in the G/L control file is set to YES. If the same field is set to NO, then no summations will ever be carried out, even if summation is defined, for any accounts in the Account file.
- Summarise printing
- This field is used during the G/L transaction printout. If this field is set to YES and the G/L transaction list printout is selected with Summarise printing set to YES, then no detailed transactions will be printed for this account.
- Saving period
- Enter 1 or 2 to decide for how long you want to save the transactions entered on this account. The number of periods defined for each option is defined in the G/L control file. Whenever a transaction exceeds the time limit, it will be deleted when the system does the period roll-over in the backup routine. However, G/L transaction details will be kept as long as their corresponding A/R or A/P document exists. This means that they can be saved for a longer period than what is defined in the G/L control file.
- Active
- Indicate if this account should be active. If it is to be inactivated, i.e. stopped for use in transaction entry, then set this field to NO. This field is protected if the account is used as a replacement.
Work with chart of accounts (FMR01011)
This panel is shown only for main accounts, and you can only maintain main entry accounts, i.e. YES in Entry on the previous panel. You define the revaluation and consolidation parameters as well as any account replacement rules.
Function keys
Summary id | Only displayed for the account parts that are linked to a summary identity part through the G/L control file and when you change or display an existing account, i.e. it is not displayed when you add a new account. Work with/display all summary identity parts that are linked to the selected account part. |
Authority | Only available if the group, e.g. *MNUITEM, is activated in Work with authority groups. This function will take you to the Secured objects panel in Work with authority groups where the object can be maintained. |
The header field displays the name and length, within brackets, of the account part as it is entered in the G/L control file. In Maintenance mode, the current account number and description is also displayed.
- Balance revaluation
- Indicate if you want the main account to be selected for G/L balance revaluation when you run the G/L balance revaluation routine.
- Consolidation type
- The entries in this field are used in the consolidation routine.
Code Description 1 Current exchange rate 2 Average rate 3 Historic rate Blank This account is not included at consolidation.
- Combination check
- Indicate if an entry on this account allows only certain accounts in the other account parts that are valid (mandatory or optional). You must then define the valid accounts in Work with combination checks, by using ranges of account or masks. Set to NO if you do not want a combination check, i.e. if all accounts are permitted.
- To account number
- If the account number you are maintaining will be changed to another account number when you use it, enter the new account number here. This function can be used when a new account file is implemented.
In the manual entry routine, the account number will be automatically changed if the old number is entered, but for transactions that are created in batch, the account number is changed in the update routine, before account number completion and pricing.
All transactions that are created in connection with the updating (pricing, calculations, redistributions) are also handled in the account change routine. The change will be printed on the G/L transaction detail journal. The account number that you enter here must exist in the Account file.
- Start date
- Enter the voucher date from which the change should be valid.
- End date
- Enter the voucher date to which the change should be valid.
- Inflation acc group
- Only shown if inflation revaluation is activated, i.e. entries exist in Work with inflation account groups. Enter the inflation account group that reflects your desired revaluation values. Leave the field blank for accounts that should not be revalued.
Work with chart of accounts (FMR01012)
This panel is shown if the account part you are maintaining is not the main account part. It contains only those account fields that are valid for non-main account parts.
Function keys
Summary id | Only displayed for the account parts that are linked to a summary identity part through the G/L control file and when you change or display an existing account, i.e. it is not displayed when you add a new account. Work with/display all summary identity parts that are linked to the selected account part. |
- Entry
- Indicate if this is an account on which transactions can be posted. A heading account is a non-entry account, to which the balances for all accounts with the same starting character(s) can be summarised in a report.
- Description
- Division
- This means that entries exist in Work with divisions. And, it is only shown for the cost centre account part. Enter the division that comprises this cost centre or leave the field blank.
- To account number
- If the account number you are maintaining is to be changed to another account number whenever used, enter the new account number here. This function can be used when a new account file is to be implemented.
In the manual entry routine, the account number will be automatically changed, if the old number is entered, but for transactions that are created in batch, the account number is changed in the update routine, before account number completion and pricing.
All transactions that are created in connection with the update (pricing, calculations, redistributions) are also handled in the account change routine. The change will be printed on the G/L transaction detail journal. The account number that you enter here must exist in the Account file.
- Start date
- Enter the voucher date from which the change should be valid.
- End date
- Enter the voucher date to which the change should be valid.
- Active
- Indicate if this account should be active. If it is to be inactivated, i.e. stopped for use in transaction entry, then set this field to NO. This field is protected if the account is used as a replacement.
Work with chart of accounts, Copy (FMR01005)
On this panel you can copy information from existing accounts.
- Account part
- Displays the account part of the account you are about to copy.
- Account number
- Displays the account number you want to copy information from.
- Description
- Displays the description of the account number you want to copy information from.
- New account number
- Enter the account number you want to copy to and click OK.
Work with chart of accounts, Deletion (FMR01008)
Note: Accounts can be deleted, as long as no postings have been made to them.