Related topics
This panel can be accessed from the Landed cost enquiry which is accessible from the following routines:
- Purchase order enquiry
- Inbound shipments enquiry
On this panel you can view information about the discrete costs for the selected purchase order line.
Function keys
Included costs | View information about the included costs for the purchase order line. Note: This function key is only dislayed if the Cost alloc. method is defined as Percentage (PC) on the Landed cost type table maintenance (DIR64004) panel. |
Line summary | View information about the purchase order line. |
- Landed cost type
- Displays a code from the Landed cost type table indicating how the landed cost is to be calculated.
- From country
- Displays the applicable From country. This value is defaulted from the Business partner file maintenance, Address file panel (GDMD0041).
- To country
- Displays the applicable To country from the warehouse as it appears on the purchase order line.
- Supplier
- Displays a code from the Business partner file indicating the supplier of the item.
- To warehouse
- Displays the warehouse that was entered on the purchase order line.
- Manner of transport
- Displays the manner of transport (MOT) used by the supplier. This value is defaulted from the Work with purchase order, Order header panel (DMR50102).
- Shipping agent
- Item shipment group
- Displays the item shipment group. This value is defaulted from the Item file.
- Commodity code
- Displays the commodity code defaulted to the purchase order line from the Item file maintenance, Basic data panel (DMR00201).
- Item
- Displays the item as it appears on the purchase order line.
- Vendor
- Displays the name of the supplier that will send the invoice for the landed cost. It could be the same supplier as appears on the purchase order but it may be a different one.
- Cost alloc method
- Displays the cost allocation method code from the Landed cost type table maintenance panel (DIR64004) that is used when calculating cost.
- Discrete value
- Displays the actual discrete cost, expressed in the currency defined in the Transaction currency field on this panel. Note: This field is only functional if the Cost allocation method field is set to Net value.
- Percentage
- Displays the value used to calculate the cost. This value represents the percentage of the net value on the purchase order line. Note: This field is only functional if the Cost allocation method field is set to Percentage.
- Value/costing unit
- If the Cost allocation method field contains the value for Gross/Net Weight/Volume or Quantity this field will display the value upon which the cost is based. Note: This field will not contain any information if the Cost allocation method contains the value for Percentage or Net value.
- per
- If the Cost allocation method field contains the value for Gross/Net Weight/Volume or Quantity this field will display the unit upon which the calculation is based. Note: This field will not contain any information if the Cost allocation method field contains the value for Percentage or Net value.
- Transaction currency
- Displays the currency in which the cost is calculated.
- Exchange rate
- VAT based
- Indicates if this cost is VAT based, i.e. if VAT accounting transactions are to be created when accounting transactions are created for this cost.
- VAT handling code
- Displays a code from the VAT handling table, indicating the VAT handling code that applies to this cost.
- Fixed rate
- VAT included
- Indicates if VAT is included in the calculated cost.
- Include VAT % code
- Displays the VAT handling code for the VAT percentage, if any, which is included in the cost.
- System value
- Displays the calculated cost in system currency. Note: This value is always displayed excluding any VAT.
Order line landed costs summary (DIR63602)
This panel displays summarised information about the landed costs for the purchase order line.
Function keys
Show purchase unit / Show price unit | Price unit information is only displayed if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. See About price unit handling for more information. Toggle between viewing the information in purchase and price unit. |
- Await cost check
- Indicates if the await cost check function is required.
- Reception note
- A value is only displayed in this field if the purchase order line has been printed on a reception note. Displays the number of the reception note.
- Order status
- Displays the current status of the purchase order line.
- Shipping status
- Displays the shipping status of the purchase order line.
Code Description 10 The discrete cost has been created. 30 The purchase order line has been partly received, using the Receive replenishment line program, but is still not closed. Note: If the item on the line should be quality controlled, the line status will remain at 30 until the quality control note is confirmed. 45 The purchase order line is closed, meaning nothing more will be received. 60 The purchase order line has been booked.
- Purchase unit
- Displays the unit, from the Unit table, in which the item was purchased.
- Conversion factor
- Displays the conversion factor that determines the relation between the Purchase unit (displayed above) and the item’s stock unit as defined in the Item file maintenance (DMR00301) panel.
- Price unit
- Only displayed if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the unit in which the price is presented. See PRCUNIT for more information.
- Stock unit
- Displays the unit in which the item will be stocked.
- Purchase price
- Displays the purchase price of the item expressed in the currency displayed in the Currency field on this panel.
- Currency
- Displays the currency in which the purchase price is expressed.
- Purchase unit/Price unit
- Note: Price unit information is only displayed if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the unit in which the price is presented. See About price unit handling for more information.
Displays, in the fields below this column, the values for the unit in which the item was purchased/priced (Click Show purchase unit / Show price unit to toggle the information).
- Stock unit
- The values displayed below this heading are expressed in the stock unit.
- Extended
- The values displayed below this heading display the total values for each of the fields in the Purchase unit column, meaning:
Net price in the Purchase unit column * Quantity = Net price value in the Extended column,
Gross weight in the Purchase unit column * Quantity = Gross weight value in the Extended column, and so on.
- Quantity
- Displays the received quantity if the order line has a status that is higher than 30. Otherwise the field will display the ordered quantity.
- Net price
- Displays the net purchase price, in system currency, of the item being purchased.
- Gross weight
- Displays the gross weight of the item being purchased.
- Net weight
- Displays the net weight of the item being purchased.
- Gross volume
- Displays the gross volume of the item being purchased.
- Net volume
- Displays the net volume of the item being purchased.
- Line landed cost
- Displays the total cost, in system currency, for the purchase order line. Note: This is the sum of all discrete and distributed costs defined for the line.
- Total landed cost
- Displays the total landed cost, in system currency, for the purchase order line calculated as:
Net price + Line landed cost
Order line landed costs, Included costs (DIR63603)
This panel displays the cost types (from the Landed cost type table) that are included in the calculations of the landed cost for this cost type.
- Type
- Displays any cost types whose values are included in the calculation of the selected cost type.