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Work with item price codes (DMR0461)

This panel displays the system predefined item price codes and corresponding descriptions. You can change the descriptions to the predefined codes, but not the actual codes. A printout of the contents can be obtained from the Table printout program selection list program.


Selection fields

This column lists the existing price codes.

Work with item price codes (DMR04604)

The entries in this panel are used in several places within the DC1 Application suite. They are used for the purpose of the report writer and statistics. The codes and their descriptions are used in, for example, the following:

  • EOQ simulation
  • Purchase order enquiry (Detailed order line 1 panel)
  • Sales order enquiry (Detailed order line 1 panel)
  • Customer service enquiry

Function keys

Price code

Work with item price codes, Copy (DMR04605)

Displays the price codes you selected to copy.

New code
Enter the new price codes that you are creating.

Work with item price codes, Deletion (DMR04608)