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Journal maintenance, EU stat. trans. (FSR15101)

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Shown for each record is the invoice number, commodity code, weight, amount and ancillary cost.

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Journal maintenance, EU stat. trans. (FSR15104)

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Trader country
Invoice number
Displays the invoice number.
Country dispatch to
Displays the country to which the goods was dispatched, and the system validates it against Work with countries.
Country of origin
Displays the country from where the goods originates, and the system validates it against Work with countries.
Terms of delivery
Displays the terms of delivery for this invoice, and the system validates it against Work with terms of delivery. Although code 999 does not exist in Work with terms of delivery, it is allowed in this field.
Nature of trans
Displays the code for the nature of the transaction used for this invoice, and the system validates it against Work with nature of transactions.
Manner of transport
Displays the manner of transport for this invoice, and the system validates it against Work with manners of transport. Although code 999 does not exist in Work with manners of transport, it is allowed in this field.
Port of arrival
Displays the port of dispatch/arrival used for this invoice, if the manner of transport is by sea or by air. The system validates it against Work with ports.
Commodity code
Displays the commodity code used for this invoice, and the system validates it against Work with commodity codes.
Total weight
Mandatory entry if Quantity statistics is YES for this invoice. Displays the weight in kilograms of the goods.
Quantity statistics
Displays YES by default, which means that you must enter a weight or reporting quantity, if a reporting unit is defined for the commodity code, for the goods. If you change to NO, a weight or reporting quantity need not be entered.
Delivered sales qty
Displays the quantity sold. If you have used a commodity code with a conversion factor defined between the sales and the reporting unit, the system will calculate the reporting quantity.
Sales unit
Mandatory entry if the delivered quantity is entered. Displays the unit of measure used for the quantity sold. The system will base the calculation of the reporting quantities on this unit of measure.
Reporting quantity
Displays the reporting quantity for the quantity sold. If you have used a commodity code with a conversion factor defined, between the sales and the reporting unit, the system will calculate this quantity.
Reporting unit
If a reporting unit is needed, the system will display the reporting unit defined in Work with commodity codes. If not, then this field is optional.
Transaction currency
Displays the transaction currency for the invoice.
VAT reporting curr
Displays the VAT reporting currency for the invoice.
Transaction amount
Displays the amount for the transaction in transaction currency.
Anc cost trans curr
Displays the ancillary cost in transaction currency. This has either been entered manually or the system have calculated it, based on the percentage found in Work with border values. The calculation is based on the combination of terms of delivery, trader country and debtor country.
System amount
Displays the amount for the transaction in system currency.
Anc cost syst curr
Displays the ancillary cost in system currency. This has either been entered manually or the system have calculated it, based on the percentage found in Work with border values. The calculation is based on the combination of terms of delivery, trader country and debtor country.
Amount VAT currency
Displays the amount for the transaction in VAT currency.
Anc cost VAT curr
Displays the ancillary cost in VAT currency. This has either been entered manually or the system have calculated it, based on the percentage found in Work with border values. The calculation is based on the combination of terms of delivery, trader country and debtor country.
Stat procedure
Displays the statistical procedure on which this line must be declared, and the system validates it against Work with statistical procedures.
Displays the department (for example an affiliate or a regional branch) from where the goods are dispatched/where the goods arrive. The system validates it against Work with departments.
Order number
Displays the order number for this statistics entry.
Line number
Displays the order line number for this statistics entry.
Delivery date
Displays the delivery date of the order line for this statistics entry.
Stock quantity
Displays the stock quantity for this statistics entry.
Displays the item on the order line which is validated against the Item file.

Journal maintenance, EU stat transact (FSR15105)

Related topics


On this panel you maintain EU statistics for service transactions. The field values are automatically retrieved, but can be changed.

Invoice number
Displays the invoice number.
Service code
Displays the service code from Work with commodity codes.
Method of delivery
Displays the method of delivery defined for the service code in Work with commodity codes. The following panel values apply:

Value Description
I Immediately (the service is supplied in a unique solution)
R Division of instalments (the service is supplied in several steps)
Country of payment
Displays the country in which the payment is received.
Method of payment
Displays the method of payment from Work with terms of payment. The following panel values apply:

Value Description
A Credit money
B Bank transfer
X Other payments
Transaction currency
Displays the transaction currency for the invoice.
VAT reporting curr
Displays the VAT reporting currency for the invoice.
Transaction amount
Displays the amount for the transaction in transaction currency.
System amount
Displays the amount for the transaction in system currency.
Amount VAT currency
Displays the amount for the transaction in VAT reporting currency.
Stat procedure
Displays the statistical procedure for the country, from Work with statistical procedures, on which this line must be declared.
Order no
Displays the order number for this statistics entry.
Line no
Displays the order line number for this statistics entry.
Dispatch date
Displays the dispatch date of the order line for this statistics entry.
Displays the item on the order line.

Adjustment information

In this section, you specify the references of the previous Intrastat declaration for which you have entered journal corrections.

Note: The Intrastat declaration adjustments are managed manually, both for customers that have the DC1 Distribution and DC1 Financials applications installed, and for customers that have only the DC1 Financials application installed.

Reference year
Enter the year of the previous declaration printed in definitive mode that should be corrected.
Proposal number
Enter the proposal number of the previous declaration printed in definitive mode that should be corrected.
Line number
Enter the line number of the previous declaration printed in definitive mode that should be corrected.