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Work with payment ref type structure (DKFD77801)


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A/R payments use payment reference types which are comprised of card type, invoice number and customer number. On this panel you work with the structure of payment reference types.


Selection fields

This column lists the payment reference types for which a structure is defined.
This column lists the country codes of the payment reference types.
Bank acc reference
This column lists the bank account references.

Work with payment ref type structure (DKFD77804)

Related topics

A/R payments use payment reference types which are comprised of card type, invoice number and customer number. On this panel you define the structure of the payment reference type specifying the position and characters which should be included from the constituting elements.

Function keys

Show payment reference Show the defined payment reference.

Enter a code to identify the payment reference type that you are defining.
Enter the country code from Work with countries.
Bank acc reference
Enter the payment bank account reference.
Enter the description of the payment reference.
Enter the status code of the payment reference.
Get record from
Enter the source from where payment reference records should be retrieved.

The following values apply:

Value Description
1 DTA The record is retrieved from the SRODTA file.
2 PID The record is retrieved from the DKBPID file.
Enter the length of the payment reference.
Card type
Enter the card type based on the country.
Validation method
Enter the validation method that should be used for the payment reference.
Seq number series
Enter the sequence number series which should be used in the payment reference.
Reference layout
Enter the payment reference layout according to the length of the payment reference.
Field 1
This field represents the debtor number.
From field position
Enter the position to specify which part of the debtor number should be included in the payment reference.
To ref position
Enter the position of the debtor number in the payment string.
Field 2
This field represents the ID number from the number series or the invoice number.
From field position
Enter the position to specify which part of the ID number should be included in the payment reference.
To ref position
Enter the position of the ID number in the payment string.
Field 3
This field represents the payment type identification.

The following types are valid:

Interest note
From field position
Enter the position to specify which part of the type should be included in the payment reference.
To ref position
Enter the position of the type in the payment string.

Work with payment ref type structure, Copy (DKFD77805)

Related topics

Displays the payment reference type(s) to be copied.
Displays the country code of the payment reference type(s).
Bank acc reference
Displays the bank account reference for the payment reference type(s).

New type
Enter the new payment reference type.
New cou
Enter the new country code.
New bank acc ref
Enter the new bank account reference.

Work with payment ref type structure, Deletion (DKFD77808)

Related topics

Work with payment reference type, Show payment reference (DKFD77811)

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This panel displays the payment reference information defined for the selected reference type.