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Work with supplier structure, Holding companies (GDMD42501)

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This panel is used to establish new supplier structures from existing business partners, arranging them in tiers.

When setting up a new supplier structure, the holding company of this is configured first. The details of this company will be used by the system in order to devise the best search routine for obtaining a purchase price when an order is created for a supplier within this structure.


Structure Select this option for the record that you wish to establish/edit a structure of companies or business partners for.

Selection fields

Holding company
Under this column heading the supplier names of those holding companies that have already been established are listed.
Under this column heading a description of each of the corresponding holding companies that have already been established, is listed.

Work with supplier structure, Holding company detail (GDMD42504)

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This panel is used to enter specific information that relates to the Holding company of the business partner structure that you are configuring.

The details entered herein will be used in determining the best purchase price of items when an order is placed with a supplier within a structure.

Holding company
In this field the supplier number of the Holding company that was selected in the previous panel is displayed. In add mode, a new supplier number must be entered.
This field displays the supplier name of the Holding company you are currently working with. This is retrieved by the system from the Business partner file and corresponds to the supplier number that is displayed in the field above.
Statistic level
The value entered in this field defines the level in the structure at which purchase statistics will be created. It is possible to create statistics for a unique supplier, for the entire structure (the holding company) or for structure parents at the level defined in this field. This is an optional field and may be changed for existing records.
Pricing policy
Under this sub-heading, the details that relate to how the purchase price is retrieved when a purchase order line is created for one of the suppliers that belongs to this structure are configured.
Set this field to YES if you wish the purchase price to be retrieved from the nearest parent company above the supplier in question. Note: This parameter will be overruled if the Stop search parameter is selected in the Work with supplier structures, Suppliers (GDMD42604) panel. In that instance, the price will be retrieved at that supplier level when orders are created for lower ranking suppliers.
Set this field to YES if you wish the purchase price to be retrieved from the supplier itself.
Best of
Set this field to YES if you wish the purchase price to be retrieved using both the aforementioned methods, with the lowest of these two being used.

Work with supplier structures, Holding companies, Copy (GDMD42505)

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This panel displays the records that were selected for copy in the previous panel.

New holding company
Enter the business partner number of the new holding company that you wish to create and click OK to confirm this.

Work with supplier structures, Holding companies, Deletion (GDMD42508)

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This panel displays all the records of holding companies that you have selected for deletion in the previous panel.

Click OK to confirm the deletion of these records.