Related topics
The heading of this panel will differ depending on from which routine you accessed the panel:
- from Print A/R – A/P analysis, or
- from Work with A/R – A/P analysis report.
Note: Templates must be used in this routine. The last used template is indicated to the right in the panel heading. Sequences and specifications are defaulted from the template, but these can be changed. If a template has not previously been selected, then the SYSTEM template is defaulted. Use the Template function key to select another template or to create/maintain a template.
In this program you order printouts of A/R and A/P analysis lists and analysis reports on-line. This list/report is useful for analysing cash flow in the company. It also contains information about customer receipts you can expect and what supplier invoices that will be due for payment within the date interval you select.
The list can be based either on:
- document date
- due date
- supplier invoice date, or
- cash discount date 1.
All open items that meet the selection criteria are included. The list displays, for each selected sequence parameter:
- the total amount entered/due
- the amounts that were entered/due within each date interval
- the amount entered/due after the last date
- the average days overdue.
The information can be used for liquidity survey, currency status and age survey of open items, i.e. all documents where remaining amount is not zero.
You may order a summary list or a detailed list, an A/R list only, an A/P list only or both A/R and A/P. There are two sequence levels, heading sequence and detail sequence, in which you can determine the print order of the list. You are able to combine the sequences in whichever order you want the documents to be printed.
Note: When you create a report on-line it is only possible to select a maximum of 4 sequences. In both sequences you have the options to order sub-total printing and page break.
Function keys
Template | Select a template. |
- Sub-total
- Note: This field must be set to YES if sub-totals are selected on detail level when you are creating a report on-line.
- Page break
- Sub-total
- Note: If you define sub-totals for more than one sequence when you create a report on-line, you must make sure that the level above it is also set to YES, i.e. if sub-total sequence 4 is YES, then the sub-total parameters 3, 2 and 1 must also be YES.
- Page break
A/R & A/P analysis list or A/R & A/P analysis report, Specifications (FSR55002)
The heading of this panel will differ depending on from which routine you accessed the panel:
- from Print A/R – A/P analysis, or
- from Work with A/R – A/P analysis report.
Note: The active template is indicated to the right in the panel heading. You can, however, change any information defaulted by the selected template.
In the fields below you specify the type of list you want to be printed. Sub-totals and details are printed in the currency that you select on this panel. Totals are always printed in system currency for the currency that you select, except when you select reporting currency, where sub-totals and details are printed in reporting currency and totals are printed in both reporting and system currency.
- A/R list
- Indicate if you want to print an A/R list.
- A/P list
- Indicate if you want to print an A/P list.
- Debtor/Supplier info
- Indicate if you want to print debtor/supplier address information. YES is only allowed when Debtor/supplier number or Internal name is heading sequence 1.
- Details
- Indicate if you want to print a line for each individual document. If no sub-totals were selected on the initial sequence panel, then this field must be YES. If Debtor/supplier number or Internal name is not heading sequence 1, you can still print details, but then Debtor/Supplier info must be NO.
- Amount collation seq
- Only displayed if you access this panel from the Work with A/R – A/P analysis report routine. Enter the code for ASCENDING or DESCENDING to sort the sub-total amounts.
If you enter the code for ascending, then the sub-totals for A/R documents will be displayed with the lowest negative amount first and for A/P documents with the highest positive amount first. The sort order will be reversed when you enter the code for descending. If the field is left blank, the amounts will be sorted in sequence order. You can change this field when you view a report on-line.
- A/D
- Only displayed if you access this panel from the Work with A/R – A/P analysis report routine. Displays the language code for ascending and descending.
- Transaction currency
- Indicate if you want transaction currency amounts to be printed for sub-totals and details.
- Primary currency
- Indicate if you want primary currency amounts to be printed for sub-totals and details.
- System currency
- Indicate if you want system currency amounts to be printed.
- Reporting currency
- Indicate if you want reporting currency amounts to be printed in sub-totals, details and totals.
Note: System currency amounts and reporting currency amounts cannot be printed on the same list. They are mutually exclusive.
- Ageing date
- Enter a code to define the date to which you want to base your ageing date.
- Min remaining amount
- Enter an amount if you want to limit the number of open items to be included in the analysis list. Minimum remaining amount is an absolute value, i.e. both positive and negative amounts are taken into consideration. E.g., if you enter 1000, documents with system currency amounts 1000 and more are included, as well as documents with system currency amounts -1000 and less.
- Past due date only
- Indicate if you want to include all documents or only those that are past due as of today.
- Credit limit
- Set to YES if only debtors that have exceeded their credit limit, i.e. the A/R balance is greater than the credit limit, should be included in the list/report. This means that you can set to YES if you have selected an A/R list and the Debtor/Supplier no or Internal name field on the previous panel is heading sequence 1.
The credit limit will be printed/displayed in the header with extended debtor information, in reporting or system currency. If you enter YES for transaction, primary or system currency on this panel, the credit limit will be printed in system currency. If you enter YES for reporting currency on this panel, the credit limit will be printed in reporting currency.
- Balance period
- Enter the balance period for the documents you want to include. Documents that were entered in later accounting periods are then excluded. Actual period is used as default value. If you leave the field blank, all open items will be included.
- Report description
- Only displayed if you access this panel from the Work with A/R – A/P analysis report routine. Enter a description for the report.
- Date intervals
- The printout will report amounts entered/due as per six dates, as well as the amounts entered/due after the last date. Today’s date will be proposed as starting date, with a seven day range forward in time. If you want other dates or ranges, you can either complete the six dates yourself, or state a new ending or starting date and a different day interval.
The ARAPCSEQ (A/R-A/P report col sequence) function in the Function control file controls if the list should be printed in either ascending or descending date interval sequence. If that function is not activated, the date interval sequence will be printed in ascending order. If that function is activated, the date interval sequence will be printed in descending order.
Completion of these date fields works as follows:
If the ARAPCSEQ function is not activated
For a new starting date for calculation ahead in time, you enter the date in the leftmost field (i.e. Date 1) and enter a positive number in Interval.For a new starting date for calculation back in time, you enter the date in the rightmost field (i.e. Date 6) and enter a negative number in Interval. When you click OK, new dates are calculated.
If ARAPCSEQ is activated
For a new starting date for calculation back in time, you enter the date in the leftmost field (i.e. Date 1) and enter a positive number in Interval.For a new starting date for calculation ahead in time, you enter the date in the rightmost field (i.e. Date 6) and enter a negative number in Interval. When you click OK, new dates are calculated.
- Interval
- Completion of this field works as follows:
If the ARAPCSEQ function is not activated
Enter the number of days for the date range.For calculation ahead in time, you state the value with a positive number only (e.g. 8), then enter the starting date in the leftmost field (i.e. Date 1).
For calculation back in time, you state the value followed by a minus sign (for example, 10-). You indicate the ending date in the rightmost field (i.e. Date 6).
If the ARAPCSEQ function is activated
Enter the number of days for the date range.For calculation ahead in time, you state the value followed by a minus symbol (e.g. 10-). You indicate the ending date in the rightmost field (i.e. Date 6).
For calculation back in time, you state the value with a positive number only (e.g., 8), then enter the starting date in the leftmost field (i.e. Date 1). When you click OK, new dates are calculated. Note: If you enter the value 999 or 999- as interval, then the End date value defined for the actual period in the G/L control file is defaulted to each Date field.
A/R & A/P analysis list or A/R & A/P analysis report, Selections (FSR55003)
The heading of this panel will differ depending on from which routine you entered it:
- from Print A/R – A/P analysis, or
- from Work with A/R – A/P analysis report.
On this panel you make the selections for the printout of the A/R and/or A/P analysis list. Note: The active template is indicated to the right in the panel heading. You can, however, change any information defaulted by the selected template.
- Debtor number
- Debtor internal name
- Supplier number
- Supplier internal name
- A/R group
- A/P group
- Category 1
- Category 2
- Category 3
- Area
- Main salesman/Handl
Only displayed if A/R list has been selected on the specifications panel. - Transaction currency
- Document type
- Cost centre
- Division
- Credit profile
Only displayed if A/R list has been selected on the specifications panel. - A/R contact date
Only displayed if you are running the Australian application.
A/R & A/P analysis list (FSR55004)
A/R & A/P analysis report (FSR55005)
This panel displays that a report will be created and is only displayed when you are working with report on-line. Click OK to start the creation.
- Report number
- Displays the number of the report that will be created.
- Report description
- Displays the report description.