The entries in this panel are used during Sales order maintenance for cash sale entries. The user, at that time, can enter the short name of the credit card, that the customer is paying a cash receipt with, and the credit card number.
Selection fields
- Card
- This column lists the existing credit card codes.
- Card type
- This column lists the types of credit cards issued, e.g., Master Card, American Express, VISA.
- Auth days
- Once a credit card of the type listed is authorised, there is a fixed number of days for which this authorisation remains valid, before authorisation will once again be required. This column lists these periods for each record.
Work with credit cards (DMR04004)
The entries in this panel are used during sales order maintenance for cash sale entries. You can, at that time, enter the short name of the credit card, that the customer is paying a cash receipt with, and the credit card number.
Function keys
- Credit card
- Card type
- Enter a code from the Credit card type table indicating the type of credit card the customer is using.
- Authorisation days
- This field displays the number of authorisation days the card is valid for before it will require re-validation. The value in this field is defaulted from the Credit card type table.
Work with credit cards, Copy (DMR09105)
- Card
- Displays the credit cards you selected to copy.
- New card
- Enter the new credit cards that you are creating.