Related topics
These entries are used in the routine for dynamic calculations and redistributions. The option code defines if the automatic entry should be based on the balance or the budget of the dynamic account, and if it is the amount or the quantity of that parameter that should be used. A time period can also be defined for the option code. Example: An option code can be defined so that it is the budgeted amount last year for periods 3 – 9 that will be the basis for the calculation or redistribution. You are also able to enter relative time periods from last year.
Selection fields
- Code
- This column lists the existing option codes.
- Description
- Displays a description of the related option code.
- Bal
- Indicates if the related option code is defined as based on balance.
- Budget
- Displays a budget number from the Budget file if the related option code is defined as based on budget.
- Amt
- Indicates if the related option code is defined as based on amount.
- Qty
- Indicates if the related option code is defined as based on quantity.
- Relative year
- Displays the relative year.
- From period
- Displays the period number with which the period should start.
- To period
- Displays the period number with which the period should end.
Work with dynamic base options (FMR21204)
These entries are used in the routine for dynamic calculations and redistributions. The option code defines if the automatic entry should be based on the balance or the budget of the dynamic account, and if it is the amount or the quantity of that parameter that should be used. A time period can also be defined for the option code. Example: An option code can be defined so that it is the budgeted amount last year for periods 3 – 9 that will be the basis for the calculation or redistribution.
Function keys
- Option code
- Description
- Base on balance
- Indicate if the option code should use the balance of the dynamic account when the option code is used in a calculation/redistribution rule. If you set to NO, you must base the option code on budget.
- Budget number
- If the option code is defined as based on budget, you must select a budget number from the Budget file.
- Base on amount
- Indicate if the option code should use the amount of the dynamic account when the option code is used in a calculation/redistribution rule. If you set to NO, you must base the option code on quantity.
- Base on quantity
- Indicate if the option code should use the quantity of the dynamic account when the option code is used in a calculation/redistribution rule. If you set to NO, you must base the option code on amount.
- Relative year
- If this field is left blank, the current year will be used. Last year is entered as -1, and next year is entered as 1.
- From period
- If you want to use the values from a certain part of the year, you enter a fixed period number with which the period should start. You can also enter a relative period number, e.g. -3, indicating that the period number counting three periods back from the current period should be used as “from” period. Future relative periods are not allowed. If this field is blank, the current period number will be used. For example, if period 05 is the current period when a creation of dynamic bases is run, and last year is entered in Relative year, then it is period 05 last year that will be used as “from” period.
- To period
- If you want to use the values from a certain part of the year, you enter a fixed period number with which the period should end. You can also enter a relative period number, e.g. -3, indicating that the period number counting three periods back from the current period should be used as “to” period. Future relative periods are not allowed. If this field is blank, the current period number will be used. For example, if period 05 is the current period and last year is entered in Relative year, then it is period 05 last year that will be used as “to” period.
Work with dynamic base options, Copy (FMR21205)
- Code
- Displays the option code(s) you selected to copy.
- New code
- Enter a code to identify the new option code you are creating.