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Additional products table maintenance (ASTD13501)

Selection fields

Additional products table maintenance (ASTD13504)

The purpose of this table is to define the Additional products to be added in the system. The Additional products is a set of libraries that can be activated or inactivated at company level.

Function keys

Copy Copy the settings from an existing record.

Add. Product
Enter a subset from the Subset table.

Change date
PTF/Mod number
Load sequence
Enter the load sequence value. This field is used to determine in which sequence the additional products are to be loaded when building the company library list.
Product installed
Indicate if the product has been installed on the server. In order to activate this additional product on company level, this field must be set to YES.
Interface installed
Indicate if the interface to the product has been installed on the server.
Short name
Enter the short name of the additional product. This name will be used for naming objects connected to this additional product.
Auto activate
Reserved for future release.
Static libraries
The static libraries are libraries that always will be in the company’s library list.
Dynamic libraries
The dynamic libraries are libraries added to the library list only, when a function uses this additional product. The libraries are removed afterwards. This can be used when the company’s library list may not include any libraries from this additional product.
List position
This field is used in combination with the Reference library field to determine where in the library list the libraries listed below, are to be placed. Valid entries are:

  • *FIRST
  • *LAST
  • *AFTER
Reference library
This field is used in combination with the List position field to determine where in the library list the libraries listed below, are to be placed. Enter a library name or *LANGBAS.
Enter the library load sequence. This field is used to determine in which sequence the libraries are to be loaded within the selected additional product then building the company library list.
Enter the libraries to be included in the selected additional product.