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Work with pricing rules (FMR01401)

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These entries are used in the transaction entry routine, when a transaction without an amount, but with a quantity, is entered on an account with a pricing rule in this program. A pricing transaction will then be created when the transactions are updated, with an amount calculated from the quantity * price, and a reverse transaction amount on the defined contra account, and no quantity. The transaction amounts will always be in system currency, so pricing rules cannot be created for currency accounts.


Selection fields

Base account (1-8)
These eight columns show the account combinations for which a pricing rule is defined.
Displays the pricing rule sequence for the account combination. When the pricing transaction is to be created, the system uses only the rule with the highest sequence number. The sequence number can be changed if you want another rule to be active.
Displays a voucher type from Work with voucher types if the pricing rule only should apply for transactions of a certain voucher type. The system checks if the voucher type allows pricing. If the field is blank, all valid postings will create automatic entries, provided the voucher types allow pricing.
Qt c
Displays the same quantity code for the pricing rule as the quantity code entered for the base account, if defined. If a quantity code is not defined for the account, displays a code to make the rule valid only for those transactions that have the same quantity code. If this field is blank, all quantity codes, or no code at all, will make the rule valid.
Displays the price that should be multiplied with the transaction quantity to give the transaction amount.

Work with pricing rules (FMR01404)

Related topics

On this panel you enter pricing rules to be used in the transaction entry routine, when a transaction without an amount, but with a quantity, is entered on an account with a pricing rule in this program. A pricing transaction will then be created when the transactions are updated, with an amount calculated from the quantity * price, and a reverse transaction amount on the defined contra account, and no quantity. The transaction amounts will always be in system currency, so pricing rules cannot be created for currency accounts.

Base account
Enter the account (combination) that will trigger a pricing transaction whenever used in the transaction entry program together with a quantity and a zero amount. For all account parts except the main account part, underscores can be entered instead of account numbers. Underscores means that all accounts in this account part are valid for the pricing transaction.
Contra account
Enter the account (combination) on which the reverse transaction; zero quantity but reversed amount, should be posted. You can enter underscores instead of account numbers in all but the main account part, but an underscore account part in the contra account must have an account number or underscores in the base account. All underscores in an account part in the contra account means that the same account number as was used for the base account will be used for the contra account.
Sequence number
You can sequence the pricing rules for a specific account combination, and when the pricing transaction is to be created, the system uses only the rule with the highest sequence number. The sequence number can be changed if you want another rule to be active.
Voucher type
Enter a voucher type from Work with voucher types if the pricing rule only should apply for transactions of a certain voucher type. The system checks if the voucher type allows pricing. If you leave the field blank, then all valid postings will create automatic entries, provided the voucher types allow pricing.
Quantity code
If a quantity code is defined for the base account, you must enter the same quantity code for the pricing rule. If no quantity code is defined for the account you may enter a code to make the rule valid only for those transactions that have the same quantity code. If this field instead is left blank, then all quantity codes, or no code at all, will make the rule valid.
Enter the price that should be multiplied with the transaction quantity to give the transaction amount.
From date
Enter the voucher date from which this pricing rule should apply.
To date
Enter the voucher date to which this pricing rule should apply.

Work with pricing rules, Deletion (FMR01408)

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