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Work with A/R reminder proposals, Overview (FKR43001)

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Creating individual reminder routines for specific debtors enables you to optimize the handling of invoices due for payment and the issuing and distribution of reminders.

The reminder proposal functionality allows you to handle all details related to reminder routines in an easy way. You are also able to split proposals by, e.g. internal organisation or customer-related identifications. Most information driving a reminder routine is contained in the reminder rule which must be set up first and assigned to the debtor.

This panel presents an overview of all existing reminder proposals, including non-active proposals and those that have been updated and saved.

The Authority control (SECUR) is active for this routine. Make sure you have sufficient authority to perform the set-up procedures, or contact your System Administrator.


Note: Multiple proposals may be selected for the options. In that case, the options are processed one by one consecutively.

Change Note: This option cannot be used to change the selection criteria defined for a proposal. If necessary, you would have to delete the proposal and create a new one.

Select this option to:

  • change the description of a proposal,
  • view debtor and reminder details for a proposal,
  • inactivate or activate a reminder,
  • drill down to access detailed information of the documents included in a proposal and obtain the possibility to inactivate or activate documents,
  • drill across to the A/R transactions enquiry and A/R credit info enquiry.
Display Select this option to:

  • display debtor and reminder details for a proposal,
  • drill down to display detailed information of the documents included in a proposal,
  • drill across to the A/R transactions enquiry and A/R credit info enquiry.
Original selection Select this option to view the selection criteria and specification values entered when the reminder proposal was originally created. Note that once you have created a proposal, the entries cannot be changed. If necessary, you would have to delete the proposal and create a new one.
Print control list Select this option to print a control list in order to analyse the reminder proposal. You can print a complete or partial list as many times as you wish. The entered selection criteria and specification values are saved in the Template file and defaulted the next time you want to print a control list. Also note, that printing a control list does not change the proposal status.
Print reminders Select this option to make selections and print reminders included in the proposal. You can print a complete or partial proposal. The entered selection criteria and specification values are saved in the Template file and defaulted the next time you access the proposal.
Update Select this option to update the A/R and save all active reminders in the system. All reminders included in the proposal must been printed or sent electronically before update. Multiple proposals can be selected for update.

Selection fields

Proposal no
Displays the number of the reminder proposal. The number is automatically retrieved from Work with number series and cannot be changed.

Displays the status of the reminder proposal.

The following reminder proposal statuses apply:

Creation date
Displays the date when the reminder proposal was created. The date is automatically retrieved and cannot be changed.
Displays the number of active reminders included in the proposal, i.e. reminders with status 0.

A reminder can have one of the following statuses:

Last user
Displays the user ID of the last person who accessed the proposal.
Selection date
Only shown if this column has been activated through the Edit columns feature. Displays the date that was used for selection of documents at proposal creation.
Created by user
Only shown if this column has been activated through the Edit columns feature. Displays the user ID of the person who originally created the proposal.
Number of reminders
Only shown if this column has been activated through the Edit columns feature. Displays the total number of reminders included in the proposal independent of the proposal’s reminder status.
Number of due docs
Only shown if this column has been activated through the Edit columns feature. Displays the total number of due documents gathered in all reminders that are included in the proposal, independent of the proposal’s reminder status.

Work with A/R reminder proposals, Deletion (FKR43008)

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Note: The proposal and all reminders, independent of status, included in the proposal will be deleted.