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DIS control file maintenance, Firm allocation (DMR93601)

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On this panel you define the applicable control parameters for the firm allocation functionality.

Allocation window

Planning window
Controls which time horizon should be used when an automatic allocation is created during sales order entry. Order lines with a dispatch date within the time horizon will automatically create an automatic allocation if the available stock is enough. Indicate if an automatic allocation should be created according to each item’s individual planning time. If you set this field to NO, all automatic allocations will be created according to value in the Number of days field.
Number of days
Mandatory entry if Planning window is set to NO. Defines the number of days into the future that should be considered when the system tries to create an automatic allocation for a sales order line.
Incl PO in avail
Optional entry. Indicate if quantity on purchase order should be considered when available stock is checked during sales order entry using an order type flagged for Firm allocation.

Exception report

The Firm allocation exception report displays the sales order lines that did not automatically get allocated for the customer (i.e. nothing in stock or the entire quantity was not available for a successful allocation). It prints the sales order lines that were flagged for firm allocation (i.e. automatic allocation of stock for the customer) but could not be allocated due to the insufficient quantity being available.

Default day range
Optional entry. Enter the number of days which is used as a default value on the Firm allocation exception report printout selection panel. Sales order lines with a dispatch date less number of days into the future will be included in the exception report.
Default incl PO
Optional entry. This value is used as a default on the Firm allocation exception report printout selection panel. Indicate if purchase orders should be considered when available stock is checked during the automatic allocation creation process.