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A/R control file maintenance (GDMD0711)

The A/R control file contains the information and system parameters that define how the routines in the A/R should function. The information must be entered at the time of installation. You can print the contents in the table from the Table printout program selection list program.

No of stored periods
Enter the number of periods the A/R transactions are to be stored in the system. A minimum of 3 periods is recommended. Settled transactions that have become too old are deleted when the period roll-over is performed in the backup routine.
VAT catalogue
This field is only displayed if your company uses VAT entry on invoice level, which is defined in the G/L control file. Enter the VAT catalogue from the VAT catalogue table where the VAT codes you shall use for A/R documents are listed. VAT codes are defined in the VAT handling code table. The VAT codes are then defaulted in the manual A/R transaction entry routine.
Int history save per
Enter the number of periods (after the invoice accounting period) for which interest invoicing history should be saved. This field is used when validating periods in the Reorganize interest invoicing history routine.

Code and method description:

Calculation example:

Turnover net amount
Set this field to YES if you want the system to use the turnover net amount for statistical calculations. Set this field to NO if you want to use the gross amount in the calculations. This way, if you should compare the turnover for different companies, you do not risk comparing a gross amount with a net amount.
Capital int rate cde
Enter a valid percentage code from the Percentage table for the capital interest rate. This rate is the cost your company estimates as its costs for outstanding receivables (credits). The percentage code entered here is used to calculate the cost for average accounts receivable in the Profitability Analysis in DC1 Analyser.
Portfolio handling
Set this field to YES if your company handles invoice claims through drafts and bills of exchange. Otherwise set it to NO, to stop certain panels and fields from being displayed. You can always change NO to YES to allow portfolio handling.
Stat of acct X-ref
Set this field to YES if all related settlements should be listed for each document on the statement of account. Otherwise set it to NO.
EU stat at entry
This field is only displayed if the EU reporting function is activated. Set this field to YES if EU statistics should be registered at transaction entry. If you set this field to NO, they can still be registered during transaction maintenance.
Auto posting reason
Enter the reason code for A/R automatic posting of cash book entries.

A/R control file maintenance (GDMD0712)

On this panel you enter different default values for the handling of A/R transactions.

Currency defaults
Enter the default values for exchange rates that you want the system to suggest in the manual A/R transaction entry routines. Default values must be entered if the batch transfer routine for A/R transactions from pre-systems is used, and both transaction and system currency amounts do not exist for the transactions during transfer.
Period invoices
Enter the time value for invoices, i.e. if the default exchange rate should be the daily, weekly, monthly or yearly rate defined in the Exchange rate table. The codes for DAY, WEEK, MONTH and YEAR are defined in the Language table.
Level invoices
Enter the level for invoices, i.e. if the default exchange rate should be the high, medium or low rate defined in the Exchange rate table. The codes for HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW are defined in the Language table.
Period payments
Enter the time value for payments, i.e. if the default exchange rate should be the daily, weekly, monthly or yearly rate defined in the Exchange rate table. The codes for DAY, WEEK, MONTH and YEAR are defined in the Language table.
Level payments
Enter the level for payments, i.e. if the default exchange rate should be the high, medium or low rate defined in the Exchange rate table. The codes for HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW are defined in the Language table.
User defined texts
You can create ten user defined fields for the A/R additional data panel in the Business partner file. The text you enter will become field names for which you can enter different customer data. The first five field names are for numerical fields with 15 positions. The last five are for 15 positions long alphanumerical fields.
Document footing
You can enter text which will be printed at the bottom of the external documents to the debtors, such as statements of account, reminders and interest invoices.