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Work with A/P transactions (FLR01101)

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In this routine you can maintain various documents in the A/P. You can select different modes to maintain your documents in; open documents, settled documents or all documents. Additionally, you can delete preliminary invoices and cancel settlements.

Settled invoices, credit notes and redefinition documents can always be maintained regarding the import code, security code, if there is attestor security in your system, and document text.

The panel displays a listing of all documents for a supplier in ascending supplier number order.

Shown for each document is the following information:

  • Supplier number
  • Supplier name
  • Supplier invoice number
  • Document type and number
  • Original amount or remaining amount (toggle Shift value)
  • Currency (toggle Shift currency to view the different currencies)
  • Document text. Displays YES if there is complementary text connected to the document via the Text Editor. This text could, for example, be information to your customer. Note: This column heading may be different from the above, depending on the language code for Text.

The following information is shown if the specific column has been activated through the Edit columns feature.

  • Payment stop code, i.e. if a document has been stopped for payment. The codes are defined in Work with stop codes.
  • Account group code (Ag)
  • Payee, i.e. the payee number for this transaction.
  • Cost centre (Cst cnt)
  • Journal, i.e. the journal number which the journal received when the first attempt to update it was made.
  • Accounting period (Per), i.e. the accounting period in which each document was entered.
  • Document date
  • Voucher date
  • Voucher type and number
  • Due date, i.e. the due date of the document
  • Bank, i.e. the suppliers bank
  • Bank account number
  • Proposal number
  • Update date
  • Text, i.e. the document text retrieved from Work with document types or entered manually when the document was created.
  • Country
  • Primary currency (Prim)
  • Exchange rate period (Ex Period), i.e. the exchange rate period of the main document.
  • Exchange rate level and time
  • Exchange rate
  • Creation date and time, i.e. the date and time when this document was created.
  • Created by (User) i.e. the user ID of the person who created this document.
  • Division code
  • Turnover amount
  • Import/export code (I/E)
  • Payment mode
  • “Approved” code, indicates if the transaction is approved for payment.
  • Attestor. The initials of the person who approves the transaction for payment.
  • Supplier invoice date
  • Received date
  • “Matched” code, indicates if there are matched purchase order lines against this A/P document.
  • Bank reference number
  • Terms of payment (TOP), i.e. the terms of payment of the document.
  • Instalments, indicates if there are any instalment conditions for this document.
  • Due date for cash discount 1
  • Due date for cash discount 2
  • Cash discount 1 percentage (% 1 CAD), i.e. the percentage of cash discount 1.
  • Cash discount 2 percentage (% 2 CAD), i.e. the percentage of cash discount 1.
  • Cash discount 1 days (Days 1 CAD), i.e. the number of days within which the document must be paid for cash discount 1 to be granted.
  • Cash discount 2 days (Days 2 CAD), i.e. the number of days within which the document must be paid for cash discount 2 to be granted.
  • Cash discount base, i.e. the amount on which the cash discount should be based.
  • VAT amount
  • VAT registration number
  • Quarterly list account code (QL)
  • Trader country
  • Exchange rate VAT
  • VAT
  • Supplier name
  • Sundry supplier name
  • Payee name


Settled Select this option to view the existing settlements for a main settlement document in the A/P transactions enquiry program.
Instalments Select this option to view/work with instalments.
Vat Select this option to view/work with VAT information.
Text Select this option to view/work with text.
Cancel settlement Only valid for main settlement documents. Select this option to cancel one or several existing settlements.
Payment codes Select this option to enter additional payment information.

Function keys

Bank ref no sel Access the Bank reference number, Selection panel where you can enter the Bank reference number and then click OK to display the documents with that bank reference number on the initial panel.

Fields on the bottom of the panel

The following fields act as Positioning fields and can be used to display the list of documents starting with the character that you have entered:

  • Supplier no
  • Supplier inv no
  • Dt
  • Document no

The following field and Function key act as Selections:

  • Open
    Set to YES to show open documents. Set to NO to show settled documents or leave the field blank to show all documents. The panel sub-heading differs accordingly.
  • Bank ref no sel function key.
    Click to access the Bank reference number, Selection panel where you can enter the Bank reference number and then click OK to display the documents with that bank reference number on the initial panel.

Work with A/P transactions (FLR01104)

Related topics

This panel displays detailed information for the selected invoice, credit note or redefinition documents. Depending on if the document is settled or not, different information can be maintained in the document. The Import code, if entered, Security code and Text fields can always be maintained.

Information about the following is protected and cannot be changed:

  • Document type, number and date
  • Original amount
  • Remaining amount
  • Transaction currency
  • Terms of payment
  • If instalment exists

If there is attestor security in your system, which is defined in the A/P control file, you must enter the security code to be able to change any information for a document with status final. You only need to enter the code once for every attestor each time you use the maintenance routine.

Function keys

Instalment Only available for invoices/credit notes with instalment conditions and for final invoices/credit notes with no settlements. Maintain instalment information.
VAT information Only available for A/P invoices/credit notes and when an import code has been entered for the transaction. Maintain VAT information. If you have EU reporting, use this function key to retrieve EU statistical information.
Supplier number
Displays the supplier number for this transaction.

Direct PO number
This field is related to the A/P Direct order billing functionality and is only displayed if the APDIRBIL (A/P direct order billing) function is activated in the Function control file and a direct order exists for the invoice in the A/P invoice PO header information file. Displays the number of the concerned purchase order for an A/P direct invoice. After clicking OK on this panel, the A/P invoice direct order, Fees and discounts panel is displayed where you can view the A/P direct order billing information.
Due date
Displays the due date of the document. The date cannot be a date prior to the invoice date.
Reception date
Displays the reception date of the document.
Supplier invoice no
Displays the supplier’s own invoice number. If the field is blank, or the number is erased, you will be notified with a message, and you must click OK once again to continue. If you enter a number, the system will check that it is a unique number for that supplier.
Supplier invoice dte
Displays the supplier’s own invoice date.
Payee number
Displays the payee number entered for this transaction. If the field is blank and you enter a payee number, then it must exist in the Business partner file.
Supplier bank
Displays the supplier’s bank. The entered bank is validated against the A/P supplier bank file either for the supplier or for the payee number, if the supplier has a payee number entered for this transaction. Note: This field is not available for sundry suppliers. Information for sundry suppliers is entered in the A/P sundry supplier information program.
Payment mode
Displays the forced payment mode for the document. The entered payment mode is validated against the A/P supplier payment mode file either for the supplier or for the payee number, if the supplier has a payee number entered for this transaction. If the field is blank, the system will use any valid payment mode defined for the supplier or the entered payee number when this document should be paid via the Work with A/P automatic payments routine.

If a specific payment mode should be used, you can enter it in this field. The document can then only be paid via a proposal where this payment mode is included.

These initials indicate the person who is responsible for approving the document for payment.
Payment stop code
Indicates if the document is stopped for payment through the Work with A/P automatic payments routine. The codes are defined in Work with stop codes. If the field is blank, the document is valid for automatic payment. Note: The document can always the paid through the manual payment routine.
Approved for payment
Indicates if the document has been approved for payment. The code can be changed, but if there is attestor security in your system, then you must enter the security code for the attestor to be able to change the code from NO to YES.
Import code
Only shown if an import code has been entered for this transaction. The codes are defined in Work with VAT import/export codes.
Security code
If there is attestor security in your system, you must enter the security code of the attestor to be able to change any information for a document with status final, or to approve a document for payment. You only need to enter the code once for every attestor each time you use the maintenance routine.
The document text is retrieved from Work with document types or entered manually when the document was created.
Bank reference no

Work with A/P transactions (FLR01105)

Related topics

This panel displays detailed information for the selected payment document. All the information can be maintained if the document is open, except information about the following, which is protected and cannot be changed:

  • Document type, number and date
  • Original amount
  • Remaining amount
  • Transaction currency
  • Supplier bank

Function keys

Supplier number
Displays the supplier number of this transaction.

Due date
Displays the due date of the document. The date cannot be a date prior to the invoice date.
Payee number
Displays the payee number entered for this transaction. If the field is blank and you enter a payee number, then it must exist in the Business partner file.
Supplier bank
Displays the supplier’s bank.
Payment stop code
Indicates if the document is stopped for payment through the Work with A/P automatic payments routine. The codes are defined in Work with stop codes. If the field is blank, the document is valid for automatic payment. Note: The document can always the paid through the manual payment routine.
The document text is retrieved from Work with document types or entered manually when the document was created.

Work with A/P transactions, Deletion (FLR01106)

Related topics

This panel is shown when you delete a preliminary invoice. You must enter information regarding the G/L postings that will be created as a result of the deletion. A deletion method must also be selected to define the accounting period(s) for the G/L postings created at deletion.

Shown for each document is the following information:

  • Supplier number
  • Supplier invoice number
  • Document type and number
  • Document date
  • Document period (Per)
  • Transaction amount
  • Currency

Accounting period
The system proposes the current period as accounting period for the deletion transaction. The period must be the same as or after the actual accounting period of the original preliminary document.
Voucher type
Enter a voucher type which is valid for the PIDL routine. The voucher type controls the voucher numbering from the voucher number series defined for the type. The system will select the number after the last used in the series for all the G/L postings created in the journal. The text for the G/L posting will be “Deletion prel invoice” + document type and number.
Voucher date
Enter a voucher date for the deletion. If the field is left blank, the voucher date of the deletion transaction will be the actual date.
Deletion method
Enter the code to define how the G/L postings created at deletion will receive their accounting period:

The following codes apply:

Code Description
1 All the G/L postings for the deletion transaction are posted in the accounting period stated above.
2 All the G/L postings for the deletion transaction are posted in the accounting period of their original postings, from when the preliminary invoice was entered.

Work with A/P transactions, G/L update (FLR01109)

Related topics

On this panel you set the parameters for the printouts regarding the deleted preliminary invoice or the cancelled settlements.

Automatically generated reports:

When the G/L postings are updated to the G/L, the following reports will be printed, under the following circumstances:

  • A Cancel settlement list will be printed showing the main settlement documents for which settlements have been cancelled.

Work with A/P transactions, Cancel settlement (FLR01110)

Related topics

This panel is shown when you cancel a settlement. You can print a list showing information for the cancelled settlements if you click Back on the initial panel after confirming the cancellation.

Tip: Click Settled on the initial panel to access the A/P transactions enquiry program to check the existing settlements for a document before cancellation.

Shown for each document is the following information:

  • Supplier number and name
  • Document type and number
  • Document date
  • Document period (Per)
  • Original amount
  • Currency

Voucher type
Enter a code for A/P payments from Work with voucher types. The code must be valid for the APS routine. The voucher type controls the voucher numbering from the voucher number series defined for the type. The system will select the number after last used in the series for all the G/L postings created in the journal.