This is the program for printing the invoices. In addition, invoices for customers meeting Data Interchange requirements will be transferred to the Data Interchange data base to be sent via DI, and MDC Customers will receive preliminary MDC invoices via the demanding company’s DI (data interchange) file.
All orders with an order type which indicates the generation of invoices can be printed though this program. An invoice can only be printed once.
All different types of invoices can be printed, including the normal/merged/and periodical invoices, with the exception of those that have been specified in the Order type table for direct printing.
For documents to be selected for DI transmission (i.e. receiving/sending) you must establish certain DI data for the customer/supplier. All documents sent/received can also be printed on paper, outlining detailed information, if such has been requested on the customer/supplier/document level in the Business partner file.
Multi Distribution Centres (MDC) invoicing allows the supplying company to send invoices via the DI file to the demanding company provided that they both have DC1 based systems.
DC1 Multi Distribution Centre (MDC) must be installed in both the supplying company and the demanding company. Each company must also have defined the company that they will be exchanging MDC information within the MDC company control file (ASGD1401).
Each time an MDC invoice is printed, an invoice is automatically sent to the MDC demanding company’s DI file. Simultaneously, a hard copy of the MDC invoice is printed for MDC Customers (belonging to the MDC demanding company). For MDC Customers that have YES defined in the Compressed invoice field in the Business partner file (on the MDC customer file panel), a document containing a standard header and one line per invoice is printed. The invoice line information contains: invoice number, order number and invoice total.
Note: The normal printout of invoices does not include MDC orders.
Two types of item descriptions could be printed on the printout. The extended item description will be printed if:
- defined in the item’s Extended item description file
- the In field in the same file is set to YES
- the Ext desc field on the Order line, additional info panel is set to YES
If the Ext desc field on the sales order line is set to NO, the normal item description is printed.
For DI invoice printouts, the above stipulations apply for the item description, with the difference that records are added to the Data interchange file for every line with extended text instead of being printed.
- Warehouse
- Country
- Handler
- Order type
- Dispatch date
- Order number
- Pick cons. number
- Transport number
- Shipment number
- Customer
- Division
This field is only displayed if the Cost centre handling function is activated. - Cost centre
This field is only displayed if the Cost centre handling function is activated.
- MDC orders
- This field is only displayed if DC1 Multi Distribution Centre is installed and activated. Set this field to YES to print the MDC invoices. If DC1 Financials is active, invoice information will automatically be created and sent to the MDC Customer via the MDC demanding company’s DI (data interchange) file.
Invoice printout (DMR34002)
On this panel you define invoice date, accounting period and printout parameters
- Invoice date
- Today’s date is defaulted in this field, but can be changed. Enter the date of the invoice(s). Note: When checking the customer’s invoice calendar to see when invoices shall be generated, the invoice date entered in this field is used and not the date when the order received status 45 (i.e. ready for invoicing).
- Accounting period
- The default in this field is the accounting period in relation to the invoice date. This period can be changed if the Allow change period field was set to YES in the User profile table. If changing the period, valid entries must be in the range of “open periods” which were defined in the DIS control file if DC1 Financials is not installed, or the G/L control file if DC1 Financials is installed. “Open periods” include the following:
- From the actual period minus the number of periods allowed backwards, but not before the last closed period
- To the actual period plus the number of periods allowed forwards.
Click OK when all relevant information has been completed.