Related topics
In this routine you create printouts to analyse the insurance cost for the assets of your company. You can then easily obtain an overview of the insurance situation of the essential assets in your company. This list emanates from the assets, as opposed to the insurance list which originates from the insurance companies and policies. You define the sequence on this panel, make the selection on the next panel, and define the printout parameters on the final panel.
- Asset number
- Asset type
- Asset group
- Responsible
- Cost centre
Only displayed if cost centre accounting is allowed. - Project
Only displayed if project accounting is allowed. - Location class
Asset insurance list printout (AACD4652)
In this routine you create printouts to analyse the insurance provisions made for the assets of your company. This list emanates from the assets, as opposed to the insurance list which originates from the insurance companies and policies. You define the sequence on the first panel, make the selection on this panel, and define the printout parameters on the final panel.
- Asset number
- Asset type
- Asset group
- Responsible
- Cost centre
- Project
- Location header
- Insurance company
- Insurance policy
- Covered assets
- Set to YES to include only those assets that are covered by an insurance policy. Set to NO to include only those that are not covered.
Asset insurance list printout (AACD4653)
In this routine you create printouts to analyse the insurance provisions made for the assets of your company. This list emanates from the assets, as opposed to the insurance list which originates from the insurance companies and policies. You define the sequence on the first panel, make the selection on the next panel, and define the printout parameters on this final panel.
- Index period
- Enter the index period to be used for revaluating the insurance value.