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Business partner file maintenance, A/R payment mode PBS (DKFD8111)


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On this panel you enter or maintain payment mode and customer information used in the PBS Supplier Service functionality. Once the PBS payment mode is defined, the agreement between the bank, the customer and the supplier is activated.

Function keys

Open/protect fields Make a field editable (open) or non-editable (protected).
Cancel agreement Cancel an agreement.
Displays the customer number you are working with.
Payment mode
Displays the selected payment mode.
PBS customer number
The PBS customer number is automatically retrieved during entry. To change it, toggle Open/protect fields.
Registration date
The date when the PBS agreement was registered is automatically retrieved during entry. To change it, toggle Open/protect fields.

Enter the PBS serial number.
Draw on date
This field is currenctly not in use.
Registration number
Enter the bank registration number of the debtor.
Account number
Enter the bank account number of the debtor from which the payment is to be drawn.
Registration status
Displays the status of the agreement registration. This is the agreement between the bank, the customer and the supplier that is set up before activating the PBS direct debit service.

Status changed

Displays the ID of the user who changed the status of the agreement.
Displays the date when the agreement status was changed.
Displays the time when the agreement status was changed.

Agreement added

Displays the ID of the user who added the agreement.
Displays the date when the agreement was added.
Displays the time when the agreement was added.

Agreement cancelled

Displays the ID of the user who cancelled the agreement.
Displays the date when the agreement was cancelled.
Displays the time when the agreement was cancelled.