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DI ORDERS retrieval, Generate sales orders (DMR39501)

From this panel the actual generation (i.e. creation) of DI sales orders, existing in the DI database, is performed in DC1 Distribution.

Checks are performed during the creation process. If there are any errors the order itself will be created but you must correct the error to be able to continue processing. From the Header view you can toggle the following two modes:

  • Orders not in error = all orders that do not contain errors.
  • Orders in error = Displays all orders containing errors. The errors could exist on Line, Header and/or Address level for Sales orders and Line, Service Job Header and/or Address level for Service orders. The level on which the error was found is outlined with the applicable Error code. In this mode you also have the option to drill down to the applicable level to view the error and also make the necessary corrections.

For documents to be selected for DI transmission (i.e. receiving/sending) you must establish certain DI data for the customer/supplier.


  • Creation date
  • Customer number
  • Customer order no
  • Method name
  • Method subtype

Creation overrides

Order type
Enter a currency from the Currency table. If nothing is entered, the currency from the DI database is retrieved. If no currency was defined there, the default currency for the customer, from the Business partner file, is retrieved.
Enter a code from the Warehouse table. If nothing is entered, the warehouse from the DI database is retrieved. If no warehouse was defined there, the warehouse is retrieved by use of the sourcing policy defined for the customer in the Customer file.

Creation rules

Calculate disp date
Get new prices
Indicate if new prices should be retrieved and updated on the sales order. Must be set to YES if the Currency was entered.
Pricing date
This field can only be completed if Get new prices is set to YES. Indicate the date used to price the sales order lines.
Sales promotion
This field is only displayed if at least one open sales promotion exists that is defined with Promotion pricing set to YES and can only be completed if Get new prices is set to YES. Enter the sales promotion. When you enter a promotion, the sales order header is flagged as being promotion priced, and the entered promotion is used to price the lines on the new sales order.