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Work with held sales orders or Held service orders or Held sales quotations, Reasons (DMR32901)

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There are three different titles available for this panel. The title that is displayed depends on from where you accessed the panel.

All held orders/quotations have reason codes assigned to them that indicate why they are being held. From this panel, you can create a new reason code, or assign an existing one to a held order/quotation.

Note: You can add or delete reason codes that have been manually entered and not orders/quotations that have been automatically held up by the system.

An order/quotation hold could be triggered by the following events:

  • Sales/Service order entry: If the CR-SO (Credit control, order entry) function is activated in the Function control file, a credit check is done when the order is registered.
  • Sales/Service order line entry: If the CR-SOL (Credit control, order line) function is activated in the Function control file, a credit check is done for every sales/service order line entered.
  • Sales quotation entry: If the CR-QT (Credit control, quotation) function is activated in the Function control file, a credit check is done when quotations are registered.
  • Sales quotation line entry: If the CR-QTL (Credit control, quotation line) function is activated in the Function control file, a credit check is done for every sales quotation line entered.
  • Order settlement: If the Order settlement program is being used to settle an order using a credit card or advance payment, an order will be held until the selected payment is approved.
  • Pick list printing: If the CR-PL (Credit control, pick list) function is activated in the Function control file, a credit check is done when the handler prints a pick list for an order.
  • Batch order hold function: If the CR-ODUE (Credit control, overdue) function is activated in the Function control file, a credit check is done when the Batch order hold function is run. When this program is run, orders will be held for customers who have exceeded their overdue day/amount threshold set up for them in the Credit profile table.


Add Select this option to add a new reason to the order/quotation.
Change Select this option to maintain the reason.
Delete Select this option to delete the reason from the order/quotation.
Display Select this option to view more information about the reason.
Details Select this option to access the details for the reason. This option is only permitted for records that are being held due to restricted sales rules.
Release Select this option to release the order/quotation. This is only possible for assigned release handlers.

Function keys

Held reasons/All reasons Toggle view modes: The default view displays all the reasons why the order/quotation was held. Toggle to only view all the reasons why the order/quotation is still currently being held.
Maintain order/Maintain quotation Maintain the order/quotation. Note that if the order/quotation is held due to a credit stop code, then the stop code definition decides whether the order/quotation may be maintained or not.

Selection fields

Displays your customer’s name and number.
Order value/Quote value
Displays the total value of the order lines/quotation lines, after deduction of order header discount/quotation header discount, and including VAT (if applicable). Free-of-charge order lines/quotation lines are not included.

Note: This field cannot display amounts greater than 9999999999,999. If the amount exceeds this value, this field will display the last 10 digits of the amount.

Order type
Displays the order type.
Cr stop code
Displays a code, from Work with credit stop codes, if:
  • Your customer has exceeded their credit limit, as defined for the assigned credit profile, or
  • Your customer is set up with a credit stop code. In this case, when a credit check is performed in the sales order entry/sales quotation entry routine and when a pick list is printed, the Credit stop code handling applies.
Order number/Quote number
Displays the order number/quotation number and any version.
Identifies the employee responsible for the order/quotation.
Indicates your customer’s total sales order balance (in system currency).

Note: If the debtor is not your customer, then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s total balance and not the customer’s.

+ A/R – A/P balance

+ Invoiced not transf

+ Open orders

–  Received payments

= Total balance

This field is highlighted if the credit limit is exceeded. An authorised employee must then take necessary actions to release it for further processing.

Note: This field cannot display amounts greater than 9999999999,999. If the amount exceeds this value, then only the last 10 digits will be displayed.

Note: Only the displayed value will be truncated. The full amount will be correctly updated to the database.

Order held reason code/Reason
These two columns display the held reason code and the description of the reason denoting why the order/quotation was held.

Codes that could be displayed are:

If this column is set to YES, it denotes that the record has detailed order/quotation line information that may be accessed by using the Details option.
Indicates the associated category code.

Codes that could be displayed are:

Hold date
Indicates the date that the order/quotation was held.
Release date
Indicates the date that the order/quotation was released.

Work with held sales orders or Held service orders or Held sales quotations, Reasons (DMR32904)

Related topics

Detailed information about the held order/quotation is displayed on this panel.

Function keys

Release Release this order/quotation. This is only possible for assigned release handlers.
All reasons View all the reasons (released or held) associated with this order/quotation.
Maintain order/Maintain quotation Maintain this order/quotation. Note that if the order/quotation is held due to a credit stop code, then the stop code definition decides whether the order/quotation may be maintained or not.
Displays your customer’s name and number.
Order value/Quote value
Displays the total value of the order lines/quotation lines, after deduction of order header discount/quotation header discount, and including VAT (if applicable). Free-of-charge order lines/quotation lines are not included.

Note: This field cannot display amounts greater than 9999999999,999. If the amount exceeds this value, this field will display the last 10 digits of the amount.

Order type
Displays the order type.
Cr stop code
Displays a code, from Work with credit stop codes, if:
  • Your customer has exceeded their credit limit, as defined for the assigned credit profile, or
  • Your customer is set up with a credit stop code. In this case, when a credit check is performed in the sales order entry/sales quotation entry routine and when a pick list is printed, the Credit stop code handling applies.
Order number/Quote number
Displays the order number/quotation number and any version.
Identifies the employee responsible for the order/quotation.
Indicates your customer’s total sales order balance (in system currency).

Note: If the debtor is not your customer, then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s total balance and not the customer’s.

+ A/R – A/P balance

+ Invoiced not transf

+ Open orders

–  Received payments

= Total balance

This field is highlighted if the credit limit is exceeded. An authorised employee must then take necessary actions to release it for further processing.

Note: This field cannot display amounts greater than 9999999999,999. If the amount exceeds this value, then only the last 10 digits will be displayed.

Note: Only the displayed value will be truncated. The full amount will be correctly updated to the database.

Reason code
Enter a code to indicate why the order/quotation should be held.

Codes that could be displayed are:

Release handler
Identifies the employee responsible for releasing the sales order/sales order line or quotation/quotation line.

Lines on hold
Indicates if there are any lines that are held.
Release grace days

For new and held reasons, enter the number of grace days. This field is optional.

Held by
Identifies the employee that held the order/quotation. For orders/quotations that were automatically held by the system the *SYSTEM code is entered.
Released by
Identifies the employee that released the order/quotation. For orders/quotations that were automatically released by the system the *SYSTEM code is entered.
Held date/time
The date and time that the order/quotation was held.
Release date/time
The date and time that the order/quotation was released.

Status when last checked

The fields below indicate your customer’s status at the time the order/quotation was last reviewed. If you are entering a new hold reason then a value will not be displayed in these fields. Note that the Total balance and Open through date fields are not applicable for quotations.

A/R – A/P balance
Indicates the customer’s A/R balance (minus A/P Balance) at the time the order/quotation was last reviewed. Note: If the debtor is not your customer then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s balance and not your customer’s.
Invoiced not transf
Indicates the total invoice amount that was not posted to DC1 Financials at the time the order/quotation was last reviewed. Note: If the debtor is not your customer then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s balance and not your customer’s.
Open orders
Indicates your customer’s total open order amount at the time the order/quotation was last reviewed. This includes orders that were scheduled for delivery on or before the Open through date. Note: If the debtor is not your customer then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s open order amount. and not your customer’s.
Total balance
Indicates your customer’s total sales order balance. Note: If the debtor is not your customer then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s balance and not your customer’s.
Credit limit
Indicates your customer’s credit limit. This amount is established in the Credit limit field on the Business partner file, A/R basic data panel.
Open through date
Indicates your customer’s total open order amount at the time the order was last reviewed. This includes orders that were scheduled for delivery on or before the Open through date.
Order value at hold
Indicates the total value of the order/quotation at the time it was held.
Order value at rel
Indicates the total value of the order/quotation at the time it was released.

Actual status

The fields below indicate the actual status of the held order/quotation. Note that the Total balance and Open through date fields are not applicable for quotations.

A/R-A/P balance
Indicates your customer’s current A/R balance, minus A/P balance. Note: If the debtor is not your customer then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s balance and not your customer’s.
Invoiced not transf
Indicates total invoice amount that has not been posted to DC1 Financials. Note: If the debtor is not your customer then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s balance and not your customer’s.
Open orders
Your customer’s total open order amount. Note: If the debtor is not your customer then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s current open order amount and not your customer’s.
Total balance
Your customer’s total balance. Note: If the debtor is not your customer then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s current balance and not your customer’s.
Credit limit
Indicates your customer’s credit limit. This amount is established in the Credit limit field on the Business partner file, A/R basic data panel.
Open through date
Indicates your customer’s total open order amount. This includes orders that were scheduled for delivery on or before the Open through date.
Current past due am.
Indicates the customer’s total overdue invoice amount, in system currency. This value is taken from the customer’s record in the credit time axis for the customer. To calculate this value, the system checks the customer’s credit file against A/R to determine whether the customer has exceeded the overdue days/amount set up for them in the Credit profile table.
Oldest past due date
Indicates the date of the customer’s oldest overdue invoice. This value is taken from the customer’s record in the credit time axis for the customer.

Work with held sales orders or Held service orders or Held sales quotations, Release reasons (DMR32905)

Related topics

This panel displays all the reasons you selected to release. Click OK to release. Click Back to cancel.

Displays your customer’s name and number.
Order value/Quote value
Displays the total value of the order lines/quotation lines, after deduction of order header discount/quotation header discount, and including VAT (if applicable). Free-of-charge order lines/quotation lines are not included.

Note: This field cannot display amounts greater than 9999999999,999. If the amount exceeds this value, this field will display the last 10 digits of the amount.

Order type
Displays the order type.
Cr stop code
Displays a code, from Work with credit stop codes, if:
  • Your customer has exceeded their credit limit, as defined for the assigned credit profile, or
  • Your customer is set up with a credit stop code. In this case, when a credit check is performed in the sales order entry/sales quotation entry routine and when a pick list is printed, the Credit stop code handling applies.
Order number/Quote number
Displays the order number/quotation number and any version.
Identifies the employee responsible for the order/quotation.
Indicates your customer’s total sales order balance (in system currency).

Note: If the debtor is not your customer, then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s total balance and not the customer’s.

+ A/R – A/P balance

+ Invoiced not transf

+ Open orders

–  Received payments

= Total balance

This field is highlighted if the credit limit is exceeded. An authorised employee must then take necessary actions to release it for further processing.

Note: This field cannot display amounts greater than 9999999999,999. If the amount exceeds this value, then only the last 10 digits will be displayed.

Note: Only the displayed value will be truncated. The full amount will be correctly updated to the database.

Indicates the reason(s) why the order/quotation line is held.

The order/quotation can be automatically held because of any of the following reasons:

If this column is set to YES, it denotes that the record has detailed order/quotation line information.
Indicates the associated category code.

Codes that could be displayed are:

Hold date
The date that the order/quotation was held.
Grace days

Work with held sales orders or Held service orders or Held sales quotations, Delete reasons (DMR32908)

Related topics

All of the reasons that you selected to delete are displayed on this panel. Click OK to delete. Click Back to cancel.

Displays your customer’s name and number.
Order value/Quote value
Displays the total value of the order lines/quotation lines, after deduction of order header discount/quotation header discount, and including VAT (if applicable). Free-of-charge order lines/quotation lines are not included.

Note: This field cannot display amounts greater than 9999999999,999. If the amount exceeds this value, this field will display the last 10 digits of the amount.

Order type
Displays the order type.
Cr stop code
Displays a code, from Work with credit stop codes, if:
  • Your customer has exceeded their credit limit, as defined for the assigned credit profile, or
  • Your customer is set up with a credit stop code. In this case, when a credit check is performed in the sales order entry/sales quotation entry routine and when a pick list is printed, the Credit stop code handling applies.
Order number/Quote number
Displays the order number/quotation number and any version.
Identifies the employee responsible for the order/quotation.
Indicates your customer’s total sales order balance (in system currency).

Note: If the debtor is not your customer, then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s total balance and not the customer’s.

+ A/R – A/P balance

+ Invoiced not transf

+ Open orders

–  Received payments

= Total balance

This field is highlighted if the credit limit is exceeded. An authorised employee must then take necessary actions to release it for further processing.

Note: This field cannot display amounts greater than 9999999999,999. If the amount exceeds this value, then only the last 10 digits will be displayed.

Note: Only the displayed value will be truncated. The full amount will be correctly updated to the database.

Indicates the reason why the order/quotation is held.

Codes that could be displayed are:

If this column is set to YES, it denotes that the record has detailed order/quotation line information.
Indicates the associated category code.

Codes that could be displayed are:

Hold date
Indicates the date that the order/quotation was held.
Rel date
Indicates the date that the order/quotation was released.