From this program reception notes can be printed. This list can only be printed once.
Each reception note has its own reception note number, which is set by the system, but retrieved from the Number series table.
If a document heading was defined in the Purchase order type table, that heading will replace the heading on the Reception note printout.
Notes should be written on this printout, to indicate how much has actually been received for each reception note line. These values should be entered into the system through goods receipt entry where they will update stock on hand.
Only the orders that have been entered into the system with an order type for generating reception notes, which was specified in the Purchase order type table, will be printed.
Note: If a batch-controlled item, one extra line per batch is printed if several batches exist for the item line. If no batches exist, the Batch number on the printout will be filled with underscores.
In addition, the Batch file is checked for the status of the Stock take code. The order line will not be included on the printout if any connected batches are under stock take.
In the fields below you define the limits for the information to be included in the selection.
- Arrival time
- The defaulted arrival date is the current date plus any additional days established in the Rec note period field in the DIS control file. Enter the date when the items should arrive at your company’s premises from the supplier. The date will be used for selection of the Purchase order line with an arrival date earlier or equal to the entered arrival time.
- Warehouse
- Enter the warehouse number from the Warehouse table. Only reception notes for which the purchased items should be received in the entered warehouse will be printed.
- Order number
- Enter the order number(s) of the purchase order(s) that you want to include in the printout. Note: If an order line has been selected in the Work with inbound shipments program, it will not be included on this printout. It is printed, instead, on the Shipment.
- Receiving location
- Enter a receiving zone/location where the received goods should be placed, while waiting for a put away from bulk suggestion to be produced and put away to be performed. See Note below for validation rules.
If this field is left blank, the receiving zone/location from the Item/Warehouse file or from the Warehouse table will be printed as receiving zone/location on the put away suggestion. If the receiving zone/location is blank in both the Item/Warehouse file and Warehouse table, the goods will get zone/location suggested using the put away rules.
Note: A receiving location must be defined as a bulk location.
- QC rec. location
- Enter a quality control receiving zone/location where the goods should be stored, while waiting for quality control note to be printed and quality control to be performed. See Note below for validation rules.
If this field is left blank, the QC receiving zone/location from the Item/Warehouse file or the Warehouse table will be printed as quality control receiving zone/location on the put away suggestion if those fields were completed. If the QC receiving zone/location is blank in both the Item/Warehouse file and Warehouse table the put away will follow the normal put away rules.
Note: The QC receiving location is only applicable for items marked for quality control in the Item/Supplier file. A QC receiving location must be defined as a bulk location.
- TR rec. location
- If you wish to print a transit order reception note, enter the transit reception location where the transit order line goods are to be received.
- Cross dock location
- Enter a cross docking location where the received goods should be placed until shipped. See Note below for validation rules.
If this field is left blank, the cross docking location from the Item/Warehouse file or from the Warehouse table will be printed as cross docking location on the put away suggestion. If the cross docking location is blank in both the Item/Warehouse file and Warehouse table, you will receive the message that no location was found for cross docking quantity.
Note: A cross docking location must be defined as a bulk location.
- Cross docking days
- Enter the number of days the system should look for sales order ready to be shipped. Note: Todays date is 0.
- Aut pallet creation
- Indicate whether pallets should be automatically created, during put away suggestion creation, for items where this has been defined at item warehouse level.
Reception note