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Work with authority groups (ASGD25101)

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In this file you activate the authority check control for those routines that are preloaded/defined in Work with authority routines. The authority check control can be activated for interactive programs, printouts, menu items and for application control.

This file is preloaded with the authority groups supported by the system. The authority groups are defaulted with an object control program and are not activated for control.

The different types of authority groups for control are:

  • Applications in DC1, for example DIS and FIN.
  • Menu items in DC1.

    Note: It is possible to combine security for applications and menu items. For example if an application is secured you can still grant access to a menu item.

  • The account parts, from the chart of accounts (only on menu item level).
  • Account combinations, which are the account combinations from the Combination check table.
  • The summary id’s, which are the summary id’s defined for one or several account parts.

The authority control of summary id’s does not control any secured accounts, within the id’s.


Objects/Routines/Users Select this option to view and define all details concerning the authority per object, user and routine for the selected authority group.
Users Select this option to define users with All object authority within the selected authority group. This option is not valid if Default value is 3.
Routines Select this option to define the authority per routine for the selected authority group.
Objects Select this option to define a default value per object for the selected authority group.
Where used Select this option to view all programs in which the authority group is used. From the accessed panel you will also be able to view the program source.

Selection fields

This column lists the groups.
This column lists the description of the groups.
This column lists the code for YES if the group is activated.
This column lists the default value which defines the authority of the authority group if the object is not found on the next level.

Work with authority groups (ASGD25104)

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On this panel you define the control parameters for the authority group.

Function keys

Authority group
Active group
Set this field to YES to activate the selected authority group.
Default value
Enter the default value which defines the authority of the authority group if the object is not found on the next level. The objects that are not defined in this file will be handled according to this default value.

The following values are valid:

Value Description
0 No authority check control will be performed when users access the objects within the group.
Note: All users can access the objects. You cannot override the authority defined here if the default value is 0.
1 An authority check control will be performed when users access the objects. The default authority is that all users can access the object.
Note: The authority defined here for the user, is overridden if you define another authority for the object on lower levels.
2 An authority check control will be performed when users access the objects. The default authority is that no user can access the object.
3 This default value is used when you are using this file to maintain object authority on iSeries objects. The Authority group shall be equal to the iSeries object type and Authority routine shall be “AS400”. This type of validation is not used in standard DC1 but can be used for customer modifcations.
Note: The authority defined here for the user is overridden if you define another authority for the object on lower levels.
Object control pgm
Enter the name of the object control program or *NONE if no control program is used. If you add an object to the Secured objects table, the object control program checks if the object exists and if applicable retrieves the description.
Enter an existing window defined in the Window Routine or *NONE.

Work with authority groups, Deletion (ASGD25107)

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