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Work with advice letter (DKFD16001)


In this program you enter or maintain information for the advice letter that should be printed and sent to the supplier when a bank payment is made. The A/P payment mode determines if the advice letter should be printed. This panel displays all advice letters that have been entered into the system.


Test advice letter Select this option to print a test of the advice letter before sending it.
Payment inf Select this option to enter or maintain detailed payment information for an advice letter.
Top Select this option to specify or maintain the text that will be printed at the top of the advice letter.
Bottom Select this option to specify or maintain the text that will be printed at the bottom of the advice letter

Selection fields

This column lists the language in which each advice letter is to be printed.
This column lists the payment maintypes for the advice letters.
From type
This column lists the “from” payment types for the advice letters. The advice letter will have all the payment types starting from this payment type.
To type
This column lists the “to” payment types for the advice letters. The advice letter will have all the payment types starting from the “from” payment type up until this specified “to” payment type.
This column lists the descriptions of the advice letters that have been created.
Payment inf
This column indicates if detailed payment information exists for the advice letter.

Work with advice letter (DKFD16004)

On this panel you enter or maintain information needed to set up the format of the advice letter.

Enter the language in which the advice letter is to be printed.
Enter the payment maintype for the advice letter.
From type
Enter the “from” payment type for the advice letter.
To type
Enter the “to” payment type for the advice letter.
Enter the description of the advice letter.
Break advice letter
Indicate if you want to create a page break in the advice letter.
Printer queue
If this is the first printout of the day, the system will default the output queue defined in your iSeries user profile. If it is not, then the ID of the printer that was previously used will be defaulted. The value in this field may be changed. Another printer may be selected.
Hold on spool file
The default is NO. This means that a printout will be generated as soon as the printer is available. If YES is entered the printout will be held in the output queue. To release these holds the system commands WRKSPLF or WRKOUTQ must be entered.

Work with advice letter, Copy (DKFD16005)

Enter the language in which the new advice letter should be printed.
Enter the payment maintype of the new advice letter.
From type
Enter the “from” payment type of the new advice letter.
To type
Enter the “to” payment type of the new advice letter.

Work with advice letter, Deletion (DKFD16008)

Work with advice letter, Payment inf (DKFD16011)

On this panel you can define or maintain detailed payment information needed to set up the format of the advice letter.

Translation (Specification of payment)
Enter the translation of the payment specification.
Translation (Invoice)
Enter the invoice translation.
Translation (Header)
Enter the translation of the advice letter header text.
Translation (Bottom)
Enter the translation of the advice letter bottom text.

Work with advice letter, Test printout (DKFD16012)

On this panel you can test the printout of an advice letter before sending it to the supplier. You can specify the number of records after which a new advice letter will be printed and then check. This allows you to re-iterate this operation and find the best suitable format for the advice letter.

Number of records
Enter the number of records after which a new advice letter is to be printed out.
Enter the currency code for the advice letter.