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Work with temporary orders and reservations (DMR70001)

In this program you can manually enter temporary orders (i.e. transactions with type 10) and temporary reservations (i.e. transactions with type 20).

Some examples for usage of type 10 and 20:

  • A prospect is willing to accept a quotation providing delivery can take place according to the stock situation at the time of the quotation. The quotation can then be entered and sent to the prospect. At the same time a manual reservation can be entered via this program with the same due date as the prospect has on the quotation. This manual order will then book these items in stock until the expiration date has been reached and the manual order has been deleted via the Remove manual orders/reservations menu item.
  • Another example could be that a salesman wishes to take some items with him on his weekly journey. These items can be reserved, (i.e. not available for sale), during this time but will automatically be added back into stock when the expiration date has been reached and the reservation has been deleted via the Remove manual orders/reservations menu option.

Temporary orders and/or reservations can also automatically be created in the system, and viewed here. These include the following:

  • If DC1 Multi Distribution Centre is installed and activated, temporary orders (type 30 and 40) are automatically created and updated in this file. These are sales/purchase orders that exist in (and were received from) an MDC demanding company. These create a reservation in the current company that will only exist during the time it takes for a new sales/purchase order (that was entered in the MDC demanding company) to be created as a real order in the current company. Note: Type 30 and 40 transactions are not allowed to be deleted.
  • If DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated together with DC1 Project, project orders entered in the Work with projects routine, are automatically created and updated in this file. These are transactions of type 50. Type 50 transactions are not allowed to be deleted from this program.
  • Automatically created temporary reservations (type 60) are automatically created and updated in this file if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated and a CBS-line has been initialized for a Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contract.


Selection fields

This column lists the types identifying the manually entered temporary orders and reservations.

Types include:

Type Description
10 Manually entered temporary order (i.e. incoming goods)
20 Manually entered temporary reservation (i.e. outgoing goods)

Note: Type 30, 40, 50 and 60 are types that are updated automatically in this file. You are not allowed to manually add a transaction with any of these types. Transaction types 30 and 40 are temporary orders and are only displayed if the MDC functionality is activated. Type 50 is a project order and is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed together with DC1 Project. Type 60 is a temporary reservation for a Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contract and is only displayed if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated.

This column lists the items for temporary order or reservation.
This column lists the warehouse from which the goods are to be booked or reserved in stock.
Disp dat
This column displays the date when the temporary order or reservation is to be dispatched.
This column displays the quantity of the item being used for the temporary order or reservation.
To comp
This column lists the code of the company to which the corresponding items are to be delivered.
Transaction text
This column displays the additional text if entered to further describe the transaction.
This column displays the batch id under which the item is stored if the item is under batch control and it is for a manually entered temporary reservation (i.e. type 20).
This column lists the customer number for which the temporary order or reservation is created.
Inventory contract line number
This column is only displayed if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated and is only applicable for Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contracts. If a CBS-line has been initialized for a Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contract, this column displays the inventory contract line number for which the temporary reservation is automatically created. The temporary reservation will not be possible to change or delete. If it shall be deleted, this must be done by changing or deleting the corresponding inventory contract line.
Inventory contract number
This column is only displayed if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated and is only applicable for Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contracts. If a CBS-line has been initialized for a Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contract, this column displays the inventory contract ID for which the temporary reservation is automatically created.

Work with temporary orders and reservations (DMR70004)

On this panel you manually enter orders (type 10) and/or reservations (type 20).

Automatically created temporary orders (type 30 and 40) are only displayed if the MDC function is activated. These are sales/purchase orders that exist in (and were received from) an MDC demanding company. These create a reservation in the current company that will only exist during the time it takes for a new sales/purchase order (that was entered in the MDC demanding company) to be created as a real order in the current company.

If DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated together with DC1 Project, project orders entered in the Work with projects routine, are automatically updated in this file. The type for such orders are 50.

Automatically created temporary reservations (type 60) are only displayed if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated and a CBS-line has been initialized for a Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contract.

Note: You are not allowed to delete transactions of type 30, 40, 50 and 60.

Transactions with type 10 and 20, will remain in the file until they are deleted from the Reorganise manual order and reservation file menu option according to the expiration date.

Enter the item for which you want to manually enter a temporary order or reservation. For existing records, this field cannot be changed.
Enter the type which identifies a manually entered temporary order or reservation. For existing records, this field cannot be changed.

Types include:

Type Description
10 Manually entered temporary order (i.e. incoming goods)
20 Manual entered temporary reservation (i.e. outgoing goods)

Note: Type 30, 40, 50 and 60 are types that are updated automatically in this file. You are not allowed to manually add a transaction with any of these types. Types 30 and 40 are automatically created temporary orders and are only displayed if the MDC functionality is activated. Type 50 is a project order and is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated together with DC1 Project. Type 60 is an automatically created temporary reservation for a Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contract and is only displayed if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated and a temporary reservation has been created when a CBS-line has been initialized.

To company
This field is only displayed if the MDC functionality is activated and the record is an automatically created temporary order, i.e. type 30 or 40. Displays the code of the company to which the goods are to be delivered.
Enter a code from the Warehouse table, indicating from which the goods are to be booked or reserved in stock. For existing records, this field cannot be changed.
This field is only displayed if the MDC functionality is activated and the record is an automatically created temporary order, i.e. type 30, 40 or 60. Displays the MDC customer that represents the company the item is to be delivered to.
Optional entry. This field can be completed if the item is under batch control and it is for a manually entered temporary reservation (i.e. type 20). Enter the batch id under which the item is stored.
Inventory contract
This field is only displayed if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated and is only applicable for Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contracts. If a CBS-line has been initialized for a Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contract, this field displays the inventory contract ID for which the temporary reservation is automatically created.
This field is only displayed if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated and is only applicable for Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contracts. If a CBS-line has been initialized for a Customer Buffer Stock (CBS) inventory contract, this field displays the inventory contract line number for which the temporary reservation is automatically created.
Sales order number/Purch order number
This field is only displayed if the MDC functionality is activated and the record is an automatically created temporary order, i.e. type 30 or 40. Two field names are valid for this field:

If the temporary order is of type 30:
Displays the corresponding sales order number in the MDC demanding company.

If the temporary order is of type 40:
Displays the corresponding purchase order number in the MDC demanding company.

Dispatch date
Enter the date when the temporary order or reservation is to be delivered.
Sales order line/Purch order line
This field is only displayed if the MDC functionality is activated and the record is an automatically created temporary order, i.e. type 30 or 40. Two field names are valid for this field:

If the temporary order is of type 30:
Displays the corresponding sales order line number in the MDC demanding company.

If the temporary order is of type 40:
Displays the corresponding purchase order line number in the MDC demanding company.

Expiration date
Enter the date when the temporary order or reservation should expire. The actual expiration will occur when the Remove manual orders and reservations program is run.
Enter the quantity of the item being used for the temporary order or reservation.
Stock unit
Displays the stock unit for the item.
A text of your own choice can be entered in this field to further describe the transaction.

Work with temporary orders and reservations, Copy (DMR70005)

Displays the type identifying an established temporary order or reservation for the items you selected to copy.
Displays the items you selected to copy.

New item
Enter the new item for which you are manually entering a temporary order or reservation.

Work with temporary orders and reservations, Deletion (DMR70008)