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The account combination codes are stored with the main account part and can be defined in the Account file maintenance routine. If transactions are created for the account, it is not possible to change the account combinations for an account in the system.
When there is a need to reconsider the combination codes on the main accounts there is a number of files that have to be checked and updated. This routine, however, allows you to change account combinations and also give historical transactions a default value if needed.
This utility routine assists you in a number of situations. Some files will be automatically converted and some files have to be handled manually.
- Selection of conversion parameters as follows:
- main accounts and combination codes to be converted
- to add default account part, if applicable
- starting period to be converted
- A control file with the following information will be updated during execution for restart purposes:
- selection parameters
- user, current date and time
- current file name
- activity code
- A list is printed including:
- the file name and
- the number of records converted, if automatically converted
- records to be manually changed
- The new combination codes are updated in the account file.
- This step is not automated in the routine and must therefore be handled manually:
- rebuild balances from G/L transactions
Note: You must have DC1 System Administrator authority to run this routine and all other users of DC1 Financials must be signed off.
Conversion of the accounts is not done in the Balance file. In order to retrieve the correct balances again, the Rebuild balances from transactions routine must be run.
The job is always run in batch mode. If the job ends abnormally, it is possible to re-start it. It will automatically begin with the last file executed in the previous, abnormally ended, job.
Note: As this is a utility routine be sure to analyse how the routine works and what the outcome is. Always take precautions and start with running this routine in a test environment and then be sure to be able to go back, by having proper backups, into the production environment.
Caution: Reports, Budgets, Consolidation, DC1 Asset Management and DC1 Distribution and Manufacturing interface files are not included in this routine and have to be manually handled.
- Main account from/to
- Actual combination code
In these fields it is possible to enter a selection for actual combination codes. Enter the code for MANDATORY, NOT ALLOWED or OPTIONAL. - New combination
In these fields you enter the new combination codes. Enter the code for MANDATORY, NOT ALLOWED or OPTIONAL.
The following table displays the conversion scheme:
Old comb code/New comb code | MANDATORY | OPTIONAL | NOT ALLOWED |
MANDATORY | Not possible | Update the account file | Blank the account in the different files |
OPTIONAL | If the account is *all “*”, replace account | Not possible | Blank the account in the different files |
NOT ALLOWED | Replace account | If account = *blanks, replace with *all “*” | Not possible |
- From period
- Enter a period from which the historical transactions must be updated. If no period is entered, all the historical transactions will be updated.