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Using the Iptor.com User Interface

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The DC1 XT UI Client is a powerful, fast user interface. This Java-based client provides more flexibility and better performance by allowing you to customize the look and navigation according to your needs.

Its design is a workbench window encompassing a set of views. You can easily design your own workbench by rearranging the views in your preferable order. The workbench has a menu bar and a tool bar where you can access different functions such as the DC1 Help Centre, enquiry programs, etc.

The DC1 XT UI Client is deployed with the following standard views:

View Description
Menu view A tree structure of all menus and business processes for easy access.
Quick Links Possibility to create your own set of menu items from the Menu view for quick access. Can contain three categories of information: Most recent menu items (if activated), Auto-start folder (if activated) and manually created folders and menu items copied from the menu structure.
Program view When you open a business process or menu item, it will be launched in this view. Several business processes can be opened at the same time.
Messages Used for information, warnings and error messages from the Program view.
Attachments All attachments from the business processes/programs are handled from this view.
Query Manager From this view you can create and build query definitions to be executed on your data. You can also import query definitions from the iSeries and store them as XT Query Manager definitions. This, e.g., makes it possible to reuse old queries when upgrading DC1.
Help The DC1 Help Centre for DC1 applications giving you access to Panel help, user instructions and setup material.

This document contains the following sections:

Role settings template

If installed, you have the possibility to initialize the DC1 XT UI Client from a role settings template. The functions in the Auto-start folder (Quick Links view) are launched automatically. The client is deployed with a number of pre-defined role templates. A new role settings template can be applied at any time by selecting Window/Preferences/Apply role settings template from the Main menu bar.

Creating role settings templates

When creating new templates you simply save the current set-up of your client and give it a name.

  1. Click the Manage role settings templates icon.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the name of the template and click OK. The current settings of your client are saved.

The following information is stored:

  • Client preferences
  • Tables settings (selected columns, order/size/position)
  • Quick links folder
  • The template is stored on the server and can be used by all.

Note: The Manage role settings template can be authority controlled using the DC1 SECUR function. Only those with authority will be able to create new templates or change the ones that are deployed with the DC1 XT UI Client.

Client themes

The DC1 XT UI Client comes with a number of themes (colour schemes). You can easily switch the client theme by selecting Window/Themes from the Main menu bar and choosing one of the defined colours (black, blue or green).

You can connect a theme to a specific DC1 company by selecting Window/Preferences/Client settings from the Main menu bar and choosing the Appearance tab. This feature may be used to differentiate between a test and live company.

Navigating the DC1 XT UI Client

The following features are available:

Feature Description
Business process navigator The Menu view provides an overview of the DC1 menu structure. By expanding the tree structure you have quick access to all menus and business processes.

You can have several menu items opened at the same time. This is advantageous when you want to work with several different business partners simultaneously.

Quick links You can create your own set of menu items to which you want quick access. In Navigator or Search-result mode, simply drag and drop the menu item to the Quick Links area. There is also the possibility to create your own folder in the Quick Links area.

To open the menu item, do any of the following:

  • Double-click the menu item.
  • Mark the menu item and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  • Right-click the menu item and click Open.

To remove the menu item from the list, do any of the following:

  • Mark the menu item and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
  • Right-click the menu item and select Remove.
Search By entering a search string in the Find field, you can quickly find any menu item that contains the search string. Click the Find icon, alternatively press Enter on the keyboard to perform the search. Note: If a valid menu item ID is entered in the search field the program will launch immediately.

The Menu view switches mode and lists the results of the search. You can switch back to the Navigator mode by clicking the Collapse all icon.

The search results are saved until you do any of the following:

  • Perform a subsequent search by clearing the old search string and entering a new search string.
  • Switch to Navigator mode by clicking the Collapse all icon.
  • Change company.
  • Log off.
Enquiries All enquiries (including those defined for your user profile) can be accessed from the Main menu bar or from the Program views’ pull-down menu. The handling differs depending on the enquiry settings. For more information, see Preferences/Client settings (Enquiries).
Change company To change to another DC1, company click Companies from the Main menu bar and select that applicable.
Options All options that can be run/performed within a program can be accessed from the Main menu bar as well as by right-clicking on the table in a program. Only those specific to the program are displayed.
Preferences Click Window from the Main menu bar. The following user preferences (settings) are available:

Client settings
  • Tooltips – By enabling/disabling the tooltips, you decide if and where you want them available when you hover the mouse over the components within a view.
  • Enquiries – You have several choices when deciding how you want your enquiries to be opened:
    • You can set the system to open an enquiry program in a new view when you access the enquiries from inside an active panel (from the Program views’ pull-down menu). Or, you can set the system to open it in the same view (on top of the active panel). If you select the last option, then you will be able to transfer data between the two active programs (via the Transfer option).
    • You can also set the system to open an enquiry program in a new view when you access the enquiries from outside an active panel (from the Main menu). Or, you can likewise set the system to open it in the same view (on top of the active panel).
    • Lastly, you can set the system to always open an enquiry program in a new view independent of the access point. And likewise, set the system to never open enquiry programs in new views.
  • Client title – You are able to specify what information is shown in the Client title bar and how it is displayed, e.g., title heading, company name, and user, date and time related information. Most of the information is interactively changed (previewed) in the bottom part of the Client title settings window when you tick the checkboxes.
  • Buttons – Option to show the equivalent keyboard assigned F-key together with the button text.
  • Attachments – If you want the Attachment view always minimized.
  • Quick links – You can choose to enable these on company level. In addition, you can configure the client to display the Most recent menu items folder in the Quick Links view along with the maximum number of items you want to appear. You can also decide if you want this view to be expanded at client start.
  • -/+ keys behaviour – Decide which delimiter (text pattern) you want to use between the text and the key number.
  • Messages – For server messages, you can decide how you want to be notified, choosing from None, Silent or Popup. For panel messages you can choose to be notified via a dialogue box, tooltip or in a separate window (default setting). For both types of messages you can also choose to be notified with an alert beep for messages that are displayed at the bottom of the window.
  • Appearance – You can connect a Theme (i.e. colour of the client) to a specific DC1 company. This feature may be used to differentiate between a test and live company.
Apply role settings template

At any time you can apply another role settings template, if installed.

Access DC1 Help The DC1 Help Centre can be accessed from the main menu bar (Help > Help Contents) or directly from a program view for Panel help by pressing F1. It is a single source environment with a powerful search allowing navigation between and access to Panel help, user instructions and set up material. When in the help system you can use the Search box to find what you are looking for, alternatively navigate in the tree structure.


Each view has its own title area, toolbar and pull-down menu, if applicable.

Views can be active or inactive, but only one view can be active at any one time. The active view is the one whose title bar is highlighted. Views can also be rearranged, detached, maximized and minimized, but not removed. Note: The state of the workbench, view positions, size and position of the entire workbench is saved and will be restored at next log in. At any time you can click the Reset perspective icon to reset the workbench.

You can have several different views opened from the Menu view at the same time.

The following features are available for views:

Feature Description
Resize views You can resize any view by grabbing and dragging the sashes that separate them.
Minimize/Maximize You can minimize a view by clicking the Minimize icon in the upper right-hand corner or by double-clicking the window’s tab. To restore to its maximum size, click the Maximize icon.
Relocating views You can relocate (dock) the views to customize your environment. See Moving and docking views below.
Detach views You can detach a view by right-clicking on the active view’s toolbar or tab and select Detached.
Close views Only Program views, Query builder and DC1 Help can be closed. Menu, Quick links, Attachments and Message views can only be rearranged, maximized or minimized.

Business processes must be exited via the navigation buttons on the panel. If the view is closed via the view’s tab header, then a warning message, in the form of a popup window, will appear.

Moving and docking views

To change the location of a view:

  1. Drag the view by its title bar. Do not release the left mouse button yet.
  2. As you move the view around the workbench, the mouse pointer changes to one of the drop cursors shown in the table below. The drop cursor indicates where the view will be docked if you release the left mouse button. To see the drop cursor change, drag the view over the left, right, top, or bottom border of another view or editor.
  3. When the view is in the location that you want, relative to the view or editor area underneath the drop cursor, release the left mouse button.
  4. Note that a group of stacked views can be dragged by selecting (dragging) the empty space to the right of the view tabs.

Tip: You can also move a view by using the pop-up menu for the view. Left-click on the title bar of the tab and select Move. Relocate as desired.

Drop cursor Where the view will be moved to
Dock above: if you release the mouse button when a dock above cursor is displayed, the view will appear above the view underneath the cursor.
Dock below: if you release the mouse button when a dock below cursor is displayed, the view will appear below the view underneath the cursor.
Dock to the right: If you release the mouse button when a dock to the right cursor is displayed, the view will appear to the right of the view underneath the cursor.
Dock to the left: if you release the mouse button when a dock to the left cursor is displayed, the view will appear to the left of the view underneath the cursor.
Stack: if you release the mouse button when a stack cursor is displayed, the view will appear as a tab in the same pane as the view underneath the cursor.

Rearranging tabbed views

A view might appear by itself, or stacked with other views in a tabbed notebook. These types of views are referred to as tabbed views.

In addition to dragging and dropping (docking) views, you can rearrange the order of views within a tabbed area.

  1. Click on the tab of the view that you want to move and drag it to where you want it. A stack symbol appears as you drag the view across other view tabs.
  2. Release the mouse button when you have the view tab in the desired location. The view that you selected is now moved.

Business processes – Program views

From the Menu view you can search for the business process or work through the tree structure and select the desired process. It is also possible to have several business processes opened at the same time.

The following features are available for the business processes:

Feature Description
Enquiries All enquiries (including those defined for your user profile) can be accessed from the Program views’ pull-down menu or the Main menu bar. The handling differs depending on the enquiry settings. For more information, see Preferences.
Options All options that can be run/performed within a program can be accessed from the Main menu bar as well as by right-clicking on the table in a program. Only those specific to the active program are displayed.
Access DC1 Help The DC1 Help Centre can be accessed from the main menu bar (Help > Help Contents) or directly from a program view for Panel help by pressing F1. It is a single source environment with a powerful search allowing navigation between and access to Panel help, user instructions and set up material. When in the help system you can use the Search box to find what you are looking for, alternatively navigate in the tree structure.
Function keys When you are within a program, all function keys for the specific program are loaded in the bottom portion of the window. You can click the applicable button, alternatively press the actual F-key on your keyboard. To see the keyboard assigned F-key, hover the mouse over the button, or set the system to always show the F-key together with the button text. For more information see Preferences/Client settings (Buttons).

Note: Any program function keys are visible in the Functions from the Main menu bar. See Program function key handling in DC1 for more detailed information surrounding this functionality.

Retrieve data values All input fields that you can retrieve data from are marked with a green tag (the prompt icon) in the upper right-hand corner. To retrieve data click on the green tag or press F4 to select the correct value from the table.
Checkboxes There are two different types of checkboxes: two-state and three-state check.

Two-state checkbox:

  • Not selected checkbox = NO
  • Selected checkbox, marked with a check mark = YES

Three-state checkbox:

  • Not selected checkbox = NO, only items without the specific option for the checkbox selected.
  • Selected checkbox, marked with a check mark = YES, only items with the specific option for the checkbox selected.
  • Default checkbox, grey filled = Blank, all items selected from the table.
Cut, copy, paste and delete from input fields These functions are possible on all input fields. Use the context menu or the keyboard keys when appropriate data is marked.
Cut, copy, paste and delete from output fields You can copy and paste data from output fields by marking the data and using the keyboard shortcuts or the context menu.
Change view name You can change the view name on Program views. This feature is very useful if you, e.g., have several sales order processes opened. To change view name, select the Change view name option from the intended view’s pull-down menu.
Save screen data You can save screen data as an xml file. This is for technical support purposes and not normally used by the end-user.
Create error report You can create an error report and save as a zipfile. This is for technical support purposes and not normally used by the end-user. All programming data is automatically retrieved from the active panel (where an error was found) and stored in the zipfile which can then be sent by email.
View layout source To view the layout source select the View layout source option from the appropriate pull-down menu. This is for technical support purposes and not normally used by the end-user.
Navigation buttons For most of the programs, navigation buttons for Back, OK and Exit are available. You can also find the navigation button’s keyboard definition from the button’s Tooltip, or set the system to always show the F-key together with the button text. For more information, see Preferences/Client settings.

Working with tables

The following features are accessible within any Program view that contains table information:

Feature Description
Options All options that can be run/performed within a program can be accessed by right-clicking on the table in a program as well as from the Main menu bar. Only those specific to the program are displayed.
Saved per user If you rearrange, optimize, activate or inactivate the columns in a table, it will be saved per user. Meaning next time you open the process the table will have the same look as your last rearrangement.
Resize columns You can resize any column in a table by grabbing and dragging the sashes that separate them.
Move columns You rearrange columns in your own preferable order via drag and drop. Mark the column header you want to move and drag it to your preferable order.

The order will be saved until you restore the columns to default order. See Restore default table.

Manipulate the column width and position Grab and drag the sashes that separate the column.
Activate/Inactivate columns Right-click within a table area and select Edit columns. The list of columns that is displayed is specific to the program.

To inactivate a column, right-click on the column you want to inactivate and select Inactivate or double-click on the column. The column will be marked with a red cross.

To activate a column, right-click on the column you want to activate and select Activate or double-click on the column. The column will be marked with a green check mark.

To restore default columns, click on the Restore button.

Optimize column size You can minimize the size of the columns in every table. Right-click within the table area and select Optimize column size.
Restore default table To restore the default table, right-click within the table area and select Restore.
Export to Excel You can convert the entire content of a table or just the applicable row(s).

Mark the content applicable for export (Ctrl + A to select all rows). Right-click and select Export to Excel.

Export to CSV You can convert the entire content of a table or just the applicable row(s) and convert the information into comma separated values and store the data in a separate file.

Mark the content applicable for export (Ctrl + A to select all rows). Right-click and select Export to CSV.

Export to clipboard You can convert the entire content of a table or just the applicable row(s) and convert the information into comma separated values and store the data on the Clipboard.

Mark the content applicable for export (Ctrl + A to select all rows). Right-click and select Export to Clipboard.

Sort table content Click on the column header title that you want to sort. It will sort according to how much is loaded in the table for the moment. To load more data, click Page Down or use the scroll bar. Every time you click the column header, the table will switch between descending and ascending order.

Note: Sorting on columns does not affect the arrival sequence of your data. It is only internal in the table. There could still be data in the database with a lower or higher value in the sorted column (depending on the sorting) than currently visible.

Server management

The following are accessible via Miscellaneous tasks > Server management in the Menu view:

  • Work with XT queries – This menu item starts a Query Manager view. For more information, see Query Manager below.
  • Display server messages – You can work with your message queue with the following feature; viewing details or deleting messages.
  • Display server jobs – This enables you to work with submitted jobs.
  • Display printer output – From this menu item you can work with spooled files.

Query Manager

The Query Manager view is accessed via Miscellaneous tasks > Server management, the Work with XT queries menu item in the Menu view. When you open the Query Manager it will launch in front of the Quick Link view, if you have the default setting for the Quick Links. You can then easily switch between the views.

The Query Manager enables you to work with queries and create your own query definitions. You can also import query definitions from the iSeries and store them as XT Query Manager definitions. This, e.g., makes it possible to reuse old queries when upgrading DC1.

From the Query Manager pull-down menu you start the Query builder when you select Create Query from the pull-down menu. The Query builder opens in a Program view with the possibility to build new query definitions.

The following features are accessible within the Query Manager view:

Feature Description
Search From the Query Manager you can search among saved query definitions and execute/run the query again.
Create new query You create a query definition from the Query builder, which opens when you select the Create new query function from the Query Manager’s toolbar.
Create new folder You can catalogue and save your query definition by creating folders.
Delete query Possibility to delete a query definition from the view’s toolbar.
Execute query To execute a saved query definition, mark the query you want to execute and click the Execute icon from the toolbar.
Export data You can export the result of the query to Excel, PDF or CSV format. The function is accessed via the pull-down menu from the Query Builder view or Query Manager view.
SQL wizard A wizard is provided to help you create query definitions.
Save current query definition When you have saved the current query definition you can work with it from the Query Manager view.
Preview query string You can preview the query result before you save the query definition by pressing the Preview button from the Query builder panel.
Import iSeries query definitions Convert query definitions created with the WRKQRY command on the iSeries into definitions in Query Manager format.

System messages – Message view

These are messages issued by DC1 (errors, warnings, information messages). These types of messages appear in their own Messages view.

If a second-level message is evident, then a plus sign pops in front of the message. To view the second level message, click on the plus sign and scroll down or resize the Messages view.

When entering incorrect data, the applicable fields will be highlighted and an information message will appear in the Message view, informing which data needs to be re-entered.

Web site view

The web sites are accessible via Miscellaneous tasks >Web sites from the Menu view. The client is deployed with DC1 web site, but it is possible to configure the web site to your own url’s or any other web site. See the Technical References Technical Manual on the Iptor Intranet for more information.


Attachments have their own view. The attachment view is minimized until you select an item and/or customer that has a document attached. The Attachment view opens automatically when you are on the detailed level for a specific business partner and/or item that have linked attachments.

Attachment handling is a general function that can be accessed from several programs in DC1. You can attach different file types, such as Word documents, Excel sheets, HTML documents, images and web links to different keys in the DC1 system. The keys are easily configured in the Web administration program.

For more information on how to configure attachments, making the functionality accessible from the DC1 XT UI Client, see the Attachment document which can be launched via XT Platform > Administration. Click the Other link.

The following features are accessible within the Attachments view:

Feature Description
Add attachments From the Attachment view you can link all types of documents to an item and/or business partner if the necessary configuration has been done in the Administration location as described above.

To add attachments, right-click on the right-hand side in the view and select Add from the context menu.

Open attachments You can view or edit the attached link from the attachment view by double-clicking on the file or you can right-click on the file and select Open from the context menu.
Delete attachments You easily delete linked attachments by marking the file and then pressing the Delete key or you right-click on the file and select Delete.

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