Related topics
Shown for each record is the document type, document number, debtor number, debtor name and transaction amount. The invoices from DC1 Distribution that are in error are maintained in this routine, and if there are many faulty invoices, the accounting rules should be checked.
Function keys
Journal maintenance, A/R invoices (FSR13104)
- Customer number
- Displays the customer number from the Business partner file.
- Debtor number
- Displays the debtor number from the Business partner file.
- Document type
- Displays the document type of the transaction, and the system validates it against Work with document types. If no document type was defined for the transferred document, the system will use the default document types connected to the following system document types:
- FKI for A/R documents where transaction amount > 0
- FKC for A/R documents where transaction amount < 0
- FKZ for A/R documents where transaction amount = 0
- Document number
- Displays the document number of the transaction, and the system validates it against the document number series defined for the document type. If the number is changed, the document number of the related G/L postings will be updated automatically.
- Document date
- Displays the document date. If the date is changed, the document date of the related G/L postings will be updated automatically.
- Voucher type
- Displays the voucher type of the transaction. If this is a transaction which is correct, the field is protected. If the type is changed, the system validates it against Work with voucher types, and the voucher type of the related G/L postings will be updated automatically.
- Voucher number
- Displays the voucher number of the transaction. If this is a transaction which is correct, the field is protected. If the type is changed, the system validates it against the voucher number series defined for the voucher type. If the number is changed, the voucher number of the related G/L postings will be updated automatically.
- Voucher date
- Displays the voucher date of the transaction. If the date is changed, the voucher date of the related G/L postings will be updated automatically.
- Due date
- Displays the due date of the transaction. The date must be after the document date.
- Accounting period
- Displays the accounting period of the document, and it must be an open period in the accounting year of the journal. The system also validates it against last closed period for the voucher type, as well as according to the valid range of entry periods defined in the G/L control file. If the period is changed, the accounting period of the related G/L postings will be updated automatically.
- Transaction amount
- Displays the amount in transaction currency.
- Transaction currency
- Displays the code for the transaction currency, and the system validates it against Work with currencies.
- System amount
- Displays the amount in system currency.
- Primary amount
- Displays the amount in primary currency.
- Primary currency
- Displays the code for the primary currency of the customer from Work with currencies.
- VAT amount
- Displays the VAT amount of the transaction.
- Turnover amount
- Displays the turnover amount for the transaction.
- Salesman/Handler
- Displays the salesman/handler responsible for the transaction from Work with signatures. Note: If DC1 Distribution is installed and activated in the company in which you are working, then the Salesman/Handler field must be set to YES in Work with signatures.
- Exchange rate period
- Displays the exchange rate period code used for converting the transaction amount into a system amount, and the system validates it against the codes for DAY, WEEK, MONTH or YEAR defined in Work with languages.
- Exchange rate level
- Displays the exchange rate level code used for converting the transaction amount into a system amount, and the system validates it against the codes for HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW defined in Work with languages.
- Exchange rate time
- Displays the exchange rate time used for converting the transaction amount into a system amount. This information is mandatory, and it must be a date, a week, a month or a year, according to the exchange rate period code. An exchange rate must exist for the exchange rate time on the selected level.
- Related document
- Displays the number of the document related to this transaction.
- Cost centre
- Displays the cost centre, from the Account file, to which this transaction was charged.
- Export code
- Displays the VAT export code of the transaction, from Work with VAT import/export codes. Note: If DC1 Distribution is installed, this field could be blank for an invoice created in DC1 Distribution. This means that the system did not find the correct export code when the corresponding sales order was created in DC1 Distribution.
- Terms of payment
- Displays the terms of payment of the transaction.
- Group document
- Indicates if this transaction is eligible for group document handling in the Work with A/R grouped documents routine.
- Payment mode
- Displays the payment mode entered for this customer. The payment mode is validated against Work with A/R payment modes.
- Bank reference no
- Displays payment information, according to the payment regulations in different countries.
- Text
- Displays the transaction text, entered manually or a combination of internal name, document type and document number.
Journal maintenance, A/R invoices (FSR13105)
- Cash discount base
- Displays the cash discount base amount for the transaction.
- Cash discount 1 date
- Displays the due date of cash discount condition 1.
- Cash discount 1 %
- Displays the percentage of cash discount condition 1.
- Cash discount 2 date
- Displays the due date of cash discount condition 2.
- Cash discount 2 %
- Displays the percentage of cash discount condition 2.
- Sundry name
- Displays the name of the customer, if the customer number is for sundry customers.
- Address
- Displays the address of the customer, if the customer number is for sundry customers.
- County
- Enter the code from Work with counties indicating the county in which the sundry customer is located.
- Control accounted
- Indicates if the supplier control account has already been allocated for the G/L posting.
- A/R group
- Displays the A/P group, from Work with A/R and A/P groups, to which the customer belongs.
- Income accounted
- Indicates if the income account has already been allocated for the G/L posting.
- Pseudo account
- Displays the pseudo account, from Work with pseudo accounts, to which the income for the transaction will be posted. If blank, the system will use the contra accounting rules defined for the document type to retrieve the pseudo account.
- Trader country
- Displays the trader country of the transaction.
- EU VAT rep act code
- If DC1 Distribution is installed and activated, then this field could display the “T” code. This means that the invoice is a 3-party sales (triangulation) transaction. See Print an official EU VAT sales report for more information.
- Debtor VAT country
- Displays the country where the debtor is registered for VAT for this transaction.
- Debtor VAT number