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These entries are used in the Business partner file, to indicate which payment methods can be used for a specific supplier in the Work with A/P payment proposal routine, when sending payments to the bank. If no payment method is active for the supplier, then payments cannot be made through the proposal routine.
The following A/P payment modes are pre-defined and pre-loaded at system installation:
A/P payment mode | Description |
CHEQUE | Cheque, pre-numbered |
CHQJET | Cheque, blank stock |
CRETFR | Credit Transfer |
PAYEXT | DI PAYEXT message |
SEPA | SEPA Credit Transfer |
STDFMT | DC1 standard format |
EGCS | External Group Consolidation System |
Payment types | Select this option to work with/view payment types for the A/P payment mode. |
Selection fields
- Payment mode
- This column lists the existing A/P payment modes.
- Name
- Displays the name of the payment mode.
- Payment mode group
- Indicates to which group the payment mode belongs.
0 Domestic 1 Foreign 2 Both domestic and foreign
Work with A/P payment modes (GDMD11304)
These entries are used in the Business partner file, to indicate which payment methods can be used for a specific supplier in the Work with A/P payment proposal routine, when sending payments to the bank. If no payment method is active for the supplier, no payments can be made through the proposal routine.
On this panel you can view details for an existing payment mode. If you have system administrator authority, then you are able to enter a new payment mode or maintain details for an existing one. Click Next to specify program details for the payment mode.
A panel where you can add/view additional data for the payment mode you are working with/viewing is available if the applicable program name is entered in Additional maint pgm. If the program is entered, then click OK on this panel to access the additional data panel for the payment mode.
Function keys
- Payment mode
- Name
- Payment mode group
- Enter a code for the payment mode. This information is used for grouping payment modes together. The group is a selection parameter in the A/P payment proposal creation routine.
0 Domestic 1 Foreign 2 Both domestic and foreign
- Unique mode
- Indicate if this payment mode should not be mixed with other payment modes within an A/P payment proposal.
- Unique payment
- Set this field to YES if a document for which you have entered additional payment information or a bank reference number should be handled as a unique payment (one payment per settled transaction) in the A/P payment proposal. Otherwise set this field to NO, which means that all transactions with the same payment mode, transaction currency, supplier number, supplier bank and payment date will be settled by one payment. If the document belongs to a sundry supplier it is always handled as a unique payment.
- Paym order conf req
- Indicate if payment order confirmation will be required for payment proposals using this payment mode. If you set this field to NO, payment order proposals will be automatically confirmed.
- Supplier bank req
- Indicate if the supplier bank should be required for normal and sundry suppliers:
- For normal suppliers, if this field is set to YES, the supplier bank will be mandatory for the supplier on the A/P payment mode/supplier info, A/P payment mode/currency info panels in the Business partner file, and in the A/P payment proposal routine. Note: If this field is set to NO, this information will be optional.
- For sundry suppliers, if this field is set to YES, the supplier bank data will be mandatory in the A/P sundry supplier additional data panel and in the A/P payment proposal. Note: If this field is set to NO, this information will be optional.
- Paym order conf pgm
- Enter the program name that will be used for the payment order confirmation routine if it is required for payment proposals using this payment mode. This field is mandatory if the Paym order conf req field has been set to YES.
- Single payment date
- Indicate if only one payment date for all payments should be allowed in an A/P payment proposal. If you set this field to YES, then the first entered payment date must be equal to the last payment date. This field must be set to YES if Grouping code on the Credit Transfer data panel is GRPD for this payment mode.
- Paym order del pgm
- Enter the program name that will be used for the payment order deletion routine if it is required for payment proposals using this payment mode. This field is mandatory if the Paym order conf req field has been set to YES, and it is optional if the Paym order conf req field has been set to NO.
- Calendar
Enter a calendar from the Calendar ID table. The calendar validates if the proposed payment date is payable or not. If it is not payable the system moves the payment date to a payable date depending on the value in the Previous paym date field.
- Display process date
- Indicate if the Process date field should be displayed on the A/P payment proposal – Create payment order panel. If you set this field to YES, then you can activate the foreign payment services.
- Previous paym date
Set this field to YES to move a non-payable date to the first previous payable date. Set it to NO to move a non-payable date to the next payable date.When the payment date is moved forward, to the next payable date, the system still uses the old payment date to accept the cash discount conditions. In other words the system starts to calculate the paid amount according to the cash discount conditions and then validates if the payment date is payable or not.
There are two exceptions when the payable date is not moved to the first previous payable date. In these cases the payment date is moved to the next payable date:
- If the new payable date is earlier than the supplier invoice date, if entered, otherwise if it is earlier than the document date.
- If the new payable period belongs to a period previous to the document period.
Note: This field is mandatory and is used in connection with the Calendar field. Set this field to NO if the Calendar field is left blank.
- IFS communicator
- Enter a type from Work with IFS communicator types to indicate how to transfer A/P payment orders to the IFS (Information File System). If the equivalent field is left blank in Work with transfer types, then the communicator type entered here is used for the transfer.
For transfer types which are available for the Credit Transfer functionality (CRETFR and SEPA), it is mandatory to enter an IFS communicator type either in this field, or in the equivalent field in Work with transfer types when the DI mapping definitions *ASWXML2/CRETFR/1 and *ASWXML2/CRETFR/2 are active.
Note: In the standard version of DC1, the transfer to the IFS is done for the pre-defined A/P payment modes CRETFR and SEPA. In order to transfer payment orders to the IFS for other payment modes, the applicable format program needs to be defined in Format program.
- Remittance advice
- This field is NO by default. Set this field to YES if a remittance advice should be printed whenever this payment mode is used. You can define exceptions for a supplier’s A/P payment mode and/or payment mode/currency combination in the Business partner file. If no exceptions exist at all, then the value entered here determines if the remittance advice should be printed for the payment mode or not.
If this field is set to YES, then the applicable program needs to be defined in the Remittance advice program field. Note: In the standard version of DC1, the remittance advice is printed for the pre-defined A/P payment modes CRETFR and SEPA. See Setting up the Credit Transfer/SEPA functionality for more information.
- Standard text
- Only applicable if Remittance advice is YES. Enter a code from the Standard text table indicating the standard text that should be printed on the remittance advice. Note: You cannot define an exception to this standard text for a supplier’s A/P payment mode/currency combination in the Business partner file. For information about the Credit Transfer/SEPA payment modes, see also the Panel help for Work with A/P payment modes, Credit Transfer data.
- Transfer to EGCS
- Only displayed if the EGCS function is activated in the Function control file. Indicate if it should be possible to create a transfer file in the Create payment order routine in Work with A/P payment proposals when this payment mode is used. The file transfers A/P transactions to the EGCS (External Group Consolidation System). The applicable format program, FLC492, must be defined in Format program.
- Contact person
- Enter the name of the main contact person in your company who is responsible for accounts where this payment mode is used. The contact person’s data such as name, phone number, e-mail address and fax number, which must be entered in Work with DC1 user profiles, is printed on the remittance advice, if Remittance advice is set to YES.
You can define an exception for a supplier’s A/P payment mode and/or payment mode/currency combination in the Business partner file. If no exceptions exist, then the contact person entered here is used to retrieve the address data, when the remittance advice is to be printed.
If a contact person is not defined at all or contact data is missing, then address data is defaulted to the remittance advice from Work with companies.
Note: See additional information for the Remittance advice field.
Include documents
In the fields below, you indicate which documents should be included during the A/P payment proposal creation or when a single document is added to a proposal. YES is defaulted to all fields.
- Invoices
- Indicate if you want to include invoice documents and credit notes (data type 1) in the A/P payment proposal.
- Redefinitions
- Indicate if you want to include redefinition documents (data type 5) in the A/P payment proposal.
- Payments
- Indicate if you want to include payment documents (data type 2) in the A/P payment proposal.
Work with A/P payment modes (GDMD11311)
On this panel you can view program details for an existing payment mode. If you have system administrator authority, then you are able to continue entering program details for a new payment mode or maintain details for an existing one.
A panel where you can add/view additional data for the payment mode you are working with/viewing is available if the applicable program name is entered in Additional maint pgm. If the program is entered, then click OK on this panel to access the additional data panel for the payment mode.
Function keys
- Format program
- Enter the format program to be executed when you create a payment order in the A/P payment proposal. The format program creates the payment document or file to be sent to the financial institute. The format program also creates the remittance advice to be sent to the supplier (payer), if applicable. If you need more than one format program for this payment mode you can override this program in the Bank group/payment mode table which is reached from the System bank group table.
Note: In the standard version of DC1, the format program FLC440 creates the payment order file for the pre-defined A/P payment modes CRETFR and SEPA and maps the file to an XML file if the method subtypes *ASWXML2/CRETFR/1/S and/or *ASWXML2/CRETFR/2/S are active in Work with DI mapping definitions.
- Remittance advice program
- Mandatory entry if Remittance advice on the previous panel is YES. Enter the name of the program to be executed in order to print a remittance advice for this payment mode in Work with A/P payment proposals. If the program FLC455 (used for A/P Credit Transfer/SEPA payment modes) is entered, then FLR712 must be defined in Additional maint pgm.
Note: See additional information for the Remittance advice field.
Additional local programs
In the four fields below, you can optionally enter programs to make it possible to enter additional local data on payment mode level.
- Additional maint pgm
- Enter the maintenance program to be executed in order to enter additional information data for an A/P payment mode.
- Additional copy pgm
- Enter the copy program to be executed in order to copy any additional information data when copying an A/P payment mode.
- Additional print pgm
- Enter the print program to be executed in order to print any additional information data for a payment mode when printing from the Print A/P payment modes routine.
- Additional del pgm
- Enter the deletion program to be executed in order to delete any additional information data when deleting an A/P payment mode.
- Document maint pgm
- Enter the maintenance program to be executed when you enter extra payment information for an A/P document. This program is executed in the following routines:
- A/P manual document entry
- A/P transaction maintenance
- A/P payment proposal
- Document enquiry pgm
- Enter the enquiry program to be executed when you enquire on extra payment information for an A/P document. This program is executed in the following routine:
- A/P transaction enquiry
- Document delete pgm
- Enter the deletion program to be executed when you delete the extra payment information for an A/P document. This program is executed in the following routines:
- A/P manual document entry
- A/P transaction maintenance
- A/P payment proposal
- Supplier maint pgm
- Enter the maintenance program to be executed when you maintain this payment mode on supplier level.
- Supplier enquiry pgm
- Enter the enquiry program to be executed when you enquire about this payment mode on supplier level.
- Supplier print pgm
- Enter the print program to be executed when you print this payment mode on supplier level.
- Supplier delete pgm
- Enter the deletion program to be executed when you delete this payment mode on supplier level.
- Paym type maint pgm
- Enter the maintenance program to be executed when you maintain payment types for this payment mode on the Work with A/P payment modes, Payment types panel.
- Paym type enq pgm
- Enter the enquiry program to be executed when you enquire on payment types for this payment mode.
- Paym type print pgm
- Enter the print program to be executed when you print payment types for this payment mode from the Work with A/P payment modes, Payment types printout.
- Paym type delete pgm
- Enter the deletion program to be executed when you delete a payment type defined for this payment mode on panel Work with A/P payment modes, Payment types.
- Prop error list pgm
- Enter the name of the program to be executed to print an error list when running the routines below. An error list will be printed for each included payment mode.
- Work with A/P payment proposals, create.
- Work with A/P payment proposals, print.
- Work with A/P payment proposals, print remittance advice. If an error is found, then a remittance advice will not be printed. The proposal regains the previous status if an error was found during the printing.
- Work with A/P payment proposals, create payment order. If an error is found, then payment orders will not be created. The proposal activity regains the previous status if an error was found during payment order creation.
Note: This field is the only option to print an error list when running the A/P payment proposal routine. An error list print option does not exist within the routine itself.
- Instalment upd pgm
- Enter the instalment update program to be executed when you create an instalment.