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Work with A/P payment modes, Credit Transfer data (FLR71201)

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This panel is only shown if the payment mode is for Credit Transfer. On this panel you enter Credit Transfer data for the payment mode. Entered values are defaulted on the A/P payment modes panel in the Business partner file when a new entry is added.

Note: The CRETFR function must be activated in the Function control file to maintain the data.

Function keys

Payment mode
Displays the selected payment mode.

Scheme ID
Enter an active scheme from Work with Credit Transfer schemes to define which of the schemes the Credit Transfer is based on. The scheme is defaulted from the selected payment mode, if a scheme ID is not defined for the selected bank in Work with banks, Credit Transfer. The scheme is used in the Create payment orders and Print remittance advice routines in Work with A/P payment proposals.
SEPA scheme
Indicate if the scheme above is a SEPA scheme based on the EPC guideline for SEPA Credit Transfer.
Grouping code
For field details, refer to the standard or local guideline outlined according to the UNIFI ISO 20022 Payments Message CustomerCreditTransferInitiationV02 (Msg ID pain.001.001.02), Group Header.

Note: If the grouping code is GRPD, then the Credit Transfer values defined for this payment mode are used when A/P payment orders are created, and not retrieved from the document’s payment mode definition or from the supplier’s Credit Transfer data in Business partner file/A/P payment modes. See Message building blocks – Credit Transfer/SEPA for more information.

Remittance advice
Indicates if a remittance advice should be printed whenever this payment mode is used. See the Panel help for Work with A/P payment modes for more information about printing remittance advice.

You can define an exception for a supplier’s A/P payment mode and/or payment mode/currency combination in the Business partner file. If no exceptions exist on supplier level, then the value displayed here determines if the remittance advice should be printed for the payment mode or not.
Remitt info overflow
Only applicable if Remittance advice is YES. Set this field to YES to only print payments, on the remittance advice, where the total length of the payment’s related invoice references exceed the available space of 140 characters in the XML file. Set to NO to print all payments and related invoice references.

You can define an exception for a supplier’s A/P payment mode and/or payment mode/currency combination in the Business partner file. If no exception exists on supplier level, then the value entered here determines what will be printed on the remittance advice.

Std text overflow
Only applicable if Remittance advice is YES and Remittance info overflow is YES. Enter a code from the Standard text table indicating the text that should be printed in the header of the remittance advice when there is not enough space for all remittance information. This would be the case when the total length of the payment’s related invoice references exceed the available space of 140 characters in the XML file sent to the bank.

You can define an exception for a supplier’s A/P payment mode and/or payment mode/currency combination in the Business partner file. If no exception exists on supplier level, then the value entered here determines the standard text that will be printed on the remittance advice.

Note: You can also enter a text code in the Standard text field on A/P payment mode level indicating the text that should be printed on the remittance advice when Remittance advice is YES and Remittance info overflow is NO. Note: Exceptions to this standard text cannot be defined on supplier level.

Contact person
Displays the name of the main contact person in your company who is responsible for accounts where this payment mode is used. The contact person’s data such as name, phone number, e-mail address and fax number, which must be entered in Work with DC1 user profiles, is printed on the remittance advice, if Remittance advice is set to YES.

Unstructured ref

Standard text
Enter a code from the Standard text table indicating the text that should be included in the XML file sent to the bank when there is not enough space for all remittance information. This would be the case when the total length of the payment’s related invoice references exceed the available space of 140 characters in the XML file. See the Panel help for Business partner file, A/P payment mode/curr, Credit Transfer for more details about creditor reference information.

Note: Exceptions to this standard text cannot be defined on supplier level.

Work with A/P payment modes, Credit Transfer data (FLR71202)

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On this panel you enter further Credit Transfer data for the payment mode such as payment type information.

Function keys

Payment mode
Displays the selected payment mode.

Work with A/P payment modes, Credit Transfer data (FLR71203)

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On this panel you enter further Credit Transfer data for the payment mode such as cheque instruction and delivery method.

Function keys

Payment mode
Displays the selected payment mode.