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Work with customer purchase orders, Order line (AUDD08101)


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This panel displays all the order lines that are associated with the selected customer purchase order.


Store breakdown Select this option to view all the different stores of the supplier from where an item is to be supplied to the customer if that item is not available in full as per the ordered quantity.

Selection fields

Displays the name of the customer who sent the purchase order.

CPO number
Displays the selected customer purchase order number.

Order date
Displays the date when the order was entered into the system.
Displays the transaction code number.

Displays the Global Trade Item Number.
Displays the quantity ordered for the item of a particular GTIN.
Displays the quantity available for the item of a particular GTIN.
Av pct
Displays the percentage availablity of the items.
Displays the code for the ordered item.
Displays the description of the ordered item.

Work with customer purchase orders, Order line (AUDD08104)

Related topics

On this panel you maintain and view order line details.

Displays the name for the customer who sent the purchase order.

CPO number
Displays the selected customer purchase order number.

Order date
Displays the date when the order was entered into the system.
Displays the transaction code number.


Displays the Global Trade Item Number.
Item number
Displays the code for the ordered item.
Item description
Displays the description of the ordered item.

Incoming price
Displays the price of the item as stated in the CPO.
Original price
Displays the actual price of the item.
Quantity ordered
Displays the ordered quantity of the item.
Original qty ordered
Displays the actual quantity ordered for the item.
Pack # inners/outer
Displays the units per outer packing, that is, for a single item it is 1 and for a carton containing ten bags it is 10.
Size inner packsize
Displays the units in the inner packaging, that is, for a single item it is 1 and for a carton with a single bag that contains 15 items, it is 15.
Price factor
This field is calculated from the Cost quantity factor field on the CPO item file:

If Cost quantity factor = 0, then Price factor = 1.

Otherwise, Price factor = Inners per outer/Cost quantity factor

Effective price
This field is calculated as a product of Original price and Price factor.

Work with customer purchase orders, Woolworths POA details (AUDD08111)

Related topics

This panel is displayed if the conditions below are fulfilled and you clicked OK on the Work with trading partners panel.

  • The POA model field was not left blank.
  • The POA required field was set to YES.
  • The CPO has been validated.

Displays the name of the customer who sent the purchase order.

CPO number
Displays the selected customer purchase order number.

Order date
Displays the date when the order was entered into the system.
Displays the transaction code number.

POA details

Trade unit no
Displays the Global Trade Item Number.
POA line number
Displays the order line number of the item on the CPO.
Item number
Displays the code for the ordered item.
Acknowledgement sts
Displays the status of the acknowledgement of the received POA. Valid values are:
Values Description
3 Price/quantity/other change
5 Accepted – no change
7 Item rejected
Incoming price
Displays the incoming price of the item as stated in the CPO.
Original price
Displays the actual price of the item.
Quantity supplied
Displays the quantity of items supplied against the ordered quantity.
Quantity ordered
Displays the quantity of items ordered to be supplied.
Cost quantity factor
Displays the cost quantity factor retrieved from the POA creation.
Orig cost qty factor
Displays the original cost quantity factor retrieved from the POA creation.
Pack # inners/outer
Displays the units per outer packaging. For a single item it is 1 and for a carton containing ten bags it is 10.
Orig pack # in/out
Displays the units per outer packaging. For a single item it is 1 and for a carton containing ten bags it is 10.
Pallet units/layer
Displays the units per layer in the pallet retrieved according to the POA creation.
Orig pallet un/lay
Displays the original units per layer in the pallet retrieved according to the POA creation.
Pallet # layer
Displays the number of layers in the pallet retrieved according to the POA creation.
Orig pallet # layer
Displays the original number of layers in the pallet retrieved according to the POA creation.