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In this routine you create printouts to analyse the difference between the depreciations from the regular depreciation type and the alternative depreciation type. Only assets of asset types that have an alternative depreciation type defined will be selected, and you create the list for one depreciation type at a time. Also budget assets can be included in the selection if you want to see the cost impact of your planned investment. You define the sequence on this panel and make the selection on the next panel.
- Asset type
- Asset group
- Asset account group
- Responsible
- Cost centre
Only displayed if cost centre accounting is allowed. - Project
Only displayed if project accounting is allowed.
In the field below you select the type of information to print on the list.
- Budget assets
- Indicate if you want to include budget assets on the list.
- Asset details
- Set to YES to print asset details on the list. Set to NO to receive only totals.
- Depreciation type
- Enter the depreciation type for this depreciation comparison list.
- Depreciation year
- Enter the depreciation year for this depreciation comparison list.
Alt depr comparison list printout (AACD5232)
In this routine you create printouts to analyse the difference between the depreciations from the regular depreciation type and the alternative depreciation type. Only assets of asset types that have an alternative depreciation type defined will be selected, and you create the list for one depreciation type at a time. Also budget assets can be included in the selection if you want to see the cost impact of your planned investment. You define the sequence on the previous panel and make the selection on this panel.
Note: In order for the Alternative depreciation function to work correctly, specific rules must be used. These rules must have the same parameters as, for example, the ‘DEGR’ rule, but should use the &ADARA/ variable instead of &ADRAT/ and &ADACU/ instead of &ADCUR/ (see Work with variable parameters). The concerned assets will be updated with these rules when an alternative rule is entered on the Work with assets, Depreciation information panel.
- Asset type
- Asset group
- Asset account group
- Responsible
- Acquisition type
- Cost centre
- Project
Only displayed if project accounting is allowed.