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Work with transactions/Interface transactions in voucher (FSR47501)

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This panel can be accessed in different modes depending on the selected options and clicked function keys. The panel title and sub-heading differ accordingly.

The transactions on this panel are presented by default in the order they were entered (from the first to the last registered transaction). If you enter values in the Dt and Document no selection fields, then the transactions are re-sequenced and listed in document type/document number order. Both the Dt and Document no fields are used to sequence the transactions. To restore the default sequence in which the transactions are presented on the panel, select the Reset sequence function key from the Function list, or delete the values entered in the selection fields and click OK.

Depending on from where the panel was accessed, this panel displays either the transactions/interface transactions related to a selected voucher or payments/interface payments related to a selected cash book header.

The following titles could be shown:

  • Work with transactions in voucher, General/Account/Payment view
  • Work with interface trans in voucher, Preloaded/Batch/All interface payments
  • Work with liquids in voucher, Connected payments
  • Work with liquids in voucher, Connected int payments – Preloaded/Batch/All
  • Work with interface liquids in voucher, Connected int payments – Preloaded/Batch/All


Note: This option is not available in interface transactions mode.

Change Select this option to change a transaction. In interface transactions mode, this option is only available for those transactions which are in status 0.
Delete Select this option to delete a transaction. If an automatically created transaction imported from the interface is deleted, then the transaction related interface data is set to status 4 (Deleted). Transaction related interface data set to status 4 can be restored by the Restore option. In interface transactions mode, this option is used to set the status of the interface transaction to 4 (Deleted). This option is only available for those interface transactions which are in status 0 (Preloaded).
Display Select this option to view a transaction. In interface transactions mode, this option is used to view the transaction data loaded into the interface file. Values to be defaulted based on the applied template will not be displayed.
Text Select this option to edit the transaction text.
Settled documents This option is not available in interface transactions mode. This option is only valid if settlements are made with the selected document. Select this option to access the A/R transactions enquiry, Settled documents panel to view all the settlements for the document.
Restore Only available in interface transactions mode. This option is only applicable for interface transactions with status 4 (Deleted). Select this option to restore a deleted batch and set the status to 0 (Preloaded).
Create Only available in interface transactions mode. Select this option to start the validation of batch data and the creation of batch transactions from the interface data.

Function keys

Note: Only shown if working with transactions in voucher in the following view modes:

  • Account/Payment views, and
  • Preloaded/Batch/All interface payment views

For more information about additional functions accessible from this panel, see Functions in function list.

Interface transactions Only available if the panel heading is Work with transactions in voucher. You can toggle from the Work transactions in voucher panel to the Work with interface transactions in voucher panel by clicking this function key.
Transactions Only available if the panel heading is Work with interface transactions in voucher. You can toggle from the Work interface transactions in voucher panel to the Work with transactions in voucher panel by clicking this function key.
General view In Account or Payment view mode, change to General view mode.
Account view In General or Payment view mode, change to Account view mode.
Payment view In General or Account view mode, change to Payment view mode.
Preloaded/Batch/All Only shown if you are working with interface transactions. Switch between viewing preloaded, batch, or all interface transactions. The panel sub-heading differs accordingly. The default panel view displays preloaded interface transactions, as those transactions require maintenance, i.e. they must either be corrected and created or set to status 4 (Deleted).

Selection fields

Accounting period
Displays the accounting period for the selected batch.
Voucher type/number
Displays the voucher type followed by the voucher number.
Voucher status/Error
Displays the loading status of the voucher, if it is automatically created, and a voucher error code should an error exists in this voucher.

The following statuses are valid:

The following error types apply:

Cash book st./Error
Only shown if you are working with payments connected to the cash book header. Displays the loading status for the cash book and cash book error code should an error exist.

The following statuses are valid:

The following error types apply:

Applied amount
Only shown if you are working with transactions in voucher. Displays the sum of all amounts registered for this voucher.
Transactions total
Only shown if you are working with liquids in voucher. Displays the total amount that has been used for payment in system currency.
Difference to apply
Only shown if you are working with transactions in voucher. Displays the difference between Amount to apply and Applied amount.
Only shown if you are working with payments connected to the cash book entry. Displays the difference between the cash book amount and the total amount registered for the connected payments. This value must be zero when all the connected payments are made.

Different panel modes

1. General view

This panel displays an overview of the transactions created in the selected voucher except the documents that were automatically created during settlement. For an automatically created voucher imported from interface the transactions displayed here are either manually created or imported from interface, or both. You can manually add a transaction by selecting the Enter A/R payment function from the Function list. Currently, only A/R payment transactions can be created. You can also change/maintain, delete and settle transactions.

Note: On this panel cash book related payments are displayed, but cannot be maintained. Cash book transaction maintenance is enabled only from the Work with liquids in voucher, Connected payments panel.

The following account related information regarding created transactions is presented in this panel mode:

For an A/R or A/P document this column displays the debtor/supplier’s internal name.
This column lists the amounts in transaction or system currency. Toggle Shift currency to switch between the two currencies.

Text line 1
This column displays the first line from the text connected to the payment.

2. Account view

This panel displays an overview of the transactions created in the selected voucher except the documents that were automatically created during settlement. For an automatically created voucher imported from interface the transactions displayed here are either manually created or imported from interface, or both. You can manually add a transaction by selecting the Enter A/R payment function from the Function list. Currently, only A/R payment transactions can be created. You can also change/maintain, delete and settle transactions.

Note: On this panel cash book related payments are displayed, but cannot be maintained. Cash book transaction maintenance is enabled only from the Work with liquids in voucher, Connected payments panel.

The following account related information regarding created transactions is presented in this panel mode:

Account parts 1-8
This column lists the account combinations (1-8) specified for the transaction.

Trans amount
This column lists the transaction amounts in transaction or system currency. Toggle Shift currency to switch between the two currencies.

Text line 1
This column displays the first line from the text connected to the payment.

3. Payment view

This panel displays an overview of the transactions created in the selected voucher except the documents that were automatically created during settlement. For an automatically created voucher imported from interface the transactions displayed here are either manually created or imported from interface, or both. You can manually add a transaction by selecting the Enter A/R payment function from the Function list. Currently, only A/R payment transactions can be created. You can also change/maintain, delete and settle transactions.

Note: On this panel cash book related payments are displayed, but cannot be maintained. Cash book transaction maintenance is enabled only from the Work with liquids in voucher, Connected payments panel.

The following account related information regarding created transactions is presented in this panel mode:

Bank reference number
This column lists the bank reference numbers.


Text line 1
This column displays the first line from the text connected to the payment.

4. Connected payments

This panel displays an overview of the payments connected to the selected cash book header. For an automatically created cash book header imported from the interface the payments displayed here are either manually created, imported from the interface, or both. You can manually add a payment by selecting the Enter A/R payment function from the Function list. You can also maintain, delete and settle the payments.

The following payment related information regarding created payments is presented in this panel mode:


Text line 1
This column displays the first line from the text connected to the payment.

5. Interface transactions – Preloaded/Batch/All

This panel is only available for automatically created vouchers imported from the interface. It displays an overview of the interface transactions data loaded into the selected voucher. The default panel view displays only interface transactions in status 0 (Preloaded) as they must be corrected and created or set to status 4 (Deleted) before the journal can be updated. You can also change/maintain, delete create and restore interface transactions data.

The following information regarding interface transactions data is presented in this panel mode:


Text line 1
This column displays the first line from the text connected to the payment.

6. Connected interface payments – Preloaded/Batch/All

This panel displays all the interface payments connected to the selected interface cash book header. You can change/maintain, delete, create and restore the listed interface payments. The default panel view displays only those interface transactions for which no batch transactions are created. These are transactions in status 0 (Preloaded). They must be corrected and created or set to status 4 (Deleted) to update the journal.

The following information regarding interface payments data is presented in this panel mode:


Text line 1
This column displays the first line from the text connected to the payment.

Work with transactions in voucher, Deletion (FSR47508)

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This panel displays all the records that you selected to delete. Both manually and automatically created transactions imported from the interface will be deleted, whereas the transaction related interface data will be set to status 4 (Deleted). Click OK to delete. Click Back to cancel.