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On this panel you update the proposal and print update lists. The system will update the asset balances, and create the G/L postings if requested. The Asset files and BIW files will be updated with the account movements.
Note: Either both or one of the Update G/L trans and Movement list fields must be set to YES on this panel. Even if the accountings are not transferred (the Update G/L trans field is set to NO), the Asset files and BIW files will be updated with the account movements.
- Proposal
- Displays the number of the proposal you are working with. The proposal number is retrieved from a number series defined in the ASM control file for depreciation proposals.
- Type
- Displays the proposal type, i.e. Work for a work proposal, or Update for an update proposal.
- Control
- If any account combination errors exist in the proposal, then the word Error is displayed.
- Movement list
- For each displayed account movement type, indicate if a movement list for acquisition balance movements and external depreciation type balance movements should be printed. The list will display the original and new account combination for all account movements.
- Update G/L trans
- For each displayed account movement type, indicate if the accountings should be transferred.
Note: Either both or one of the Update G/L trans and Movement list fields must be set to YES on this panel. Even if the accountings are not transferred (the Update G/L trans field is set to NO), the Asset files and BIW files will be updated with the account movements.
- Interface type
- The system proposes the interface types defined for each depreciation type, but you can change to another interface type. The proposed interface type for the acquisition balance movements is retrieved from the main depreciation type.
- Accounting period
- Enter the accounting period for the postings. The system proposes the current period.
- Voucher date
- Enter the voucher date for the postings. The system proposes today’s date.