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Payment order reminder, Activity selection (FKR39001)

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In this routine you create reminders to be sent to debtors that have not accepted their payment orders within due time. Due time is calculated from the issue date from the A/R payment proposal plus the number of days indicated as reminder grace days in the Business partner file for each debtor and payment mode. The system supports reminders for A/R documents where the payment mode has YES in Info to debtor.

Whether or not reminders should be issued, is defined for the debtor and payment mode in the Business partner file, and the text that should be written is controlled per document in the A/R payment proposal. The texts are defined in the Payment order reminder texts file. This automatic issuing routine can only be run by one user at a time, and only one proposal can be active.

Payment order reminders are processed in three steps:

  1. The system makes a proposal of reminders to be issued according to your selections. A control list can be printed anytime. At this stage the reminders are preliminary. Changes are made in the next step.
  2. You make changes in the proposal, and print new check lists until you are satisfied with the proposal.
  3. The reminders are issued and printed, and the payment orders are updated with the new reminders.

Depending on where in the reminder process you are, you mark one of the options on the panel. When you start the routine you can only choose Selection. If a proposal already exists, you can choose Maintenance, Print/Update files or Delete proposal, but not Selection.

Indicate if the system should create a proposal of reminders to issue according to a selection you make.
Indicate if the existing proposal should be maintained.
Print reminders
Indicate if the reminders in the existing proposal should be printed and the files updated.
Delete proposal
Indicate if the existing proposal should be deleted.
Selected items
Displays the number of payment orders in the proposal, if a proposal exists.
Displays the number of reminders in the proposal, if a proposal exists. There will be one reminder per debtor and currency. For sundry debtors, there will be one reminder per transaction.
Selection date
Displays the date when the proposal was created. It is also the document date of the reminders.
Selection time
Displays the time when the proposal was created.