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  7. G/L batch update (FSR81001)

G/L batch update (FSR81001)

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This routine can only be run if you use delayed update of G/L postings to the G/L. If you use direct update, the G/L is updated with the postings when the journal is created. You choose the manner of update in the G/L control file. You can select Transaction update 1, which means delayed update, if you want to enhance computer performance during work hours. You can then update the G/L at night and print all accounting journals at the same time.

Automatically generated reports:

The following reports will be printed for each journal, under the following circumstances:

The postings for routines that handle transfer from pre-systems, i.e. the GIT, BARI and BAPI routines, will always update the G/L directly when the A/R or A/P journals have updated the A/R or A/P. All other routines will update the G/L when this routine is run if you use delayed update.

Override sum mode
The default is NO, meaning that the definition in the Account file for the main account for each posting decides whether or not postings with the same account number, accounting period, journal number, voucher number and voucher date will be summarised into one posting. Set to YES to summarise, regardless of the definitions in the Account file.

G/L batch update (FSR81002)

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This panel is shown if the update of postings to the G/L ended abnormally. Click OK to resume the job again.

G/L batch update (FSR81003)

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This panel is shown if delayed update cannot be used, since all update is done directly. The manner of update is defined in the G/L control file. Click OK to leave the routine.