Create the bank data remittance file (France)

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Do as follows:

  1. Select the applicable Bank data interchange menu item.
  2. You access the Bank data interchange, Not sent panel displaying by default the proposals that have been created, but not yet sent to the bank, i.e. the bank remittance files have not been created. Select the applicable proposal number. The system will issue a warning if you select a proposal for which the remittance file has already been created.
  3. You access Bank data interchange. Select the Create file activity.
  4. On the Bank data interchange, Create file panel, complete the following fields:

    Enter the name of the file that should be used when saving the data. If you use the same name as an existing file, then you must confirm that you want to replace it.
    The system library where the file should be stored, as defined for the bank in Work with banks, is defaulted. The field can be changed.

    Click OK to create the bank remittance file. If a remittance file has already been created for the selected proposal, but the bank has not confirmed that the included payments have been processed, then the existing file will be updated with the new information, if the same file name is reused. A control list is created from the work file. If the payments have been processed, then the existing remittance file cannot be updated.

    A printout of the file information is automatically created based on the user’s default values for printout. You then send or resend the remittance file to the bank through the supplied third-party software, if it is installed. Otherwise, the bank data is stored locally.

    Exit the routine.

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